Author Archives: City of Biloxi

Reviving the Renaissance Kickoff Meeting

Here are the remarks that Mayor A.J. Holloway delivered at the kickoff meeting of the Reviving the Renaissance initiative, before an audience of about 700 on March 30, 2006 at the Saenger Theater in downtown Biloxi: Good evening, and thank you for being here for the kickoff meeting of our drive to Revive the Renaissance. […]

Renaissance outreach efforts underway

The U.S. Postal Service today is scheduled to begin delivering tri-lingual invitations to the city’s Reviving the Renaissance kick off meeting, which takes place Thursday night at 6 at the Saenger Theater in downtown Biloxi. All Biloxians are on the invite list. The city also has established a presence on its web site for the […]

Museum announces walk-on schedule for schooners

The Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum in Biloxi is now offering 2½-hour walk-on sails for individuals on the museums two 65’ wooden Biloxi schooners. Cost is $25 for adults or $10 for children, and major credit cards are accepted. Those interested may purchase tickets from the captain at the boat, about 15 minutes before sail […]

‘Extreme Makeover’ special airs tonight; other news, notes

ABC’s popular program “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” spotlights post-Katrina Biloxi and the Mississippi Gulf Coast in an hour-long special airing tonight before a nationwide, prime-time audience. In the first of a series of four one-hour specials, the “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” team heads to Biloxi to rebuild some cornerstones of the community, including a local […]

Renaissance committee to meet March 30 at Saenger

The Reviving the Renaissance Steering Committee, an initiative that Mayor A.J. Holloway announced at the State of the City address, will have its inaugural meeting Thursday, March 30 at 6 p.m. at the Saenger Theater in downtown Biloxi. The meeting is open to the public. Holloway, during his Feb. 23 State of the City address, […]

Gaming revenue inches nearer pre-Katrina level

Biloxi’s three casino resorts reported nearly $59 million in gross gaming revenue for the calendar month of February, amounting to nearly 72 percent of the business that the nine-resort strong industry in Biloxi did this time last year. The city on its web site today posted the calendar-month figures for February, and last week posted […]

MDOT to make I-110 highrise repairs Wednesday night

From the Mississippi Department of Transportation: JACKSON, Miss., Tuesday, March 14, 2006—According to Transportation Commission Chairman Wayne Brown, motorists traveling the I-110 Bridge should be aware of bridge repairs beginning Wednesday night, March 15th through Thursday, March 16th. MDOT officials will begin repair work on the I-110 Bridge on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. […]

Volunteer recognition ceremony set for April 27

The City of Biloxi will recognize individual, organizations and businesses that contribute their time and energy to helping others and making this a wonderful place to live. The citizens of Biloxi are invited to join Mayor A. J. Holloway and the Biloxi City Council in recognizing the outstanding volunteers in your organization for their leadership, […]

Main Street launches Brown Bag series on St. Pat’s Day

Main Street Biloxi will hold its first Brown Bag Lunch of the season Friday, March 17 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the new shoo fly on the Town Green. Entertaining will be The Broadmoors featuring Mark Schloegel. Admission is free. Those attending should bring their lunch, and Main Street will provide the soft […]

Deadline looms for free permits in Biloxi

Homeowners hoping to get free storm repair or rebuilding permits from the City of Biloxi have until March 21 to get the necessary plans turned in to the city’s Community Development Department. Homeowners have saved anywhere from $25 to $250 or more since the city waived the fees for storm-related permits in the wake of […]

Snyder center to provide shelter from weather

The City of Biloxi, in the face of forecasts of severe thunderstorms and winds as high as 30 mph this evening, will allow residents to seek shelter in the Donal Snyder Sr. Community Center in west Biloxi beginning later this afternoon through Friday morning. The National Weather Service and Biloxi emergency management leaders are recommending […]

MDOT inspection snarls I-110 traffic

Biloxi Police were forced to close access to the I-110 at U.S. 90 earlier today after a draw span inspection by Mississippi Department of Transportation workers backed up northbound motorists to the beachfront. Police first discovered that MDOT had reduced northbound traffic to one lane mid-morning and were told by MDOT that southbound traffic at […]

City re-opens nearly all U.S. 90 access points

Biloxi Police and Public Works crews today re-opened all but a handful of the more than 50 neighborhood streets that had been barricaded at U.S. 90 since Hurricane Katrina struck on Aug. 29. Those that remain barricaded: Eisenhower Drive, Acacia Avenue, Chalmers Drive, Caldwell Avenue, G.E. Ohr Street and Kuhn Street. Intersections had been closed […]

DVD, photo album due in two to three weeks

The city’s “Katrina & Biloxi” project, a 52-page soft-cover photo album and companion DVD, have grossed more than $60,000 in pre-orders, and the 50-minute documentary has captured a regional award. And, unfortunately, those who have pre-ordered face another two to three weeks before shipments will be delivered. Final proofs of the 52-page album are expected […]

Mardi Gras rolls into town this weekend

The downtown streets of Biloxi are easing into the Mardi Gras mode, beginning Saturday morning at 10 with the Children’s Mardi Gras Walking Parade, which expects to attract dozens of youngsters with parents in tow. In the event of rain, a gathering will be held in the Dukate Elementary Gym, north of the Biloxi Community […]

Holloway: Let’s revive the renaissance in Biloxi

Biloxians were in the midst of the most prosperous and promising era in the city’s 300-year history in the decade leading up to Hurricane Katrina, Mayor A.J. Holloway told a packed State of the City audience today, and the city is poised to realize even greater opportunity with its recovery effort. Holloway, speaking during a […]

Mayor outlines future for enthusiastic State of City audience

Biloxians were in the midst of the most prosperous and promising era in the city’s 300-plus-year history in the decade leading up to Hurricane Katrina, Mayor A.J. Holloway told a packed State of the City audience today, and the city is now poised to realize even greater opportunity with a well-planned recovery effort. Holloway’s remarks […]

Holloway to set course for next step in recovery

Mayor A.J. Holloway on Thursday plans to remind Biloxians of the unprecedented success that the city was enjoying before Hurricane Katrina and lay out a plan for how the community will now embark on a process that will lead to even greater prosperity. A capacity audience is expected for what will be Holloway’s 13th annual […]

See photos from Katrina Memorial

To see photographs of the recently dedicated Katrina Memorial, which is on Biloxi’s Town Green, click here.

Coast Guard OKs new U.S. 90 bridge

Mayor A.J. Holloway notified the Biloxi City Council this afternoon that he’d just learned that the U.S. Coast Guard has approved construction of a new high-rise bridge to link Biloxi and Ocean Springs. HGlloway, whose remarks were met with applause from the crowded City Council meeting, said that MDOT notified him shorly before the council’s […]

Council meets Tuesday morning, afternoon

The Biloxi City Council will hear suggestions on modular homes from two individuals, Chad Harvey and Steve Spyder, during a special meeting Tuesday at 10 a.m., and later that afternoon, at 1:30, the council will face an agenda that includes four measures involving the Bacaran Bay Casino Resort, proposed to be constructed on Caillavet Street. […]

Biloxi debris-removal efforts hit milestone

Biloxi’s debris-removal teams crossed the 2 million cubic-yard mark Wednesday, and Mayor A.J. Holloway says it appears that about 75 percent of the storm debris has been hauled from city streets and neighborhoods. “It has been and continues to be an arduous and time-consuming process,” Holloway said, “but residents throughout our city are seeing a […]

Public invited to candlelight vigil, unveiling of memorial

Producers of TV’s “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition,” who have been in Biloxi this week filming community projects for an upcoming prime-time special, are inviting the public to a candlelight vigil Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. on the Biloxi Town Green, where a Hurricane Katrina memorial will be unveiled. The Emmy-nominated ABC series, with an augience of […]

Lions to present award; St. Vincent DePaul up for donation

The Biloxi Lions Club, in keeping with a tradition dating back 75 years, will recognize a community-minded individual with the Biloxi Outstanding Citizen Award. The announcement, which will be made Wednesday during a noon luncheon at Mary Mahoney’s Old French House Restaurant, is an occasion where members of the Lions Club recognize “the Biloxi citizen […]

Biloxi sets March 1 as ROE deadline

The City of Biloxi has announced that property owners have until March 1 to sign right-of-entry agreements giving the city authority to remove debris from their property. Property owners may download a copy of the agreement from the city web site or clicking here. The forms, however, must be signed at the Community Development Department, […]

Biloxi chosen as host for Great American Cleanup day

Biloxi has been selected as host site for the national kickoff of the Great American Cleanup, an annual effort where the Keep America Beautiful campaign asks residents in communities across the country to spend the day picking up litter and sprucing up neighborhoods. The effort, which has become the signature event of the Keep America […]

Resorts report bustling business for January

The three Biloxi casino resorts that re-opened in late December took in more than $50 million in gross gaming revenues in January. That amount compares to the nearly $80 million a month that the city’s nine casino resorts would gross on any given month before the storm. “These figures prove that the hospitality industry in […]

Holloway leaves hospital, sends ‘warmest personal regards’

Mayor A.J. Holloway was released this morning from Biloxi Regional Medical Center, where he had gone Monday morning after an allergic reaction to antibiotics. Holloway was at home before noon and planned to return to work in a day or so. Holloway underwent a stress test this morning, which confirmed Monday afternoon’s electrocardiogram results that […]

City to again offer special seating for Mardi Gras Parades

The City of Biloxi will again provide special seating for disabled and frail, elderly residents to view the Gulf Coast Carnival Association afternoon parade on Feb. 28, Mardi Gras Day. The city is marking its 22nd year hosting the special protected seating area, which this year will be on the west side of Lameuse Street, […]

Holloway undergoing tests at Biloxi Regional

Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway is undergoing tests today at Biloxi Regional Medical Center, after appearing ashen and perspiring during a Monday morning staff meeting. Holloway was alert and sitting up when taken to Biloxi Regional, two blocks from City Hall. “He’s sitting up, talking,” Director of Administration David Staehling said, “and probably wondering if everyone’s […]

Holloway under observation after possible allergic reaction

Mayor A.J. Holloway will remain in Biloxi Regional Medical Center overnight for observation after tests performed this afternoon showed that he did not suffer a stroke or heart attack. Holloway entered the hospital for tests after appearing ashen and perspiring during a weekly Monday morning staff meeting. He remained alert and sitting up. The mayor […]

‘Butterknife’ team ready to hand over keys Saturday

A Biloxi couple whose North Bay home was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina will receive the keys to a new three-bedroom home Saturday afternoon, thanks to a group of volunteers from a church in a small midwestern town. A couple from the small town of Frederic, Wisc. visited Biloxi after the storm and were so moved […]

Most neighborhood streets remain barricaded at U.S. 90

Biloxi Police are reminding motorists that the majority of neighborhood streets connecting to U.S. 90 in Biloxi remain barricaded, and it is illegal for motorists to move or drive around a barricade. More than half of the 52 streets connecting to U.S. 90 in Biloxi remain barricaded along the beachfront, primarily in neighborhoods where debris […]

Holloway tells ‘Biloxi story’ to national audience

You can now see Mayor A.J. Holloway’s address to the 74th annual winter meeting of the U.S. Conference of Mayors last week in Washington, thanks to online video from the gathering. During his 16-minute presentation, the Biloxi mayor thanked the audience of more than 300 mayors for the many calls and e-mails offering assistance in […]

City passes 5,000 mark on permits since Katrina

The city’s Community Development Department has issued more than 5,000 permits covering $121 million in construction work or repairs in the five months since Hurricane Katrina struck. Mayor A.J. Holloway reports that 95 percent of the 5,033 permits were for storm-related repairs to homes or businesses, and that 78 percent of the $188 million in […]

Severe weather possible this evening

Biloxi residents are facing a chance of severe weather tonight, with winds that could gust up to 60 mph, heavy rain, and a chance for hail and tornadoes. Emergency management officials have announced that Jeff Davis Elementary School in Biloxi will be opened as a shelter for those who are concerned. The shelter will open […]

Coroner: Katrina claimed 53 in Biloxi

Harrison County Gary T. Hargrove today told the mayor and City Council that Hurricane Katrina had claimed 53 victims in Biloxi, as of this week. Hargrove, speaking during this afternoon’s City Council meeting, said that number could increase because as many as 400 persons are listed as missing countywide. Of the 53 confirmed fatalities in […]

CSX winding down rail-crossing work in Biloxi

CSX, which aims to have rail-crossing repairs completed this week in Biloxi, on Tuesday afternoon reported to the city the following status on upgrades and associated closings at its rail crossings in Biloxi Re-opened: Keller Avenue, Monday afternoon; Lee Street, this morning; Crawford and Oak streets, this afternoon. Scheduled to re-open Wednesday by 9 a.m. […]

Holloway: On building bridges and roads, let’s be practical

Mayor A.J. Holloway said Tuesday afternoon that Biloxi’s recovery efforts, the overall quality of life of residents and the daily commutes of tens of thousands of motorists are all being negatively impacted by the delays in constructing a new bridge between Biloxi and Ocean Springs. In a 1,000-word commentary released to media outlets and online, […]

On building bridges: Let’s get on the road to the future, which is now

Following is a guest editorial released to the media by Mayor A.J. Holloway on Tuesday, Jan. 31, for publication as soon as possible. By A.J. Holloway Mayor of Biloxi   A reporter asked me the other day if I thought the issue over a new bridge between Biloxi and Ocean Springs would be resolved anytime […]

Status of rail work; council to meet; DVD SRO

CSX, which aims to have rail-crossing repairs completed this week in Biloxi, on Monday afternoon reported to the city the following status on upgrades and associated closings at its rail crossings in Biloxi — Re-opened: Benachi Avenue. — Lee Street and Keller Avenue: re-open Tuesday by 9 a.m. — Oak Street: re-opens by noon Tuesday. […]

‘Katrina & Biloxi’ may have encore showing Sunday night

The city may have an encore showing of the documentary “Katrina & Biloxi,” Sunday evening at the Saenger Theater, based on interest generated by the initial airing of “Heaven’s Cry,” a song included in the documentary. The world premiere of the production is Sunday at 5:30 p.m. at the downtown Biloxi theater, and a second […]

Holloway to recap Washington visit

Mayor A.J. Holloway, one of three mayors of storm-stricken cities to address the U.S. Conference of Mayors this week, will speak about his presentation and Washington reception during an appearance this afternoon on WLOX-TV’s “4 O’Clock Show.” Holloway, along with Ray Nagin of New Orleans and Manuel A. Diaz. of Miami spoke Tuesday to hundreds […]

Audiences to get preview of “Katrina & Biloxi’

Residents of Biloxi and the Mississippi Gulf Coast will be getting their first glimpses of the city-commissioned documentary “Katrina & Biloxi,” during WLOX-TV’s “4 O’clock Show” this afternoon, and on Coast radio stations and in The Sun Herald Friday morning. The media outlets have been asked to preview the 50-minute production in advance of its […]

Latest status of CSX rail-crossings repairs

CSX, which aims to have rail-crossing repair work completed in Biloxi within a week, this afternoon at 5:15 provided this status on upgrades and associated closings at its rail crossings in Biloxi: — Iris Street: re-opens Friday by mid-morning — Rodenberg Avenue: re-opened this morning — Veterans Avenue: re-opens Friday by mid-morning. — Bohn Street: […]

Holloway addresses U.S. mayors on recovery

Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway and leaders of New Orleans and Miami this morning are discussing the hurricane recovery efforts in their cities during remarks to hundreds of mayors from across the country, who are in Washington through Friday for the U.S. Conference of Mayors in Washington, D.C. “The key to our recovery,” Holloway told convention […]

Status of CSX rail crossings in Biloxi

CSX this afternoon at 4:15 provided this status on upgrades and associated closings at its rail crossings in Biloxi: — Eisenhower Drive: re-opened today shortly after noon. — Iris Street: closed until Thursday afternoon. — Rodenberg Avenue: closed until Thursday at 8 a.m. — Veterans Avenue: closed until Thursday afternoon. — Oak Street: re-opened today […]

Presentation to U.S. Conference of Mayors, Washington, D.C. Jan. 25, 2006

Here is the text, as prepared, of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s remarks at the opening session of the 74th Winter Meeting of The United States Conference of Mayors, delivered Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C. To see the speech, click here. Thank you for inviting me here today to speak to […]

CSX updates status of rail crossing work

CSX this morning provided this status report on upgrades and associated closings at its rail crossings Biloxi: — DeBuys Road: scheduled to re-open this afternoon, around dusk. — Eisenhower Drive: scheduled to re-open Wednesday afternoon. — Iris Street: closed this morning and will remain closed as long as 48 hours. — Veterans and Robenberg avenues: […]

CSX provides late-afternoon status of rail crossing work

CSX this afternoon (5:15) provided this status report on upgrades and associated closings at its rail crossings Biloxi: — DeBuys Road: scheduled to re-open this afternoon, around dusk. — Eisenhower Drive: scheduled to re-open Wednesday afternoon. — Iris Street: closed until Thursday afternoon, weather permitting. — Veterans and Robenberg avenues: scheduled to close Wednesday, as […]

CSX expands rail crossing work

CSX has announced that it expects to re-open the DeBuys Road crossing late Tuesday afternoon and re-open the Eisenhower Drive crossing Wednesday. CSX had closed the crossings today to make storm-related repairs. Additionally, CSX plans to close the crossings at Iris Street, and Veterans and Rodenberg avenues as early as Tuesday at 7 a.m. for […]

Children’s Mardi Gras parade set for Feb. 25

The City of Biloxi and the Mardi Gras Museum invite children ages 12 and under to participate in the annual children’s Mardi Gras walking parade, which takes place Saturday, Feb. 25 at 10 a.m. in downtown Biloxi. This is a non motorized parade; bicycles, skates, skateboards, scooters and wagons are acceptable. Children are encouraged to […]

DeBuys, Eisenhower crossings to close for upgrades

CSX has notified the City of Biloxi that on Monday at 7 a.m. it will close the rail crossings at DeBuys Road and Eisenhower Drive in west Biloxi for as long as 48 hours in order to make storm-related repairs. The work is part of the railway’s effort to restore sections of its Mississippi Gulf […]

The ‘Luna Sea’ leaves Lameuse Street

The “Luna Sea,” a 48-foot green steel-hulled shrimp boat that survived the driving winds and pounding seas of Hurricane Katrina to become a backdrop for most national news shows broadcasting from Biloxi, has been moved from its spot on Lameuse Street and returned to the water. Crews hired by Harvey Shows, captain and owner of […]

Carnival to roll Feb. 28 in Biloxi

The streets of Biloxi will host one instead of three Mardi Gras parades this year, but organizers with Gulf Coast Carnival Association say that the 1 p.m. parade on Tuesday, Feb. 28 will be just as large as those of past years. “We’ve had a very positive response,” said Captain of Carnival Jerry Munro. “Last […]

Washington Post: ‘Good bet on Biloxi’

Following is a column that appeared under the headline “Good bet on Biloxi” on the Washington Post op-ed page on Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2005. By Eugene Robinson Tuesday, January 17, 2006; A17 BILOXI, Miss. — An hour’s drive west of here, the City Formerly Known as New Orleans wasn’t destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. New Orleans […]

‘Katrina & Biloxi’ DVD to premiere Jan. 29

The world premiere of “Katrina & Biloxi: A story of resolve and resilience” will be Sunday, Jan. 29 at 5:30 p.m. in the Saenger Theater in downtown Biloxi. The free event will be open to the public, with seating in the 1,000-seat theater on a first-come, first-served basis. No tickets will be required. The premiere […]

MLK parade rolls Monday in Biloxi

The Biloxi branch of the NAACP will stage the city’s annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade on Monday beginning at 11 a.m. The parade, as usual, will begin on Howard Avenue in front of the Biloxi Community Center and will wind its way around MLK Boulevard through downtown. This year, however, the Battle […]

City Council eyes condo, zoning issues Tuesday

The Biloxi City Council will meet twice on Tuesday, with a 10 a.m. special-called meeting to discuss increasing the number of condominium units allowed in individual developments, followed by a 1:30 p.m. meeting to discuss, among other issues, a request to re-zone land on an eastern portion of Back Bay to allow casino resorts. Both […]

Developing a clear vision of future is next challenge

This is a column that Mayor A.J. Holloway was asked to write for The Bay Press newspaper. By A.J. Holloway Mayor of Biloxi For the past month or so, Biloxians have read and heard numerous reports about long-term rebuilding and recovery plans for our community. Since the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, we have promised that […]

Holloway on future; other news and notes

Biloxi is closing out 2005 in historic fashion – with two resorts now offering shore-based gaming – but Mayor A.J. Holloway says one of his goals in 2006 is to spark more-focused public discussion on the city’s long-term recovery. In a front-page column published today in The Bay Press, Holloway says that while residents of […]

City nears halfway mark on debris removal; other news

Biloxi has cleared nearly half of the storm debris from city streets and neighborhoods, and on Friday afternoon the city will hold a public hearing that will lead to the clearing of debris from as many as 2,000 properties stretching the length of the Biloxi peninsula. The public hearing, which will begin at 1:30 p.m. […]

Mayor worried about lingering debate over U.S. 90 bridge

Mayor A.J. Holloway said late this afternoon that he is troubled by news that a proposal to construct a new U.S. 90 bridge linking Biloxi and Ocean Springs is still being debated in some quarters. WLOX-TV told Holloway this afternoon that Ocean Springs Mayor Connie Moran had withdrawn her support for a proposed six-lane high-rise […]

Popp’s Ferry ribbon-cutting is Friday at 10 a.m.

Mayor A.J. Holloway will join Rick Webster of Key Constructors, members of the Biloxi City Council, and representatives of MDOT and the Federal Highway Administration Friday morning at 10 a.m. to cut a ribbon to formally re-open the Popp’s Ferry bridge to motorists. The bridge, which had been closed to vehicles since Aug. 29 when […]

U.S. 90 in Biloxi to fully open Wednesday at 10 a.m.

All lanes of U.S. 90 in Biloxi – from the tip of the peninsula at Point Cadet to the city’s westernmost boundary at DeBuys Road – will re-open to traffic Wednesday morning at 10, marking a milestone in the city’s Hurricane Katrina recovery efforts. Biloxi’s debris removal crews this morning were moving a 40-foot tall […]

City Council to meet twice Tuesday

The Biloxi City Council will hold a special meeting Tuesday morning at 10 to hear a report on future development, primarily along U.S. 90 in west Biloxi, which is related to an issue the council will be discussing during its 1:30 meeting on Tuesday afternoon. Both meetings are open to the public and will be […]

Christmas on Water; traffic update; NY Times, casino times

The promoter of this weekend’s Christmas on the Water boat parade, announced today that the event has been pushed back one day – to Sunday at 6 p.m. off the waterfront between the Biloxi Lighthouse and Point Cadet Marina. Rusty David made the change because of forecasts for inclement weather on Saturday night. The parade, […]

All lanes of U.S. 90 in Biloxi set for Dec. 21 re-opening

All lanes of U.S. 90 in Biloxi – from Debuys Road to the tip of Point Cadet – will re-open to traffic on Wednesday, Dec. 21, Mayor A.J. Holloway announced this afternoon, after meeting with the city’s debris removal teams and public safety department heads. Holloway, who has been pushing since mid-September for the Biloxi […]

Severe thunderstorms, wind gusts expected this evening

Biloxi residents should prepare for a cold and rainy evening this evening, with inclement weather expected through Thursday morning. The heaviest storm activity is expected to pass through the area between 6 tonight and 6 Thursday morning, with a cold front arriving around midnight. Between 2 and 4 inches of rain is expected, with winds […]

Training on cleaning mold scheduled in Biloxi

Hands-on, professional mold remediation training will be offered this week in Biloxi for leaders of volunteer groups now working on the Gulf coast. Sessions will take place Wednesday, Thursday and Friday beginning at 9 a.m. Travis Tassey, a mold specialist with 17 years of experience and owner of ADE Environmental in Los Angeles, will demonstrate […]

City to advertise final areas for debris removal

This week, the city will be publishing notices to inform owners of property from DeBuys Road in west Biloxi to Oak Street in east Biloxi that the city may need to remove storm debris from their property. The eight-page notice, which will be published Thursday in the Sun Herald and Friday in The Bay Press, […]

City Council faces condo, bridge issues

The Biloxi City Council, during its meeting on Tuesday at 1:30 p.m., will face a host of resolutions involving condominium proposals that had been in the works before Hurricane Katrina, and council members also will consider voicing their support for a six-lane bridge to link Biloxi and Ocean Springs. The meeting is open to the […]

U.S. 90 in Biloxi to open to two-way traffic Saturday

After meeting this afternoon with debris-removal contractors, MDOT and public safety leaders, Mayor A.J. Holloway has announced that the two southernmost lanes of U.S. 90 in Biloxi — from Debuys Road to Porter Avenue – will open to two-way traffic on Saturday morning at 10. The two northernmost lanes of the highway will be open […]

Team Wal-mart expected to roll in this afternoon

The Team Wal-mart caravan of bike-riding store managers and support vehicles is expected to roll into Biloxi via U.S. 90 this afternoon between 2 and 2:30, bringing down the curtain on a 300-mile trek that crisscrossed the Mississippi Gulf Coast to raise money for the Salvation Army to provide 100,000 bikes for Christmas. The group, […]

Time running out for free storm-related permits

The city’s Community Development Department, which has saved Biloxi homeowners anywhere from $25 to $250 by waiving fees for storm-related building permits, will resume charging for building permits after the first of the year. Mayor A.J. Holloway, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, had ordered that fees be abolished for any city-issued permits for residential […]

Good news on Popp’s Ferry, U.S. 90 repair work

Mayor A.J. Holloway said this afternoon that the Popp’s Ferry bridge in west Biloxi could re-open by the end of this month, more than a month ahead of its original schedule. And, Holloway said, the city has been assured by the Mississippi Department of Transportation that all lanes of U.S. 90 in Biloxi will be […]

Q&A with Mayor on 100 days after storm

Does Biloxi have a city hall back? City Hall re-opened a couple of weeks after the storm. Prior to that, mayor’s staff operated out of Public Safety Center, which became the defacto center of operations for city government while electricity was being restored at City Hall. City Hall sustained some water damage as a result […]

City encouraging residents to sign ROEs

The City of Biloxi is in the process of preparing public notices to be published for the removal of storm debris from as many as 4,250 parcels of property in areas from the city’s western boundary at DeBuys Road to Lee Street in east Biloxi. However, while those legally required notices are being prepared, the […]

Louisville group heads to Biloxi for children’s party

“Operation Win for Kids,” a project of a Louisville, Ky.-based children’s non-profit charitable group, has a toy-filled 18-wheeler en route to Biloxi for a Christmas party on Saturday, Dec. 10 in a neighborhood park on Benachi Avenue, just east of the Lopez-Quave Public Safety Center. The party, which would move inside the public safety center […]

Truckload of toys; agenda of issues; bike, schooner reports

An 18-wheeler packed with more than $75,000 worth of children’s toys and treats from Louisville, Ky. is expected to arrive in Biloxi later this week, in time for a Saturday morning Christmas party at a city park near the Lopez-Quave Public Safety Center. “Operation Win for Kids” is the project of The Winner’s Circle for […]

ABC scheduled to include Biloxi segment

“ABC World News Tonight Sunday” is scheduled to air a segment on the ongoing recovery efforts in Biloxi and surrounding communities during its national newscast this evening. David Kerley, one of the network’s Washington, D.C.-based reporters, was in Biloxi last week conducting interviews for the story. Back Bay ‘condotel’ on council agenda Tuesday A proposal […]

Team Wal-mart launches historic bike drive

The largest bicycle drive in U.S. history began its weeklong 300-mile trek in Biloxi this morning, with 10 Wal-mart managers and a host of corporate sponsors kicking off a route that will travel the Mississippi coastline from Alabama to Louisiana before retuning to Biloxi Friday afternoon. Retail giant Wal-mart is working with the Salvation Army […]

Seafood Museum offers Christmas excursion

The Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum is offering the public a chance to sail aboard a Biloxi schooner for the Christmas on the Water Boat Parade on Saturday, Dec. 17. Tickets are $25 for adults and $10 for children ages 3-12. The schooner will depart Point Cadet Marina at 4:30 p.m. to rendezvous with the […]

Weather Channel spotlights Biloxi

Jim Cantore of the Weather Channel, who interviewed Mayor A.J. Holloway hours before Hurricane Katrina made landfall Aug. 29, will revisit the issue with the Biloxi mayor during a live interview this afternoon at 3. The Weather Channel is in Biloxi to mark the close of the 2005 hurricane season, which is today.

U.S. 90 in Biloxi aiming for Dec. 15 opening

Biloxi police are hoping to minimize traffic congestion on DeBuys Road as a result of Gulfport’s plan to open two lanes of U.S. 90 to traffic on Thursday. Police are advising eastbound motorists traveling U.S. 90 in Gulfport to turn north onto Cowan Road since U.S. 90 will remain closed in Biloxi. “Cowan offers four […]

Newsletter in the works for Biloxi residents

Residents will be getting an update on the city’s continuing recovery efforts in an eight-page newsletter scheduled to begin arriving in mailboxes throughout the city within the next week. The December issue of “Storm Recovery News” will be the second citywide mailout since Hurricane Katrina, which decimated Biloxi and the Gulf Coast 13 weeks ago […]

City Council to meet Tuesday afternoon

A request for a zoning change on Irish Hill Drive at St. Jude Street to allow construction of a 12-unit condominium development is among the half-dozen zoning issues on the City Council agenda for its meeting Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at City Hall. Also on the agenda is a request to allow the Catholic Diocese […]

Police suggest routes for Edgewater Mall traffic

The Biloxi Police Department is asking motorists to help minimize the traffic congestion expected near Edgewater Mall Friday and throughout the Thanksgiving weekend, the traditional kickoff of the holiday shopping season. Police have posted signs on Pass Road asking that Gulfport motorists traveling to the mall use DeBuys Road and C.T. Switzer Sr. Drive, and […]

City accepting orders for Katrina photo album, DVD

The City of Biloxi today is launching online and mail-order sales for a commemorative DVD and photo album chronicling the destruction of Hurricane Katrina and the city’s inspirational recovery efforts. The DVD and photo album, which can be purchased individually or as a package, will be available in January, but Christmas shoppers placing online or […]

Popp’s Ferry bridge may open around first of year

Motorists may be able to resume traveling across the Popp’s Ferry bridge around the first of the year, a month ahead of schedule, Mayor A.J. Holloway announced this afternoon. Holloway said Key Constructors, a Madison firm that was awarded a $7.65 million repair contract barely a month ago, has had a 20-person crew working as […]

‘Christmas in the City’ bows Dec. 3

Events for the whole family, including a chance to make new holiday ornaments, will highlight the Saturday, Dec. 3 Christmas in the City celebration in downtown Biloxi. The event, sponsored by Biloxi Main Street, begins with a Children’s Christmas Walking Parade at 9 a.m., sponsored by the Christmas on the Water Committee. For information on […]

President extends FEMA reimbursement for communities

President Bush today made additional disaster assistance available to Mississippi by extending 100 percent federal funding for some debris removal and certain emergency protective measures. Debris removal and emergency protective measures, including those involving direct federal assistance, will be reimbursed at 100 percent of the costs incurred through the new deadline of Jan. 15. These […]

City Council faces four meetings Tuesday

The Biloxi City Council starts a day of meetings Tuesday morning at 10 with a meeting that council members called to discuss amendments to master plans for the Isle of Capri Casino Resort and the Palace Casino Resort, two Point Cadet resorts that are aiming to re-open their doors to the public shortly after Christmas. […]

Anaheim Care-A-Van rolls into Biloxi Monday

The Anaheim Kindness Care-A-Van will arrive on the Gulf Coast to deliver nearly 1,000 toys Nov. 21 and 22 to hundreds of children impacted by hurricanes since August. The toys — donated by Anaheim residents, businesses and city employees — will be distributed to children in Biloxi on Nov. 21 and at Audubon Zoo in […]

FEMA releases advisory flood maps

FEMA today released a series of high-resolution maps that detail Hurricane Katrina flooding and provide data intended to help local leaders enact building codes that will minimize the risk of flooding. The maps, which FEMA hopes local governments will eventually adopt, would be used to create the new Flood Insurance Rate Maps, which have not […]

Grand Forks extends helping hand to Biloxi

Congressman Earl Pomeroy (D-ND), along with Grand Forks (N.D.) Mayor Mike Brown, will lead a group of Grand Forks’ community leaders to Biloxi Nov. 18. During the visit the group will share valuable experience, gained during the 1997 flood of Grand Forks, with Biloxi city leaders as the city continues to recover from Hurricane Katrina. […]

HUD plans informational meeting for developers

Developers and those who play a role in development can learn about a host of available federal programs and support during a briefing by representatives of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Friday (Nov. 18) from 9:30 a.m. to noon at City Hall in Biloxi. During the free session, HUD staffers will provide […]

HUD ‘A-Team’ to be on hand for Friday session

Local developers, bankers and builders will have a chance Friday morning to get answers from a team of federal authorities led by HUD’s chief of field policy management and the agency’s southeastern director. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is hoping for a good turnout during a informational session Friday from 9:30 a.m. […]

Holloway tells gaming audience of new potential in Biloxi

Here is the prepared text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s remarks to the Mississippi Gaming Commission, made during the commission’s Nov. 17, 2005 meeting at Imperial Palace in Biloxi. Good morning and thank you for inviting me here to update you on the Hurricane Katrina recovery here in Biloxi. First let me say this: I have […]

Wal-Mart to launch bike drive for storm-ravaged Coast

Wal-Mart is teaming up with the Salvation Army for a history-making Christmas project that promises to provide 100,000 bicycles for children in the hurricane-ravaged communities along the Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana coastlines. “Merry Christmas, Gulf Coast: Bicycles or Bust,” which would be the largest bicycle drive in history, would take place Dec. 3-9, when 10 […]

Fire Department issues wintertime safety advice

The Biloxi Fire Department, which sees an increase in fire calls at the outset of winter each year, is reminding residents to take steps to minimize the risk of inadvertently igniting household fires. The fire department’s advice coincides with this afternoon’s announcement by the National Weather Service that a freeze warning is in effect from […]

Holiday heads up: Main Street plans downtown events

Biloxi Main Street is hosting the second annual Christmas in the City celebration in downtown Biloxi on Saturday, Dec. 2 from 9:30 to 4:30 p.m. “We are looking forward to having a Christmas festival down the Vieux Marche featuring vendors from all over, says Kay Miller, director of Main Street. “There will be great entertainment, […]

FAQ regarding city’s debris-removal plan

Q: I’ve read where the city intends to remove debris from private residential property in the areas of Point Cadet, Eagle Point and Holly Hills. How is the process going to work? A: Initially, the city identified Point Cadet, Eagle Point and Holly Hills as areas where it intended to enter private residential property to […]

Planning Commission seeks input on regulations

The Biloxi Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on Thursday (Nov. 17) to seek input on whether to revise the city’s ordinances governing standards for condominiums and waterfront development. The hearing, which begins at 2 p.m. at City Hall, was prompted by a request from the City Council several weeks ago for the Planning […]

Residents may conduct city business on Veterans Day

Mayor A.J. Holloway has announced that key city departments will be open for business at their usual hours on Friday, even though Veterans Day is customarily a holiday. Residents will be able to apply for building or temporary trailer permits or obtain zoning information at the Community Development Department, which is on Dr. Martin Luther […]

Debris removal efforts to expand in east Biloxi

Mayor A.J. Holloway next week will ask the Biloxi City Council to expand the Hurricane Katrina debris-removal efforts to include more private property in east Biloxi. The issue is one of several on the agenda for the City Council meeting on Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at City Hall. The meeting is open to the public. […]

Biloxi pools, Farmers Market set to re-open

Next week, the city’s Parks and Recreation Department will re-open the Biloxi Natatorium, along with several programs at the Donal Snyder Sr. Community Center and will resume operation of the Biloxi Farmers Market at a new location. Here are details on each: Biloxi Natatorium re-opens Monday The Biloxi Natatorium, which received minor roof damage as […]

Debris-removal teams reach milestone in Biloxi

Biloxi’s debris-removal crews today reached a milestone: More than 1 million cubic yards of storm debris have now been removed from city streets and neighborhoods. The achievement comes on Day 60 of the city’s debris-removal efforts, but Mayor A.J. Holloway said that much work remains to be done. “Our debris-removal teams and the debris monitors […]

Council meets this afternoon at 1:30

The Biloxi City Council, during its regularly scheduled meeting this afternoon, will consider the purchase of new and replacement radios and video systems for the Biloxi Police Department. Councilmembers also will be asked to continue the state of emergency declaration, which has been in place since preparations originally began for Hurricane Katrina. To read the […]

Casino resorts plan to begin re-opening in December

Mayor A.J. Holloway has announced that the city’s casino resort industry, which attracted millions of visitors and employed thousands of workers in Biloxi, will begin re-opening to the public in a matter of weeks. Holloway said he has been encouraged by discussions with representatives of the nine casino resorts in Biloxi. “It’s been about 60 […]

Debris hearing; youth leagues; FEMA campers; news, notes

City to hold Eagle Point debris hearing Owners of residential property in the Eagle Point area will have a chance on Friday afternoon to appeal the city’s intent to remove hurricane debris that poses a threat to public safety or public health. The city will hold a hearing on Eagle Point properties Friday at 1:30 […]

FEMA, temporary housing on council agenda Tuesday

FEMA representatives are scheduled to brief the Biloxi City Council on Tuesday about plans for new flood elevations in Biloxi. The briefing will be included in the council’s 1:30 p.m. meeting, which takes place at City Hall. Representatives of the Federal Emergency Management Agency had notified the city’s Community Development Department weeks ago that new […]

Parks and Recreation Department plans winter season

Winter is just around the corner and for the Parks and Recreation Department this means time for winter sports. The city’s winter sports begin this year with soccer and basketball. “Hurricane Katrina caused some type of damage to every one of the city’s parks”, said Greg Eleuterius, Biloxi’s Parks and Recreation Athletic Specialist. “Most of […]

City making progress on Point Cadet, Eagle Point debris

The City of Biloxi has begun removing debris from privately-owned residential properties on Point Cadet where owners have signed right-of-entry agreements, and notices advising Eagle Point property owners about pending debris-removal efforts in that north Biloxi community are in today’s editions of The Bay Press and Sun Herald. The efforts are part of the city’s […]

Sports group to provide meals from Community Center

Residents can pick up free meals at the Biloxi Community Center on Howard Avenue next week, thanks to Overtime Sports, Game Time Concessions and Diamond Concessions. The three groups will provide as many as 700 meals a day, beginning with a 6 p.m. dinner on Monday, Oct. 24, and continuing with an 8 a.m. breakfast, […]

Answers to your questions about city’s debris removal plan

Q: I’ve read where the city intends to remove debris from private residential property in the areas of Point Cadet, Eagle Point and Holly Hills. How is the process going to work? A: At this point, the city has identified Point Cadet, Eagle Point and Holly Hills as areas where it intends to enter private […]

Traffic update: Popp’s Ferry contract; U.S. 90 access to I-110

Popp’s Ferry bridge could re-open to traffic in about 100 days under the terms of a $7.65 million contract the City of Biloxi awarded this afternoon. Key LLC, a Madison, Miss. firm, had the lowest of three bids submitted for the project, which would see repairs to the two-lane bridge that carried as many as […]

City trims half of discretionary spending

The Biloxi City Council this morning cut about half of the budgeted $4.9 million in discretionary spending, eliminating funding for special events, museums, and social service and community groups. However, council members, who unanimously supported the measure, said groups could appeal the decision on a case-by-case basis in hearings to be scheduled in the future. […]

City Council to discuss budget Tuesday morning

The Biloxi City Council has called a special meeting for Tuesday at 11 a.m. to discuss amending the FY ‘06 municipal budget, which had been approved days before Hurricane Katrina struck on Aug. 29. The council also will meet Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 p.m., where council members will be asked to continue the state of […]

City to advertise Point properties for debris removal

The City of Biloxi will be giving formal notice to Point Cadet property owners on Friday of plans to begin removing storm debris from privately owned residential property east of Oak Street and south of the CSX Railway. Full-page notices listing parcel numbers, addresses and owners of record of nearly 500 parcels are scheduled to […]

Police to allow I-110 loop access at Porter

Motorists in Biloxi looking to cross the I-110 bridge may be able to avoid congestion on Division Street and Howard Avenue starting Wednesday afternoon at 2:30, when Biloxi Police will allow drivers to access U.S. 90 at Porter Avenue and travel eastward to the I-110 loop. The U.S. 90 access at Porter will allow motorists […]

FEMA releases preliminary info on new flood elevation

(From WLOX and Associated Press reports) The Federal Emergency Management Agency said Friday that it’s putting out interim flood elevation maps to help hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast communities make early rebuilding decisions. Analysts have decided that the old flood elevation levels were 3 to 8 feet too low in the three coastal counties of Hancock, Harrison […]

FEMA to set flood elevations; more TV, video coverage

The Federal Emergency Management Agency announced today that that it’s putting out interim flood elevation maps to help hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast communities make early rebuilding decisions. The new flood maps propose to increase the flood elevation – the height at which there is a one percent chance of flooding annually – to help reduce the […]

Holloway sees good news on two fronts

Mayor A.J. Holloway says Biloxians should be encouraged by promising news on two important issues – the countdown to the re-opening of the Popp’s Ferry bridge in west Biloxi and news that the real-estate development community is apparently not letting Hurricane Katrina derail proposals for hundreds of millions of dollars in condominium development. On Friday, […]

All northbound lanes of I-110 now open to traffic

Biloxi Police report that all northbound lanes of traffic are now open on the Interstate 110 bridge, but motorists exiting at Rodriguez Street in D’Iberville may face delays at peak times until traffic signals replace a four-way stop now at that ramp. Traffic on many downtown Biloxi streets was snarled Wednesday about 6 p.m. when […]

Public housing: 400 families displaced, $38.5 million in damage

The Housing Authority of the City of Biloxi has released a report detailing more than $38.5 million in storm damage, and authority leaders say that more than 400 families have been relocated from the seven public housing sites throughout the city. The 23-page report also said that Hope VI, the much-heralded $35-million-plus affordable housing initiative […]

Holloway responds to gaming bill being sent to governor

Mayor A.J. Holloway, who has been at the state capitol throughout the day today, issued the following statement after the legislature this afternoon sent to the governor a bill that would allow casinos to operate 800 feet onshore. “With the signing of this bill, we in Biloxi now have a major tool to RESURRECT the […]

Red Cross, FEMA open sites in east Biloxi

Residents in east Biloxi now have more storm-recovery assistance just around the corner. The American Red Cross this morning set up a financial aid station at the Biloxi Community Center on Howard Avenue, where a host of volunteers also are continuing to provide free medical care, canned and dry food, prepared meals, infant supplies, bedding […]

Major repairs to flood-zone homes may trigger code issues

Homeowners with significantly damaged property in a flood zone will be required to make sure their homes fully comply with flood regulations before the city can issue a building permit for repairs, according to FEMA regulations. Community Development Director Jerry Creel said some property owners may find that their homes had been constructed before standards […]

City lifts curfew; motorists should exercise caution, patience

Mayor A.J. Holloway this afternoon lifted the 11 p.m.-to-6 a.m. curfew that had been in effect in Biloxi since Hurricane Katrina struck Aug. 29. Holloway made the decision after consulting Police Chief Bruce Dunagan and Assistant Chief Rodney McGilvary. “We’ve lifted the curfew,” Holloway said, “but motorists should continue to use caution since so many […]

Good news: Boil-water notice lifted in Biloxi

Mayor A.J. Holloway and the Mississippi Department of Health announced this afternoon that the boil-water notice, which had been in effect for Biloxi residents south of the Bay since Aug. 29, has been lifted. All water supplied by the City of Biloxi is now safe for drinking. “This is a significant step in this city’s […]

Video of devastated library now online

You can get a first-hand report on the damage and restoration efforts at the Biloxi Public Library in downtown Biloxi through a video clip now posted on the city web site. Biloxi librarian Charlene Longino narrates the video. The library — which in 1976 won national recognition for its design – is prominently featured in […]

More than half of students return to classroom

Biloxi Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Paul Tisdale said he was encouraged to see that more than half of the students enrolled before Hurricane Katrina were back in school today, the first day of class since the storm struck Aug. 29. A total of 3,167 students attended this morning, compared to 6,125 enrolled before the storm. […]

Debris removal teams nearing completion of first pass

“It’s been going great,” Brian Fulton says of the ongoing task of removing storm debris from city rights of way. “The contractors are nearing completion of the first pass of the entire city, and the second pass will begin later this week.” Fulton is with Neel-Shaffer Inc., a firm the city hired to oversee its […]

City asks legislature to OK gaming zones

The Biloxi City Council this afternoon voted unanimously to ask the state legislature to allow on-shore gaming in Biloxi, but limited to a proposal by Mayor A.J. Holloway that would base locations on existing casino-zoned areas in the city. Under the proposal, any on-shore casino would be no more than 800 feet from the water. […]

Evacuation recommnded for low-lying areas

The Harrison County Emergency Management Agency, acting on behalf of county and city leaders, this afternoon recommended that residents evacuate low-lying areas to avoid possible rising tides and winds associated with Hurricane Rita. The storm, which is approaching the Texas-Louisiana coastling, could cause a five- to eight-foot storm surge, three to five inches of rain, […]

Firefighters battle smoldering fire at Hard Rock barge

About two dozen firefighters are working this evening to extinguish remnants of an afternoon fire that construction workers sparked while working on the collapsed roof of the storm-ravaged Hard Rock casino barge. Fire Chief David Roberts, who expected firefighters to be on the scene through daybreak Thursday, said the fire was reported at 5:02 p.m. […]

Measure proposes clearing of property on Point Cadet

Biloxi’s debris-removal workers could clear storm debris from private property on Point Cadet under a measure passed by the City Council this afternoon. The resolution, which was proposed by Mayor A.J. Holloway and approved unanimously by council members, sets up a FEMA-approved mechanism where city debris teams would enter private property to clear debris or […]

Crews complete 75 percent of first debris sweep

Biloxi’s debris-removal teams, who have been working 12-hour days since Sept. 11, had covered three fourths of their first sweep of the city and hauled more than 150,000 cubic yards of debris as of this afternoon, enough debris to cover a football field and stand seven stories high. More than 300 trucks are hauling debris […]

Agencies working to get relief news to east Biloxi residents

Vietnamese churches and business leaders are being asked this weekend to help distribute information about the Disaster Recovery Centers operating in Biloxi and in Ocean Springs. “It’s been quite difficult to find a way to get information to those in east Biloxi because of the total devastation,” Mayor A.J. Holloway said this afternoon. “There’s no […]

What does it take to rebuild a city?

Here is a wide-ranging response Mayor A.J. Holloway gave reporter Jerry Mitchell of the Clarion-Ledger newspaper in response to the question “What does it take to rebuild a city?” The exchange occurred on Sept. 17, 2005, about three weeks after Katrina struck. This storm has been totally devastating for Biloxi and the Mississippi Gulf Coast. […]

Mayor encouraged by President, senators

Mayor A.J. Holloway says he’s encouraged and optimistic after meeting with Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and other senators in Biloxi this afternoon, and after listening to President Bush’s nationwide address Thursday night, which included a promise of federal funding for an unprecedented, long-term recovery effort for hurricane-stricken areas. “I feel very good,” Holloway said […]

Recovery News: FEMA to open recovery center at Snyder

With few east Biloxi buildings large enough to provide sufficient space to house a Disaster Recovery Center, FEMA has been forced to open its Biloxi office at the Donal Snyder Sr. Community Center on Pass Road, and the City of Biloxi and Coast Transit Authority have established free shuttle service for east Biloxi residents to […]

Holloway outlines recovery effort

“Biloxi is on the way back,” Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway said this morning, noting that Mississippi Power had restored electricity over the weekend to all its eligible customers, city water service is available to Biloxi water customers, and hundreds of workers have been removing storm debris from rights-of-way throughout Biloxi. “The recovery began in the […]

A New Day newsletter

To see a copy of a newsletter that was distributed by first responders and relief workers on Sept. 5, 2005, seven days after the storm, click here.

A New Day newsletter

To see a copy of a newsletter that was distributed by first responders and relief workers on Sept. 4, 2005, six days after the storm, click here.

A New Day newsletter

To see a copy of a newsletter that was distributed by first responders and relief workers on Sept. 3, 2005, five days after the storm, click here.

Evacuation ordered for Zones A, B; shelters open at noon

A mandatory evacuation has been ordered for Zones A and B, plus any mobile homes or buildings countywide that cannot withstand hurricane-force winds. A mandatory evacuation is a legal order to all people in impacted areas, directing them to leave those locales and seek shelter elsewhere. To see a map of the evacuation zones, visit […]

Biloxians face 9 p.m. curfew, hours of rising wind and water

The City of Biloxi, facing a night of rising tides and winds that could reach 175 mph Monday morning, will be under a curfew beginning tonight at 9 and until further notice, Mayor A.J. Holloway has announced, joining the curfew plans announced by Harrison County. Biloxi police officers plan to stop and question any motorists […]

Katrina Q&A with Mayor A.J. Holloway

Here are comments from Mayor A.J. Holloway, as reported tonight at 10:45 CT. What is the status of things in Biloxi at the moment? We have a fire department of about 200 firefighters, and two-thirds of those people – two of our three shifts – are on duty now, and our police department has also […]

Storm shelters to open Sunday afternoon

The following public hurricane shelters will open in Harrison County Sunday at 4 p.m. BILOXI: North Bay Elementary, 1825 Popps Ferry Rd., Biloxi; Biloxi Junior High School, 1424 Father Ryan Ave., Biloxi. GULFPORT: Gulfport Central Elementary School, 1043 Pass Road, Gulfport; West Elementary School, 4051 15th St., Gulfport; Good Deeds Community Center, 15101 Madison St., […]

City, county urge residents to prepare for Kat

Mayor A.J. Holloway is joining county Emergency Management Agency officials in urging residents to begin making preparations for Hurricane Katrina. “This is a killer storm,” Holloway said this afternoon, “and people need to be working their personal storm plans – making sure their vehicles are fueled up, securing their property, and strongly consider evacuating to […]

Casinos to close this evening; hotel guests OK for tonight

The Mississippi Gaming Commission has ordered that Coast casinos close to the public Sunday at 2 a.m., and that casino personnel have all closing procedures — accounting, security and safety measures – completed by noon Sunday. Gaming Commission director Larry Gregory told the newspaper at 6:15 p.m. that he had directed his staff to notify […]

Mayor applauds BRAC decision on Keesler

Mayor A.J. Holloway said this afternoon he is pleased with the BRAC decision to not reduce the level of services at Keesler Medical Center. “I’m delighted with the news — for the city of Biloxi and for the tens of thousands of our veterans who are treated each year at Keesler Medical Center,” Holloway said. […]

Cable One airs ‘Camille’ documentary tonight

Cable One will be airing “A Lady Called Camille” tonight at 7 and 11 for its 120,000-plus subscribers on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. The program will air on Cable 13 on all Cable One systems. Subscribers in Biloxi will see a two-minute introduction of the documentary that was filmed earlier this month at the Camille […]

Mayor discusses condos, budget at chamber gathering

Here is the text, as prepared, of Mayor Holloway’s remarks to the audience at the Biloxi Chamber’s “Breakfast With the Mayor,” Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2005, at the Gulf Coast Business Technology Center. Thank all of you for being here this morning, and thanks to Adele for hosting. As you now, we’re a month into the […]

Cable One to air ‘Camille’ documentary Aug. 17

Residents in Biloxi and along the Gulf Coast will have a chance to revisit the devastation wrought by Hurricane Camille during the cablecast of the documentary “A Lady Called Camille,” which Cable One will air Aug. 17, the 36th anniversary of the Category 5 storm making landfall on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. The 30-minute documentary, […]

Holloway presents budget proposal to council

“Drafting a city budget is not getting any easier these days,” Mayor A.J. Holloway told a Biloxi Chamber of Commerce audience this week, and the budget Holloway proposed to the Biloxi City Council earlier this week contained something that hadn’t been seen in Biloxi since before 1992: a slight tax increase. Councilmembers held their first […]

Natatorium to begin fall swim lessons

The City of Biloxi’s Aquatics Division will begin its fall swim lesson classes on Sept. 12. Registration for class enrollment begins at the Natatorium on Aug. 26 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. for Biloxi residents, and Aug. 27 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. for non-city residents. Registration will continue weekdays from 8:30 a.m. […]

Point Cadet Marina in line for award

The City of Biloxi, the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources and the Mississippi Clean Marina Program invite the public to two events celebrating the importance of Marinas in our Waterfront City Friday – August 12, 10 am until 11 am Designation of Point Cadet Marina as a Mississippi Clean Marina at Point Cadet Harbormaster’s building […]

Biloxi wins Little League title, advances to Waco regionals

The Biloxi Little League Major Division (12 year-old) All-Stars won the state championship Saturday, July 23, beating Natchez in Hattiesburg 13-0 and 11-0 in a best two out of 3 series. The team now advances to the Little League Southwest Regional beginning Aug. 7 in Waco, Texas. Radio station WXBD-AM 1490 will broadcast the Biloxi […]

Main Street Biloxi named best in state

Main Street Biloxi has been named the best of the nearly four dozen Main Street groups across the state, and the Biloxi group has also been recognized for a downtown investor fair it organized last year. The awards were presented recently during the Mississippi Main Street Association annual meeting in Jackson. With 46 Main Street […]

Police ask residents to check on elderly, vulnerable

Biloxi Police Chief Bruce Dunagan is asking residents to check on elderly neighbors or family members to make sure they are not threatened by the effects of the sweltering temperatures that have enveloped Biloxi and surrounding areas the past several days. And, Dunagan says, if residents are unsure about the well-being of a neighbor or […]

Home tour to celebrate Biloxi architecture

Biloxi will celebrate its architectural heritage on Sunday with a historic home tour of seven of 30 historic properties the City Council recently added to the roster of Biloxi Landmarks. Sites on the tour include private homes and commercial structures representing some of the prominent architectural styles in Biloxi from the late 1890s through the […]

Tropical winds, rain to continue into evening

Residents should expect sustained winds of 40 mph with guests as high as 60 mph this evening and continuing for several hours, according to emergency management officials. Mayor A.J. Holloway this afternoon is advising residents to continue to monitor weather reports and to remember that a countywide curfew remains in effect. The National Weather Service […]

City workers to report Monday; campers have day off

All City of Biloxi employees are expected to report to work at their usual time Monday morning, Mayor A.J. Holloway announced Sunday, and all city offices and facilities will be open at their normal time The city’s summer camp program, however, will not be open until Tuesday, when cafeteria workers are scheduled to return to […]

Holloway repeats warning, orders shelters opened

Mayor A.J. Holloway this morning reiterated his recommendation that residents evacuate low-lying areas of the city, particularly since forecasts are suggesting Hurricane Dennis may veer closer to Biloxi than originally predicted. The mayor ordered that two storm shelters – at Gorenflo Elementary School on Lameuse Street and at North Bay Elementary School off Popp’s Ferry […]

List of shelters, shelter necessities

Harrison Council Emergency Management has announced that these public hurricane shelters are opening in Harrison County today. At noon: • Harrison Central Elementary School, 15451 Dedeaux Road, Gulfport; • Gulfport Central Elementary School, 1043 Pass Road, Gulfport; • North Woolmarket Elementary School, 16237 Old Woolmarket Road, Gulfport; • Gorenflo Elementary School, 364 Lameuse St., Biloxi. […]

Holloway orders mandatory evacuation of low-lying areas

Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway, after continuing to view evolving forecasts of Hurricane Dennis, has called for a mandatory evacuation of residents in low-lying areas of Biloxi and those in high wind-vulnerable structures. Various forecast models have the hurricane making landfall anywhere from Gulfport to Pensacola and as early as 2 p.m. Sunday. At 4 p.m., […]

Holloway to seek new state of emergency declaration

Mayor A.J. Holloway has asked members of the Biloxi City Council to meet Friday morning at 10:30 at City Hall to consider his request to declare a state of emergency as the city makes preparations for Hurricane Dennis, the second storm threat the city has faced in a week. The storm, which at 4 p.m. […]

Holloway suggests low-lying areas look to evacuate now

Mayor A.J. Holloway is suggesting that residents in low-lying and flood-prone areas of Biloxi consider evacuating to higher ground now instead of waiting until Saturday, when mandatory evacuations in Alabama and Louisiana will likely slow traffic on northbound routes. A Hurricane Watch, meaning that hurricane conditions are possible within 36 hours, was issued for Harrison […]

City activates storm info line

Biloxi Police Chief Bruce Dunagan, in an effort to reduce non-emergency calls to the city’s police and fire dispatchers, has set up a storm info line at 228-435-6235. A brief taped message, which will be updated as needed, provides callers with answers to frequently asked questions about storm preparations in Biloxi. The city provides detailed […]

Storm news: Flood warnings; eye on Biloxi; road advisories

The Tchoutacabouffa and Biloxi rivers are expected to crest Wednesday evening at nearly double their flood stages, flooding nearby roadways and homes, emergency management officials said Tuesday. The National Weather Service reported Tuesday night that the center of Tropical Storm Cindy had made landfall at 10:30 p.m. about 14 miles southwest of Grand Isle, La., […]

Holloway to ask for state of emergency declaration

Mayor A.J. Holloway plans to ask the Biloxi City Council at its 6 o’clock meeting this evening to declare that a state of emergency exists in Biloxi, with Tropical Storm Cindy expected to make landfall early Wednesday morning along the Louisiana-Mississippi coastline. The state of emergency declaration, part of the city’s storm preparation plan, gives […]

Three storm shelters to open this evening

Harrison County Emergency Management officials have announced that three shelters, including one in Biloxi at Gorenflo Elementary, will be opening at 6 o’clock this evening. The three shelters: Gorenflo Elementary School, 364 Lameuse St., Biloxi; Harrison Central Elementary School, 15451 Dedeaux Road, Gulfport; and W.J. Quarles Elementary School, 111 Quarles Street, Long Beach. Residents planning […]

Inauguration set for 5:30 this afternoon

Musical selections from the group Ame’ and vocalist Cheryl Thompson are included on the program for this afternoon’s Inauguration Ceremony at the Saenger Theatre for the Performing Arts, where recently elected city leaders will be sworn in for their new terms of office. The 5:30 p.m. program, which will be emceed by Reed Guice, will […]

Holloway tells inaugural audience of new challenges

Biloxi has overcome adversity many times over the years, Mayor A.J. Holloway said as he began an historic fourth term as Biloxi’s mayor, "but our challenge now is to show that we can also capitalize on success." Holloway, who was re-elected without opposition in June, and the seven members of Biloxi’s City Council were sworn […]

2005 inaugural: Our challenge is to capitalize on success

Here is the prepared text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s inaugural address delivered Tuesday, June 28, 2005, during a Saenger Theatre ceremony in which Holloway and members of the City Council took their oaths of office. The occasion marked Holloway’s fourth inaugural address. Honorable councilmembers, distinguished guests, Biloxians: Thank you for being here today. To the […]

Cedar Lake bridge re-opening pushed back to Tuesday

The Cedar Lake Bridge, which had been scheduled to re-open to traffic today, will not re-open until about 10 a.m. Tuesday. Contractors were removing concrete barriers and other construction-related material this afternoon. The bridge, which is on Cedar Lake Road north of Interstate 10 in Biloxi, has been closed to vehicular traffic since May 16, […]

AC issues resolved; water office resumes regular hours

Biloxi Public Works Director Richard Sullivan reports that the air-conditioning issues at the city’s Water Department offices have been resolved, and the department has resumed its normal 8 a.m.-to-5 p.m. office schedule. On Wednesday, the department implemented an 8 a.m.-to-1 p.m. schedule because of a malfunctioning air-conditioning unit, and expected to work half days through […]

Water office closing half-days for remainder of week

The City of Biloxi’s Water Department office, at the corner of Main Street and Esters Boulevard, is closing today at 1 p.m. and will close at 1 p.m. each day for the rest of the week because of a malfunctioning air-conditioning system. The office is scheduled to resume normal hours on Monday. Any city water […]

Mayor unveils storm initiatives to chamber audience

Mayor A.J. Holloway told a Biloxi Chamber audience this morning that he plans to approach the City Council with a handful of storm-preparation requests, including buying a $10 million business-interruption insurance policy to help the city recover from  major storms. Holloway, speaking to an audience of about 50 people at the Margaret Sherry Library, announced […]

Arlene provided storm preparation drill, mayor says

Biloxians should use the threat from Tropical Storm Arlene as an opportunity to make sure they’re prepared the next time a storm enters the Gulf of Mexico, Mayor A.J. Holloway said this afternoon. Arlene made landfall west of Pensacola today around 2 p.m. with maximum sustained winds of 50 mph, with some gusts higher. At […]

Mayor calls special meeting to declare state of emergency

Mayor A.J. Holloway has called a special meeting of the Biloxi City Council this afternoon at 1:30 p.m. at City Hall, where he will ask councilmembers to declare a state of emergency to help prepare for threatening weather from Tropical Storm Arlene. The state of emergency, which will be in effect for seven days, gives […]

Holloway: Be in the loop and take prudent steps

City departments were taking prudent steps this afternoon – testing generators and other emergency equipment – but Mayor A.J. Holloway advises residents that there’s no need to be alarmed as Tropical Storm Arlene prepares to enter the Gulf of Mexico. “It’s business as usual here in Biloxi and on the Mississippi Gulf Coast,” Holloway said. […]

Today’s general election — by the numbers

Here are the results — numbers of votes and percentages of vote — from today’s general election for Biloxi municipal offices. Totals include absentee ballots but not affidavit votes.. Totals also show votes cast for unopposed candidates, who also appeared on the ballot, along with party affiliations: Mayor A.J. Holloway (R) 2,342 (100 percent) Ward […]

City raises curtain on summer camp

The city’s Summer Playground and Enrichment Program – aka “summer camp” – begins its two-month run this morning, with hundreds of young campers expected to show up at 10 sites throughout the city. Recreation Superintendent Sherry Bell said nearly 700 campers are registered this year for the program, which runs each weekday through July 29. […]

Weekly Briefing: Big weekend on tap

The Boys are back in town – as in Beach Boys, Oak Ridge Boys and, yes, biker boys — and those are just a few of the entertainment offerings for the Memorial Day weekend. The Beach Boys are on stage tonight, Saturday and Sunday at Casino Magic in Bay St. Louis; the Oaks Saturday at […]

Candidates on June 7 general election ballot

Here are the candidates who will appear on the ballot for the Biloxi Municipal General Election on Tueday, June 7, 2005: MAYOR A.J. Holloway (Republican) WARD 1 Arlene Canaan (Republican) George W. Lawrence (Democrat) WARD 2 Gary Toncrey Kennedy (Republican) William “Bill” Stallworth (Democrat) WARD 3 David Nelson Carver (Democrat) Charles T. Harrison, Jr. (Republican) […]

Beauvoir lane closure; Seniors safety; voting today

Northbound motorists on Beauvoir Road will be limited to one-lane traffic south of the CSX railway beginning Thursday at 6:30 a.m. while contractors sandblast a fence on the west side of the Beauvoir shrine. The work, which is being performed by Beauvoir, is expected to take about two weeks, but will be suspended for the […]

Gemmill, Stallworth prevail in party runoffs

Businessmen Edward “Ed” Gemmill and William “Bill” Stallworth won the two contested City Council races in Tuesday’s party primary runoffs in Biloxi. Gemmill, who faces no opposition in the June general election, outpolled George A. Fassitt in the Republican runoff for the new Ward 6 seat, which represents the North Bay area, while in Ward […]

Cedar Lake bridge to close to motorists May 16-June 17

The Cedar Lake bridge north of Interstate 10 in Biloxi will be closed to all vehicular traffic from Monday, May 16 at 6 a.m. to June 17 to allow contractors to begin sandblasting and repairing the bridge’s steel support beams, part of a $684,000 project to upgrade the aging, two-lane bridge. Mayor A.J. Holloway, who […]

Prayer Day observance planned for noon today

The Most Rev. Thomas J. Rodi, bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Biloxi, will be among the participants in the National Day of Prayer observance today at noon on the steps of City Hall in Biloxi. The multi-denominational ceremony, which is part of a national observance, also will feature several other local religious leaders and […]

Tuesday’s party primaries by the numbers

Here are the official totals from Tuesday’s Democratic and Republican primaries in Biloxi. Figures include affidavit ballots.   Democratic ballot   Mayor No nominee   Ward 1 George W. Lawrence 134 (100 percent)   Ward 2 Eric E. Dickey 306 (45.95 percent) Johnis Ross 31 (4.65 percent) William “Bill” Stallworth 329 (49.40 percent)   Ward […]

Party primaries are Tuesday in Biloxi

Polling precincts throughout the city will be open Tuesday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. for the municipal party primaries in Biloxi. You can find a host of election information — including a map showing the boundaries of the seven ward lines, locations of polling places, and a list of candidates – in the Voter […]

Police, Fire personnel to host seniors safety seminar

Personnel from the BIloxi Police and Fire departments will conduct a free personal safety seminar for seniors on Thursday, April 28 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Biloxi Community Center on Howard Avenue. Although the session is being coordinated by Councilmembers George Lawrence of Ward 1 and Eric Dickey of Ward 2, it is […]

Misuse forces closure of Bay Vista dumpster

City work crews Monday morning spent several hours clearing what appeared to be commercial debris dumped at the Bay Vista community dumpster off Pass Road, and the city has now closed the dumpster because of the continued misuse. Two other community dumpster sites – behind the Margaret Sherry library on Popp’s Ferry Road and behind […]

Several events, ceremonies on tap today, this weekend

Washer visitation, service is this morning Services for longtime Biloxi Police officer Ray Washer will be conducted today, with a 10 a.m.-to-1 p.m. visitation at Bradford-O’Keefe’s Howard Avenue Chapel, followed by a graveside service, complete with Biloxi Police Honor Guard and a 21-gun salute, at Floral Hills, off Lorraine Road in Gulfport. Washer, who died […]

Biloxi recognizes Taconi as volunteer of year

August “Augie” Taconi, a longtime volunteer with arts, civic and tourism groups in Biloxi, was named the city’s distinguished volunteer of the year during the annual Volunteer Recognition Awards Wednesday evening at the Biloxi Community Center More than 500 individuals, civic groups and businesses were recognized by Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway and Brig. Gen. Bill […]

Mayor recognizes city workers for service milestones

Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway recognized the following city employees with longevity awards during the April 19 City Council meeting: 25 years: William Kirk, Police Department: 20 years: Janet Dubaz, Parks and Recreation; Earl Grimes, Police. 15 years: Michele Moore, Administration; Gwen Johnson, Parks and Recreation; and Bryan Mount, John Jennings, Steve Scott, Roy Swetman and […]

Tullis to host ‘Spring Show’ of antiques, collectibles

 On April 22nd, 23rd and 24th  from 8 a.m. until, Tullis Manor, famous historic home and museum of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, will be the host of the Annual “Spring Show” Antiques and Collectibles Fair.  Tullis Manor is on Highway 90, which runs along the beautiful beaches of historic Biloxi. Vendors from the southeast will […]

Biloxi may get bigger “Blessing” this year

Organizers of the 77th annual Shrimp Festival and Blessing of the Fleet believe visitors may see more involvement when this year’s celebration takes place the weekend of May 1. For the first time in 14 years, recreational boats are being allowed to take part in the Blessing parade on Sunday. Pleasure craft had not been […]

Biloxi casinos pass billion-dollar mark in gaming-tax revenue

The Biloxi casino industry, which marks its 13th anniversary in August, reached a milestone with the most recent month’s state revenue report: a billion dollars has been paid in taxes on gross gaming revenue. The report was published on the city’s web site Tuesday, and shows the breakdown in gaming revenue since Day 1 of […]

Mayor updates sports complex, other projects

Here is Mayor A.J. Holloway’s prepared text for his presentations to Biloxi Regional Medical Center’s board and to the Biloxi Chamber’s “Breakfast With the Mayor,” which takes place Tuesday, April 12, 2005. Sports complex: Last weekend, we had 10 inches of rain in a 15-hour period. After all of that rain, we were able to […]

Main Street sets April Brown Bag Lunch

Main Street Biloxi will hold its next Brown Bag Lunch Friday April 22 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Margaret Tremmel Peresich Park. Main Street’s entertainment will be Showboat, featuring Marsha Lyons and Mike Robertson. ”Please come out and enjoy yourself under the beautiful oak tree,” says Main Street’s Kay Miller. “Bring your lunch, […]

Games called; safety seminar set; Special Olympics Monday

Little League games scheduled for this evening at the Biloxi Sports Complex have been postponed until a date to be determined as a result of this afternoon’s inclement weather. The complex, which opened its Little League fields Saturday with an opening day of 25 games, has hosted 10 games each weeknight since opening, and that […]

Police, Public Works advise motorists of closed roadways

Biloxi Police, who were forced to close flooded sections of U.S. 90 and other thoroughfares before daybreak this morning, are advising motorists to use caution and avoid trying to navigate streets that are covered by standing water. At 8 this morning, Keesler’s weather office reported that 8.4 inches of rain had fallen at the air […]

It’s ‘batter up’ Saturday for Little Leaguers

Thousands of parents and grandparents are expected to be on hand Saturday morning when 680 Little Leaguers gather for opening day ceremonies at the new Little League fields at the Biloxi Sports Complex. City workers and contractors have been working between thundershowers this week to prepare the five Little League fields for the 9 a.m. […]

City seeks nominees for volunteer awards

The City of Biloxi is seeking nominations for individuals, organizations and businesses for the “22nd Annual Volunteer Recognition Ceremony,” which takes place Wednesday, April 20, at 5:30 p.m. at the Biloxi Community Center on Howard Avenue. Special awards will be presented to individuals for outstanding volunteer of the year in five categories: health, community, education, […]

Biloxians to get first look at new fire stations Thursday

The City of Biloxi will host open houses at two new fire stations – one to serve East Biloxi and another to serve the Woolmarket area – on Thursday in what leaders are calling a milestone occasion. The East End station on Howard Avenue – known as Station 2 and named in honor of fallen […]

City, developers honor retiring Building Official

Dozens of contractors, developers and city staffers gathered at lunchtime today to honor retiring City of Biloxi Building Official Bill Prince, whom Mayor A.J. Holloway credited as helping oversee “the largest period of sustained growth in the long history of Biloxi, including billions of dollars worth of residential and commercial development throughout our city.” Prince, […]

Biloxi Police on world stage in a Special way

The Biloxi Police Department, which for years has played a lead role in the annual Special Olympics State Games in Biloxi and the statewide Law Enforcement Torch Run, has been chosen to represent Biloxi and Mississippi in carrying the “Flame of Hope” on the last leg of its route to the Special Olympics World Games […]

Groups to mark Arbor Day with tree planting, Arbor Day run

Biloxi is turning its annual Arbor Day observance into an Arbor Day weekend this year, kicking off with a communitywide adopt-a-tree ceremony on Friday at 11 a.m. on U.S. 90 and continuing with the annual Arbor Day run through downtown on Saturday. The Adopt-A-Tree project, which is an initiative of Biloxi’s two chambers of commerce, […]

Holloway: We need to keep doing the things we’re doing.

Mayor A.J. Holloway told Biloxians today that the city’s traffic improvement projects are helping diversify and grow all sectors of the local economy, and that the city needs to “keep doing the things we’re doing to continue our success.” Holloway, making his 11 th annual State of the City address to a luncheon crowd of […]

We need to keep doing the things we’re doing.

Here is the prepared text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s State of the City address, delivered Monday, Jan. 31, 2005 during a Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce luncheon at the Beau Rivage Resort & Casino. I’m delighted to come before you again to deliver the annual State of the City address. Thank you for such a […]

Purple Heart parade, dedication planned for Saturday in Biloxi

A parade of almost a dozen retired and active-duty generals, a host of classic and current military vehicles, and more than a dozen ROTC marching units will roll Saturday through downtown Biloxi to mark the dedication of the Military Order of the Purple Heart monument at the Biloxi Small Craft Harbor. The parade is scheduled […]

Voter Information on the way to residents

The U.S. Postal Service on Monday should begin delivering Voter Information guides to all Biloxi residents, the first step in the city’s outreach effort to publicize the ’05 municipal government party primaries and general election. Voters may find themselves in new wards or voting at new polling places since these elections will reflect the east-to-west-to-north […]

City to again offer special seating for Mardi Gras parades

The City of Biloxi will again provide special seating for disabled and frail, elderly residents to view the Gulf Coast Carnival Association morning parade and the Krewe of Neptune afternoon parade on Feb. 8, Mardi Gras Day. The City is celebrating its 21st year hosting the special protected seating area, which is on the east […]

Biloxi introduces Bmail news service

The City of Biloxi, which has transmitted more than two million Storm Recovery News e-mails in the three years since Hurricane Katrina, today unveiled Bmail, its new e-news program. The new service, which replaces Storm Recovery News, which provides e-mails about city issues and special events to those who sign up for the free service […]

Public hearing planned for zoning in new areas of city

The Biloxi Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, Nov. 18 at 2 p.m. at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Municipal Building in downtown Biloxi for citizens to comment on a comprehensive zoning plan for a 1½-square-mile area in north Biloxi that became part of the city earlier this year. The area […]

Holloway: What a day it’s been for Biloxi

“This has been a milestone day for Biloxi,” Mayor A.J. Holloway said this afternoon, after seeing almost $6 million in grants awarded to two local projects during a morning ceremony, followed by an afternoon ceremony where ground was broken for a new four-lane boulevard to replace the current Caillavet Street. During a convention in Biloxi […]

Holloway on Caillavet: We’re building for the future

Here is the text, as prepared, of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s remarks at the ground-breaking ceremony for the new boulevard to replace Caillavet Street, delivered on Nov. 9, 2004. I want to welcome all of you here today for the formal ground-breaking ceremony for construction of a new boulevard to replace the current Caillavet Street. We’ve […]

Biloxi closes hurricane debris collection sites

The City of Biloxi announced today that all Hurricane Ivan debris collection sites are now closed, and residents dumping hurricane debris could be subject to receiving a ticket for illegal dumping. The sites had been at Yankie Stadium, Bay Vista and Woolmarket fire stations, near the Margaret Sherry library and at the Biloxi Sports Complex. […]

Popp’s Ferry gets a touch of green

The pedestrian-friendly streetscape along Popp’s Ferry Road south of the Popp’s Ferry Road bridge is turning greener these days, thanks to an enhancement project that is seeing the planting of 50 five- and six-foot tall Nellie R. Stevens Holly trees along a new sidewalk that stretches from Pass Road to Atkinson Road. The daylong task […]

Tullis to host antiques and collectibles fair

Tullis Toledano Manor on Friday, Saturday and Sunday hosts what local antiques dealer Peter Webster says is the Coast’s permier antiques and collectibles show. Last year, almost 5,000 people visited Tullis for the inaugural Antiques and Collectibles Fair at Tullis-Toledano Manor, and Webster, who operates Vieux Marche Antiques in downtown Biloxi, says the success of […]

Firefighters parade rolls Oct. 23

The Biloxi Firefighter’s Day Parade, which this year marks the 100th anniversary of the West End Hose Co. No. 3, is scheduled to roll through downtown Biloxi on Saturday, Oct. 23 at noon. The parade was originally scheduled for Sept. 18, but was re-scheduled because of Hurricane Ivan. Family-oriented events are planned at Point Cadet […]

Local relief effort heads to Pensacola Thursday

Mayor A.J. Holloway will be among a local group of volunteers traveling to Pensacola, Fla., Thursday to serve hot lunches to as many as 4,000 workers helping clear Hurricane Ivan debris in that Gulf Coast community. The Palace Casino Resort in Biloxi and its Missouri-based parent company, Prime Trucking, are providing a 53-foot refrigerated tractor-trailer […]

City to increase efforts to remove storm debris

Biloxi Public Works Director Richard Sullivan – whose crews have been cleaning up storm debris from city streets since the day after Hurricane Ivan — will meet with a private contractor Wednesday morning to work out a plan to rid city streets and neighborhoods of hurricane debris. This afternoon, the City Council unanimously approved Mayor […]

Holloway to begin search for new CAO

Mayor A.J. Holloway has announced that he will begin a search to replace Chief Administrative Officer Jim Borsig, who in mid-October is leaving his post for a position with South Mississippi Electric Power Association, a Hattiesburg-based electric consortium. Borsig, whom Holloway named chief administrative officer in September 2001, recently submitted his resignation to the mayor. […]

New dates announced for several city functions

New dates have been announced for several events that were postponed because of Hurricane Ivan. Here’s the lineup and information: Brown bag lunch: Main Street’s brown bag lunch, featuring entertainment by Thomas Edwards, will be Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Margaret Tremmel Peresich Park in downtown Biloxi. Free soft drinks will be […]

Holloway proposes land swap for $22 million Kroc project, new community center

Biloxi could become home to a $22 million privately-funded Salvation Army project that would house a performing arts center, an indoor swimming pool and several social-service programs at the current site of Yankie Stadium, under a plan Mayor A.J. Holloway is proposing Tuesday to the Biloxi City Council. As part of the plan, the city […]

Clean-up continues throughout weekend

Several dozen city crews worked all today and will be back on the job again Sunday, picking up Hurricane Ivan storm debris along major thoroughfares and neighborhood streets. And Mayor A.J. Holloway says it’s too early to say how much debris there is because many residents may have not yet begun cleaning their property. After […]

Biloxi opens hurricane debris sites

The City of Biloxi has opened six sites around the city for residents to bring debris left in the wake of Hurricane Ivan. The sites are limited to debris from Hurricane Ivan; no garbage, tires or appliances should be brought to the sites. The sites, which will be marked by signs, are: –Fire Station 8, […]

City crews begin debris removal

Mayor A.J. Holloway has announced that several dozen city crews have begun removing Hurricane Ivan debris from roadsides along major thoroughfares and in neighborhoods, and workers will continue working seven days a week to help remove “We’re getting to everything as quickly as we can, and we’re going to stay at it until we get […]

Check license before hiring contractors

The City of Biloxi is home to many reputable, licensed building contractors who are qualified to make repairs for you. However, after each storm, a number of transient contractors sets up temporary shop in the community. Before signing any contract or paying any money for repair work, you should ask to see the person’s City […]

Schedules, cancellations, postponements, etc.

Here is scheduling information that was available Monday regarding city facilities: Schools: Superintendent Paul Tisdale reports that Biloxi public schools will re-open for classes Monday morning at their regular times. Municipal and Community Court: Those cases scheduled to appear in Community Court on Tuesday, Sept. 14 have been re-scheduled for Oct. 12. Those who were […]

Storm roundup: Biloxi ‘very fortunate,’ Holloway says in wake of Ivan

Mayor A.J. Holloway said Biloxians should consider themselves fortunate that Hurricane Ivan’s punch was more of a jab to the city, and the billion-dollar casino resorts along the waterfront could be back in business as early as 6 this evening. Holloway, who this morning lifted a curfew that had been imposed Wednesday afternoon, said damage […]

Traffic signals on U.S. 90 in flashing mode

Traffic signals on U.S. 90 are being switched to the flashing yellow mode along the beachfront in Harrison County. Workers began making the change this morning at 9:30. Motorists should exercise caution when approaching intersections on U.S. 90, and Mayor A.J. Holloway advises that motorists should avoid using U.S. 90, if possible. The traffic signsls […]

Holloway sets curfew until further notice in Biloxi

Mayor A.J. Holloway announced this afternoon that a curfew will be in effect in the City of Biloxi from 7 o’clock tonight until further notice, meaning residents are subject to being arrested if found on Biloxi city streets. Holloway issued the order as winds and seas increased as a result of Hurricane Ivan. “We’re asking […]

County identifies shelters north of Coast

Harrison County Civil Defense Director Linda Rouse in coordination with the American Red Cross, the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) have identified shelters open outside the state’s three coast counties. Citizens are encouraged to seek safe shelter as far north as possible. MDOT informs everyone that evacuation traffic […]

Storm briefs: City shuts down historic properties

The City of Biloxi has shut down most of its historic properties and museums in order to allow staff to begin preparing the buildings for high winds and rain with Hurricane Ivan. Among the properties closed are Tullis-Toledano Manor, the Mardi Gras Museum, and Old Brick House. Other municipal facilities, such as the Donal Snyder […]

Storm news: County orders large-scale mandatory evacuation; shelters to open at 4 today

Harrison County Civil Defense Director Linda Rouse has ordered a mandatory evacuation of all areas south of Interstate 10, plus low-lying areas near rivers and streams north of I-10. The order also applies to all residents of manufactured or mobile homes anywhere in Harrison County. Residents should complete evacuation by noon Wednesday, if at all […]

City opens shelter at Gorenflo Elementary

The City of Biloxi has opened a public hurricane shelter at Gorenflo Elementary School at 260 Howard Ave. Those who wish to use the shelter should bring • Ready-to-eat food for three days; • Bottled water (one gallon per person for three days); • Medications; • Baby food, diapers and other infant needs; • Pillows […]

Motorists should expect increased bridge openings

Mayor A.J. Holloway is advising motorists to be aware that the Popp’s Ferry bridge would be opening more frequently this afternoon and Tuesday as vessels begin to seek safer waters in anticipation of rough seas and high winds from Hurricane Ivan. The National Weather Service at 2 p.m. today reported that the storm was about […]

City to implement schedule for marine traffic at Popp’s Ferry bridge

The Popp’s Ferry bridge will begin opening for marine traffic for 10 minutes every half hour beginning at 6 o’clock tonight and continue that schedule throughout the evening as marine traffic warrants. This schedule will allow for a larger number of vessels to pass through the span, without constantly interrupting vehicular traffic. Plans for Tuesday […]

Fire Museum hosts 9/11 ceremony Saturday morning

Members of the Biloxi Fire Department will conduct a “Patriot Day Commemoration Service” Saturday shortly before 9 a.m. in front of the Fire Museum on Howard Avenue. The ceremony will include a tolling of the bell as part of the ceremony, with fire and police department members reciting the Policemen’s and Fireman’s prayers, and a […]

Holloway recognizes Popp’s Ferry contractors

J.W. Ford gets his mayoral designation from Mayor Holloway William Yates speaks as Mayor Holloway prepares to present toy trucks to the firms who worked on the Popp’s Ferry project. Biloxi, or at least property owners on Popp’s Ferry Road, got a new mayor Wednesday morning, but the reign of J.W. Ford was a brief […]

Main Street hosts Brown Bag lunch Sept. 17

Main Street Biloxi will launch its Fall Brown Bag Lunch series Friday Sept. 17 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Margaret Tremmel Peresich Park in downtown Biloxi. Entertaining will be Thomas Edwards. Says Main Street Director Kay Miller: “Please come out and enjoy yourself under the beautiful oak tree, bring your lunch, and Main […]

Holloway: ’05 city budget faces increased expenses

Mayor A.J. Holloway has proposed a municipal budget for Fiscal Year ’05 that shows slight increases in gaming and sales tax revenue over ‘04, but those gains will be absorbed by increases in the cost of fuel, employee health insurance, and employee pay, as well as the additional costs of staffing a new fire station […]

We can improve an existing north-south corridor now instead of later.

Here is the text of a guest column that appears in the current issue of The Journal of South Mssissippi Business. By A.J. Holloway Everyone, I believe, agrees that having adequate and efficient roads to carry an ever-increasing amount of traffic is more of an issue now than at any other time in our history. […]

Cable One to air Camille documentary throughout south Mississippi

Cable One, which provides cable TV service to more than 100,000 households in south Mississippi, is taking a City of Biloxi hurricane-education project and making it available to all of its local cable subscribers. For the past several years, the cable company has aired a Hurricane Camille documentary for Biloxi cable subscribers as part of […]

Popp’s Ferry area residents to get good news

Mayor A.J. Holloway is sending postcards to more than 4,000 residents and business owners near the Popp’s Ferry Road widening project next week with news that the project is expected to be substantially complete in August. Said Holloway in the postcard, which contains aerial photos of the roadway: “I want to thank you for your […]

Firefighters parade to mark 100th anniversary of West End Hose Co.

Organizers of the Biloxi Firefighters Day Parade are seeking parade entries. The Firefighters Day Parade, scheduled to roll through downtown Biloxi on Saturday, Sept. 18 at noon, will be marking the 100th anniversary of the West End Hose Co. No. 3, one of the city’s early firefighting companies. The West End Hose Co. was one […]

Canaan captures Ward 3 seat

Arlene Canaan, who recently retired after a 40-year career in the banking industry, Tuesday night was declared the winner of a special election to fill the Ward 3 seat on the Biloxi City Council. Canaan received 414 votes or slightly more than 60 percent of the 686 votes cast Tuesday. Walter Blessey received 199 votes […]

Smoke testing to begin in west Biloxi

Public Works crews on Monday will begin pumping smoke into sewer lines on DeBuys Road as part of a several weeks of checking sewer and drainage lines for leaks in west Biloxi. The testing is scheduled to begin Monday at 8 a.m. at DeBuys Road and U.S. 90, moving northward to the CSX railway before […]

Popp’s Ferry Bridge operational, but still under repair

The Popp’s Ferry Bridge remains operational for vehicular and marine traffic today, but engineers are continuing to work to repair a control panel that would allow a bridge tender to automatically “lock down” the span after each opening. The bridge failed to lock down mid-afternoon Wednesday and backed up vehicular and marine for almost 90 […]

Popp’s Ferry Bridge temporarily re-opened to traffic

The Popp’s Ferry Bridge has been temporarily re-opened to traffic after a malfunctioning locking device closed the bridge for more than a hour mid-afternoon. Technicians have made temporary repairs to the locking device, but will raise the draw shortly after 6 p.m. to allow marine traffic to pass. Motorists had been advised to use either […]

More customer parking now available for dockside shrimp sales

More than two dozen covered parking spaces have opened in the Hard Rock Hotel parking garage especially for customers of dockside shrimp sales. The new parking spaces are following up on a promise of more parking that Mayor A.J. Holloway made when construction began on the multi-million-dollar resort adjacent to the commercial docking facility. The […]

Road work planned on Pass at Eisenhower

Motorists traveling Pass Road Wednesday, Thursday or Friday will notice intermittent lane closures near the Eisenhower Drive intersection in west Biloxi. Contractors will be relocating two overhead fiber optic lines Wednesday and Friday morning beginning at 9:30, causing intermittent lane closures on Pass near Eisenhower; and Thursday night at 9, police will help direct traffic […]

Council sets special election for July 27 to fill Ward 3 seat

The Biloxi City Council today scheduled a special election for Tuesday, July 27 for Ward 3 residents to elect a new councilmember to fill the unexpired term of Ward 3 Councilman Jim Compton, whose resignation took effect this afternoon. Deadline to register to vote in the special election is Saturday, June 26 at 5 p.m. […]

Talent showcase to entertain at Brown Bag Lunch

Main Street Biloxi will hold its next Brown Bag Lunch Friday, June 18 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Margaret Tremmel Peresich Park. Entertaining will be a showcase of local talent featuring Jennifer Krohn, Lauren Broussard, Stephanie Williams, Jon Freeman and Joseph Williams. Main Street will hold drawings for door prizes and free soft […]

City to host fair for National Night Out Aug. 3

The City of Biloxi will be joining almost 10,000 communities across the country on Tuesday. Aug. 3 to mark the 21st Annual “National Night Out Against Crime.” The Biloxi Police Department is organizing a free Community Fair, which will be held in the park behind the Lopez-Quave Public Safety Center. The event will be from […]

Council meeting moved to MLK building

The Biloxi City Council meeting scheduled for tonight at 6 at City Hall will instead be in the auditorium of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Municipal Building on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. The 6 p.m. meeting and a 5:30 p.m. meeting regarding the Beau View condominium project are being moved to the […]

Griffith addresses Biloxi National Cemetery observance

Lt. Gen. Clark Griffith speaks at the Biloxi National Cemetery this morning. To hear the program, click here. The United States can’t afford to lose the war on terrorism, and politicians and citizens need to do their part to support the war effort, retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Clark Griffith told hundreds on hand this […]

Casino Row to kick off weekly fireworks shows

For the third consecutive year, Casino Row celebrates the arrival of summer with the Friday Fireworks Extravaganza. The weekly fireworks shows begin May 28 at 9 p.m. and will continue every Friday night through Labor Day weekend, Sept. 3. Each week’s show will be choreographed to themed music, such as Jimmy Buffett or disco. Casino […]

Holloway: Expect busy Memorial Day weekend

Mayor A.J. Holloway is asking motorists to expect busy roadways and use caution this Memorial Day weekend, as the city and others prepare for the traditional start of the summer season. Traffic is expected to be especially heavy with the increase in the popularity of a number of Memorial Day events, including the Friday night […]

Fournier to headline today’s Brown Bag Lunch

Rockin’ Ray Fournier will be the featured entertainment today when Main Street Biloxi continue its Brown Bag Lunch series from 11:30 to 1:30 in Margaret Tremmel Peresich Park. Java Joe’s will be on hand with lunch specials of turkey, roast beef, or ham sandwiches with chips and a cookie for $5.35. Call ahead at 435-9900 […]

Tullis making plans for antiques and collectibles fair

Organizers of the annual Antiques and Collectibles Fair at Tullis-Toledano Manor are seeking vendors for the second annual affair, which takes place Oct. 8-10 on the shade-filled grounds of the beachfront home. The event, billed as “one the permier shows on the Coast,” attracted several thousand people and 100 vendors last year and will again […]

Lopez-Quave to host fish fry to benefit Special Olympics

The Olympics in Greece aren’t until August, but law enforcement officers in Biloxi and throughout the state are gearing up for the upcoming state Special Olympics in Biloxi. An annual fish fry to benefit athletes of Special Olympics of Mississippi will be Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Lopez-Quave Public Safety Center […]

Elks sponsor ‘Youth in Government Day’

Jack Griffith of the engineering division of Public Works, center, shows an engineering map to students Clarence Cotten, left, and Jeremy Hard. To see more photos, click here. By Jeremy Hard Public Affairs Manager designate Today, students from Biloxi, D’Iberville and Mercy Cross high schools were given a behind-the-scenes look at how city officials provide […]

New documentary, events mark Biloxi’s Historic Preservation Week

A photo of the Biloxi Lighthouse after a hurricane in 1915. To see other images, click here. A free film festival featuring the premiere of a 10-minute documentary about the history of the Biloxi Lighthouse will be one of the events highlighting Biloxi’s celebration of National Historic Preservation Week, which is May 3-7. The new […]

Woolmarket signs up Saturday for summer camp; rest of city follows April 24

Biloxi residents in the Woolmarket community will sign up Saturday for the city’s summer camp sites at Woolmarket and North Woolmarket Elementary schools. Registration for the nine-week camp, which is open to children ages 5 to 14, will be at the old Woolmarket gym from 9 a.m. to noon. Registration for Biloxi residents for other […]

Holloway launches Golden Fisherman initiative

Click Here for more information about the Golden Fisherman project. Mayor A.J. Holloway announced today that the city is counting on Biloxians to help make the new home of the Golden Fisherman at Point Cadet “a landmark that we can all be proud of” and “one for the ages.” Holloway, speaking to the Biloxi Businessmen’s […]

Holloway: Let’s make the Golden Fisherman a landmark “for the ages”

Here is the text, as prepared, of remarks that Mayor A.J. Holloway made to the Biloxi Businessmen’s Club during a luncheon on April 8, 2004. Thank you for having me here today. We have a number of major projects taking place in all areas of our city, and today I want to announce the kick […]

Vieux Marche becoming beehive of activity

Part of Howard Avenue that runs through the Vieux Marche will be closed for the next several days, but don’t get the idea that nothing’s going on in downtown Biloxi. In fact, the Vieux Marche, the heart of Biloxi’s downtown district, is seeing a good bit of activity these days, with a major restoration project […]

City to begin managing water and sewer department

The City of Biloxi began managing its entire water and sewer operations late this afternoon, after being notified by ECO Resources that it was ending its contract with the city. The change will not affect water rates or other operations, Mayor A.J. Holloway said. The mayor has been attempting to negotiate terms of a new […]

Biloxi city limits to expand tonight

The City of Biloxi will grow by about 1.75 square miles and almost 150 residences tonight at midnight. The expansion is the result of a state Supreme Court ruling that, in part, was in response to petitions from residents of the Wells Ferry Landing area, who asked that their neighborhoods be made part of the […]

Work to begin at Atkinson-Popp’s Ferry intersection

Motorists on Atkinson Road in west Biloxi will find it easier to turn north onto Popp’s Ferry Road once the city completes a $277,000 project that will upgrade the busy intersection a block south of the Popp’s Ferry bridge. City contractors this week have been preparing the site and plan to officially begin construction April […]

Cedar Lake Bridge now closed to truck traffic

The Cedar Lake Bridge today was closed to 18-wheelers and other heavy commercial vehicles after an inspection showed support beams are deteriorating under the aging bridge, which is on Cedar Lake Road north of Interstate 10.. Automobiles and pickup trucks can continue to use the bridge; however, 18-wheelers and other trucks must detour around the […]

First Lady recognizes Biloxi for preservation efforts

The City of Biloxi in a Capitol Hill ceremony today was designated by First Lady Laura Bush as one of 20 Preserve America communities in the country for the city’s ongoing preservation initiatives. Preserve America is a White House initiative to encourage and support community efforts for the preservation and enjoyment of cultural and natural […]

City completes First Street drainage project

Before: Parts of First Street were submerged after TS Isidore in 2001. Today: First Street has been reconstructed with new drain lines and curbing. City workers today began drainage projects on Maple and Pine streets north of the Grand Casino parking garage at Point Cadet, but the good news is that work has been completed […]

City voices opposition to oil and gas drilling legislation

The Biloxi City Council today voted unanimously to oppose legislation now being considered that would allow oil and gas drilling in state waters off the Mississippi Coast. The resolution, which was proposed by Mayor A.J. Holloway, said that offshore oil and gas drilling “may diminish the quality and appearance of coastal wetlands and horizon” and […]

Biloxi seeks nominees for volunteer awards

Hundreds of people donate countless hours and weekends in support of dozens of community endeavors throughout the year in Biloxi, and the city is preparing to honor these efforts in the annual Volunteer Recognition Ceremony, which takes place April 20 at the Biloxi Community Center. The city is now seeking nominations of individuals, organizations and […]

Biloxi parades will roll rain or shine

Click here to visit Mardi Gras Central and get parade information. Mayor A.J. Holloway, after witnessing a steady rainfall today and after speaking with Gulf Coast Carnival leaders and public safety officials, said that plans are for Biloxi’s three parades to roll on Fat Tuesday. “We all agree that the only thing that will keep […]

City honors designers of shoe-box floats

Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway has recognized a group of elementary students that he said could be the Mardi Gras organizers and leaders in future years: the 2004 Mardi Gras Show Box Float Contest Winners. Holloway honored more than two dozen students from Biloxi elementary during the City Council meeting Tuesday. He presented students with Certificates […]

City breaks ground at Woolmarket, East End

Mayor A.J. Holloway, City Councilmembers, and local builders broke ground on new fire stations to serve the Woolmarket and Point Cadet areas of Biloxi today, and the historical significance of the moment was not lost on the mayor. “You’d have to go back almost 70 years to 1936 – almost three quarters of a century […]

Gulf Coast Carnival Association donates barricades to city

The Gulf Coast Carnival Association today donated $5,000 worth of pedestrian barricades to the City of Biloxi during a ceremony in front of The Guice Agency on Lameuse Street, typically a busy street on the Biloxi parade route on Mardi Gras Day. The donation means that Biloxi will now have barricades at all high traffic […]

Holloway: We broke ground in ’03, we’ll break records in ‘04

Mayor A.J. Holloway was greeted by a record crowd today for his annual State of the City address – a sold-out audience of 620 people – and the three-term mayor offered a few records of his own: the current widening work on Popp’s Ferry Road will be completed by this summer, four months ahead of […]


Here is the prepared text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s State of the City address, delivered Jan. 29, 2004 during a Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce luncheon at the Beau Rivage Resort & Casino: Thank you for such a warm welcome. It’s great to see such a good turnout for this event each year. Before I […]

Harbor visitors should use Main Street entrance

Visitors to the Biloxi Small Craft Harbor and adjoining commercial harbor should enter at Main Street instead of the Lameuse Street entrance beginning Wednesday, as site work begins on the new Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. Developers plan to break ground in February for the $250 million resort, which will be on U.S. 90 immediately […]

Howard Avenue traffic signals to be removed

Traffic signals on Howard Avenue at Seal Avenue and at Lee Street will be taken down Thursday morning. Instead, motorists on Howard Avenue will have the right of way, while those on Seal and Lee will face Stop signs when they arrive at Howard Avenue. The changes are the result of recommendations from traffic engineers […]

Youthful ‘Journey Through the Amazon’ to roll in Biloxi

The Biloxi Children’s Mardi Gras Walking Parade will be held on Saturday, February 14, 2004 at 11:00 a.m. The theme of the 2004 parade is Journey through the Amazon. This is the seventh annual parade for Biloxi’s Children according to Emily Burke, Events Coordinator for the City of Biloxi, who said, “The success of this […]

Thousands witness Biloxi MLK parade, Battle of the Bands

Thousands of paradegoers lined the streets of downtown Biloxi Monday to witness the city’s annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parade, and a crowd of about 12,000 packed into Yankie Stadium afterward for the annual Battle of the Bands. The downtown Biloxi celebration capped an MLK weekend that included a Coastwide celebration on Sunday at […]

Sherry dedication is Friday afternoon

Mayor A.J. Holloway will join state and local library leaders and others Friday afternoon to formally dedicate the new-and-improved Margaret Sherry Library. The 3-to-6 p.m. ceremony, which is open to the public, will feature free refreshments and hors d’oeuvres, and a chance for the public to tour the facility, which re-openedx its doors after a […]

Alcorn, J-State and Valley on tap again for MLK Day in Biloxi

Biloxi will again be hosting the big three — Alcorn State University, Jackson State University and Mississippi Valley State University – for its Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration and Parade, and you’ll also see the Biloxi High School band in the parade, along wth two other high school bands. Biloxi’s parade and battle of […]

Judge upholds Biloxi bed-and-breakfast ordinance

Harrison County Circuit Court Judge Stephen B. Simpson has upheld the City of Biloxi’s bed-and-breakfast ordinances in the city’s new Land Development Ordinance, dismissing a challenge that had been filed by Green Oaks LLC. Managing member Jennifer Diaz claimed that the ordinance placed severe and harmful restrictions, and that the actions were arbitrary and not […]

Natatorium to get facelift during holidays

The Biloxi Natatorium will be getting a new coat of paint and some minor tile work for the holidays. The city-operated facility, which offers recreational swimming and swimming lessons in an indoor Olympic-size swimming pool, will close Dec. 22 and is expected to re-open around Jan. 17. Parks and Recreation Director Nathan Sullivan said city […]

Hope VI formally breaks ground at Bayview site

Mayor A.J. Holloway, third from right, joins housing leaders, builders and other partners in formally breaking ground at the site off Bayview Avenue. Construction has been underway for several weeks, but the Biloxi Housing Authority and local leaders made it official this morning: Ground was ceremoniously broken at the Bayview/Bayou Auguste Hope VI housing development […]

City to begin construction on new fire stations

The City of Biloxi should begin construction on new fire stations in Woolmarket and east Biloxi shortly after the first of the year, Mayor A.J. Holloway announced Tuesday after members of the City Council voted to hire two local contractors for the work. KEL Construction Co. of Saucier will construct the Woolmarket station for $950,382, […]

Popp’s Ferry work site takes on holiday look

Fourteen-year-old Keven Fogleman stands next to the decorations he and his family applied to a portolet at the site of the Popp’s Ferry Road widening work. A family in the midst of the Popp’s Ferry Road widening project has added a touch of Christmas to a part of the project in front of their home. […]

Biloxi, Keesler plan joint exercise

Keesler Air Force Base emergency response forces and the City of Biloxi are conducting a joint exercise on Thursday, Dec. 11, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The exercise will be isolated to a small area at the intersection of Irish Hill Drive and White Avenue in Biloxi. Traffic in this area will be re-routed […]

City, Main Street to dedicate Mary Mahoney park

City worker John Purser prepares a drain line before installing the fountain at Mahoney park. Main Street Biloxi and the City of Biloxi on Monday at 9:30 a.m. will dedicate a new downtown park in memory of longtime restaurateur and civic leader Mary Mahoney. The ceremony will be open to the public. City workers this […]

Saenger Theater restoration to be unveiled

Over the years, thousands have attended performances at the Saenger Theater in downtown Biloxi, but next week, Saenger fans will see dramatic changes at the 75-year-old showplace: The City of Biloxi on Tuesday night will raise the curtain on a theater that now features brand-new seating, newly restored walls and ceiling in the main auditorium, […]

Biloxi recognizes Red Ribbon Week winners

Biloxi Schools celebrated Red Ribbon Week Oct. 21-27. Throughout the week, activities were conducted to make students aware of the harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Students in grades K-12 participated in a poster contest titled “Unite for a Drug Free World.” Grades 7-10 also participated in an essay contest titled “What can […]

Main Street to host ‘Christmas in the City’

Main Street Biloxi will bring the holiday season to downtown Biloxi on Friday, Nov. 21, with “Christmas in the City,” an evening of free activities at various sites in downtown Biloxi. The event, which Main Street introduced last year, serves as a preface to the city’s Christmas on the Water celebration in December, and is […]

Tullis to host Antique ID

Wondering whether your latest yard sale find is a hidden treasure? Bring it to Antique ID V and find out! The annual event, now in its sixth year, will be held on the beautiful grounds of Tullis-Toledano Manor, 360 Beach Blvd. in Biloxi on Saturday, Nov. 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fifteen experts […]

Biloxi commended for management efforts

The City of Biloxi has received commendations from national and state rating agencies in two key oversight areas: financial management and building code enforcement. The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, which oversees 14,000 government financial professionals, has awarded the city a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for […]

Biloxi in midst of improving traffic flow citywide

Public Works sign team members Thomas Gazzo, left, and Joey Juanico install a sign this morning at Howard Avenue and Lee Street to notify motorists of the possible removal of the traffic signals at the intersection. If you’d like to comment — pro or con — about the planned removals on Pass Road or Howard […]

FEMA approves funding for Biloxi buyout program

The federal government has announced that it will fund 75 percent of a $936,000 Biloxi program to help relocate residents whose homes have a history of flooding. Mayor A.J. Holloway was notified today that the Federal Emergency Management Administration has approved a Biloxi plan where FEMA would pay $702,000 in a program that involves purchase […]

Biloxi crews aim to finish median work Tuesday

City crews who spent Monday edging and trimming grass on U.S. 90 medians in Biloxi hope to have their work completed sometime Tuesday, according to Public Works Director Richard Sullivan. The three teams of about 60 workers will begin work Tuesday morning shortly after 7 and continue working throughout the day on the center and […]

Biloxi workers to trim U.S. 90 medians Monday

As many as 60 City of Biloxi workers will be edging the medians of U.S. 90 from city line to city line beginning Monday morning in an effort to spruce up the medians in time for thousands of visitors expected for Cruisin’ the Coast. The work will require some temporary lane closures where work is […]

Tullis to host antiques and collectibles fair

More than 70 antiques and collectibles dealers, some from as far away as Denver, will gather at Tullis Toledano Manor in Biloxi Oct. 11-12 for a free Antique and Collectibles Fair. The fair will be held from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day at the city-owned home and museum, which is on U.S. 90 […]

Main Street, Casper offer spooky fun on Town Green

Main Street Biloxi continues its highly successful “Drive-in Movie” series on the Town Green on Oct. 24 with the outdoor presentation of the family movie “Casper.” The festivities begin at 6 p.m. with a costume contest for ages 12 and under, door prizes, and other activities. The movie will be shown at dark. The presentation […]

Biloxi storm plan among first in nation to get FEMA approval

Biloxi’s plan to reduce damage from floods and other disasters is one of only 10 in the country to receive approval from the federal government, meaning the city should receive favorable attention when applying for $150 million in matching federal grants for projects designed to lessen recurring damage from storms and flooding. The Mississippi Emergency […]

Firefighters events, parade planned Saturday

Dozens of firefighting vehicles and firefighters will parade from one end of the downtown to the other on Saturday for a revival of what used to be known as the Biloxi Fireman’s Day Parade. Now known as the Biloxi Firefighters Parade, the event will include a Saturday morning children’s fishing rodeo, a display of firefighting […]

Popp’s Ferry traffic lanes shift Friday

Southbound motorists in construction areas of Popp’s Ferry Road will be using new temporary lanes of traffic Friday morning and shortly after lunchtime, all traffic will be using the newly paved and stripped lanes as widening begins on Phase 2B of Popp’s Ferry Road – from the Margaret Sherry library to Jam Lane. The Popp’s […]

Pass work pushed back until at least Monday

A project that would have closed a lane of Pass Road near Eisenhower on Saturday has been pushed back until at least Monday because of a delay in the delivery of concrete. When the work begins, the city is planning to temporarily close the northernmost lane of Pass near Eisenhower to repair a 36-inch storm […]

9/11 – For whom the bell tolls

Sammy Elliott, supply officer for the Biloxi Fire Department, prepares to toll the fire bell during Biloxi’s 9-11 remembrance ceremony this morning outside the fire museum on Howard Avenue. A couple hundred public safety workers and members of the public gathered for the ceremony, where a huge flag-colored mural displayed the names of public safety […]

Girl Scouts help spruce up Golden Fisherman

Jordan Griffith of Ocean Springs prepares to polish one of the Fisherman’s legs. To see more photos in our online Photo Gallery, click here. A dozen members of Girl Scout Troop 426 of Ocean Springs on Wednesday afternoon used elbow grease, rags and a cleaning solution to try to remove parts of a green film […]

Education group to roast Holloway

Future Mayor A.J. Holloway in the ’60s, while on the lam from the fashion police. A.J. Holloway’s penny-pinching ways have become well-known to those familiar with the three-term Biloxi mayor, but Biloxians may learn even more about Holloway when he is roasted Tuesday, Sept. 16 by Biloxi First, a non-profit organization that supports public education […]

Biloxi to host 9-11 ceremony at fire museum

The Biloxi Police and Fire departments will host a ceremony on Sept. 11 to mark the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the Untied States. Emergency service personnel and the public will begin gathering at 8:50 a..m. on Sept. 11 at the West End Hose Co. No. 3, the fire museum on Howard Avenue north […]

Biloxi Police, Fire to host MDA, 9-11 events

The Biloxi Police and Fire departments have two public ceremonies coming up — a fish fry on Friday (Aug. 29) for the Muscular Dystrophy Association and a ceremony to mark the observance of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The MDA fish fry takes place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Lopez-Quave Public Safety […]

Holloway: Spending now outpacing annual revenue

To see a 10-year detailed report on city finances, click here. Mayor A.J. Holloway had a revelation for members of two Biloxi civic groups this week: The city of Biloxi is now spending more money than in takes in on an annual basis. And, Holloway says, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. “We have what […]

Sports complex to host first softball game

Biloxi’s new sports complex, a 70-acre site south of Popp’s Ferry and Cedar Lake roads, will host its first event this evening when Biloxi faces East Central in a 6 p.m. girls high school softball game. Three of the five phases of the planned $10 million complex have been completed: three softball fields, four soccer […]

Biloxi residents receiving flood info

Biloxi residents are finding the city’s annual Flood and Storm Preparation Guide in their mailboxes this week, and on Sunday cable subscribers in Biloxi will have a chance to see the destructive potential of hurricanes when Cable One airs the 30-minute documentary “A Lady Called Camille.” The flood and storm guide is part of the […]

Paving to begin on Popp’s Ferry project

Construction workers on the Popp’s Ferry Road widening project expect to begin laying asphalt on sections of a new temporary traffic lane next week, which will require temporary lane closures for sections of the roadway. The temporary lane to help move traffic during construction is expected to be in place from north of the causeway […]

10-year budget trend: Revenue more than doubles, spending almost triples

Here is the text of a speech about city finances that Mayor A.J. Holloway delivered to luncheon meetings of the Edgewater Rotary (Aug. 13, 2003) and Biloxi Businessmen’s Club (Aug. 14, 2003). Thank you for having me here today. I’m glad to see so many of you this afternoon. The City Council and I right […]

CTA, Biloxi to christen new hybrid electric trolleys

To see Coast Transit Authority online maps and schedules, click here. Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway will use a bottle of Barq’s Root Beer Friday morning to christen one of the Coast Transit Authority’s new hybrid electric trolleys, a vehicle that CTA will eventually use in park-and-ride operations in downtown Biloxi and Gulfport. CTA, using more […]

CSX to upgrade rail crossings in Biloxi

Rail crossings at Iris, Caillavet and Beauvoir in Biloxi will be upgraded to include concrete supports and rubberized surfaces in a CSX project that begins Wednesday. The crossing at Iris will be closed to traffic Wednesday and Thursday to allow CSX crews to make the improvements. The crossing at Caillavet Street will be closed to […]

Popp’s Ferry re-opened early

The planned two-day detour on Popp’s Ferry Road turned into a one-day job as workers were able to replace a deep sewer line and re-open the road to traffic Saturday evening. The two-block section of Popp’s Ferry between Sunkist Country Club Road and North Country Club Lane, which closed Saturday at daybreak, re-opened Saturday around […]

Police to host Night Out Against Crime

On Tuesday, August 5, 2003, neighborhoods throughout Biloxi are again being invited to join forces with thousands of communities nationwide for the “20th Annual National Night Out” (NNO) crime/drug prevention event. National Night Out, which is sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch (NATW) and co-sponsored locally by the City of Biloxi and the […]

Section of Popp’s Ferry to be re-routed this weekend

Traffic will be detoured this weekend around a two-block section of Popp’s Ferry Road – between Sunkist Country Club Road and North Country Club Lane – so that workers can replace a sewer line. The detour, which will be clearly marked, will be implemented at daybreak Saturday and is expected to end Sunday afternoon. Motorists […]

New financial info on city now online

The new Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the City of Biloxi, a report that provides detailed financial information on the city, is now available exclusively online at The 120-page full-color document uses graphics, bar charts and balance sheets to provide an accurate and complete financial position of the city, as of Sept. 30, 2002, […]

City to assume management of Port Commission

The Biloxi City Council on Thursday approved a resolution introduced by Mayor A.J. Holloway for the city to take over day-to-day management of the Biloxi Port Commission. The Council also approved a resolution that will ask the state Legislature to abolish the six-member board that oversees the operation of three harbors, wharves, boat launches and […]

Mayor declares library AC repairs an emergency

Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway has ordered that emergency measures be taken to make repairs to the air conditioning system at the Biloxi Public Library, where a malfunctioning blower damaged the system’s cooling tower Sunday night. The library and adjoining Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art will be closed until the air conditioner is repaired. The city’s Public […]

Sunkist, other streets to close to traffic

Installation of a major water line on the Popp’s Ferry Road widening project will close Sunkist Country Club Road for three days beginning Wednesday morning at 8, and nearby roadways will close as work on the water line progresses northward. Motorists on Popp’s Ferry Road will not be affected by the work, but Sunkist Country […]

Biloxi gets rainfall, winds in ‘nuisance’ storm

Biloxi Public Works crews, who worked through the night to help keep roadways and storm drains clear, were on the streets again today picking up the minimal debris left in the wake of Tropical Storm Bill. Mayor A.J. Holloway termed the storm a “nuisance,” in that no lives were lost, no serious injuries were sustained […]

Biloxi plans star-spangled weekend for Fourth

You’ll find huge fireworks displays, free outdoor patriotic musicals, the Mississippi Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo, a sailboat race and big-name entertainment throughout the weekend in Biloxi and on the Mississippi Gulf Coast for the Fourth of July weekend. “The Fourth has become the biggest weekend of the year,” said Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway. “It’s a […]

Mayor talks issues on “”City Desk”” webcast

Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway addressed a wide array of timely issues during this morning’s weekly “City Desk” webcast. Among the topics covered in the 28-minute program: construction on Keller Avenue, funding for the Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art, design work for Rue Petit Bois drainage improvements, the proposed Portofino project, and upcoming public works involving construction […]

City to minimize Popp’s Ferry work during peak traffic times

Related Info To see a postcard the city recently sent Popp’s Ferry area property owners, click here To see the overall Popp’s Ferry phasing, click here Traffic on Popp’s Ferry Road between Pass Road and the Margaret Sherry library was slowed Wednesday afternoon because of four unrelated incidents, but Mayor A.J. Holloway says city contractors […]

Brown Bag Lunch returns Friday with Hank Berumen

Main Street Biloxi will continue its summer series of Brown Bag Lunches on Friday (June 14) with Coast entertainer Hank Berumen playing from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Margaret Tremmel Peresich Park. Berumen, an acoustic guitarist, will play while downtown workers and visitors enjoy lunch under the sprawling oak tree at the park, which […]

Casino Row’s weekly fireworks shows kick off Sunday

The summer-long Casino Row weekly fireworks displays, which attracted thousands of visitors and locals to Point Cadet and the waterfront last year, kick off this weekend with a few revisions this year. They’ll be every Sunday night at 9 through Labor Day weekend, and they’ll have a different theme each week, according to executives of […]

Biloxi to honor 105 properties as historic landmarks, sites

As part of Biloxi’s celebration of Historic Preservation Month, 105 buildings and sites listed as Biloxi Landmarks will be presented with plaques this week, recognizing their status as important historic resources. The bronze plaques, designed by Main Street Biloxi President David Hardy, feature an emblem of the Biloxi Lighthouse, the name and street number of […]

Biloxi launches video arraignment program

Mayor A.J. Holloway speaks with Maj. Julian Allen of the Harrison County Sheriff’s Department during a demonstration of the new program this morning. Mayor Holloway looks at an image on the laptop computer as Municipal Court Judge Eugene Henry looks on. Arraignment of prisoners in Biloxi city court used to be a two to three-hour […]

Biloxi youth get a chance to experience local government firsthand

Biloxi got a new mayor, along with a new fire chief and public works director Tuesday, and citizens will even find new council members when the City Council meets tonight. The new leaders were part of the Biloxi Elks Lodge 606’s “Youth in Government Day,” an annual project designed to acquaint future leaders with city […]

Biloxi to host National Day of Prayer ceremony Thursday

Brig. Gen. Michael Peterson of Keesler Air Force Base will be the guest speaker Thursday at Biloxi’s National Day of Prayer observance, an event that Mayor A.J. Holloway hopes will attract dozens of spectators to the front steps of City Hall. The ceremony, which will also honor local servicemen, begins at 1 p.m. in front […]

Biloxi names Keesler master sergeant as Distinguished Volunteer

John Lowe, center, receives his award from Gen. Peterson, left, and Mayor Holloway. To see photos from the ceremony, click here. To see a complete list of the volunteers recognized, click here. John Lowe, a Keesler master sergeant who volunteers with the DARE program and has helped raise thousands of dollars for local charities, was […]

Biloxi to welcome independent baseball to Coast

Barry Lyons, center, is jonied by League President L.J. Dupuy, left, and Tony Atchley of the league champion Pensacola Pelicans. Click on icons for more on the Pensacola Pelicans or Baton Rouge River Bats. Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway says he’s excited about the two-game minor league exhibition series coming to Biloxi in May, as well […]

Biloxi to offer “hands on” floral design workshop

The Biloxi Council of Garden Clubs will have a floral-design authority on hand for a “hands on” workshop Saturday, May 3 at 1 p.m. at the Old Brick House. Guest speaker will be James M. DelPrince, an associate professor of Floral Design at Mississippi State University and published authority on floral design. Seating is limited […]

Biloxi residents to sign up Saturday for summer camp

Parents are expected to begin lining up this afternoon outside the Donal Snyder Community Center in hopes of securing spots in Biloxi’s popular summer camp program, which has its registration for Biloxi residents Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon at the Pass Road community center. “This is one of the most popular summer camps in […]

Biloxi opens wider Popp’s Ferry, sets timeframe for rest of work

Mayor A.J. Holloway addresses a gathering of community leaders and contractors before cutting the ribbon on a new five-lane section of Popp’s Ferry Road. Holloway and a black-hatted Fred Fayard, one of the contactors for the project, join other leaders as they prepare to cut the ribbon. Mayor A.J. Holloway, noting the historic significance of […]

Biloxi to hold hearing on proposed new ward lines

The Biloxi City Council has set a May 27 public hearing for the public to comment on the proposed new ward lines for the city. The hearing will be held at 3 p.m. at City Hall. The new lines, based on the 2000 Census, would be used for the 2005 municipal elections in Biloxi, if […]

City to re-open Popp’s Ferry to two-way traffic

The City of Biloxi will formally re-open Popp’s Ferry Road to two-way traffic after a brief ribbon-cutting ceremony Wednesday at 10:30 a.m., almost five months ahead of schedule. The $3.8 million project widened Popp’s Ferry Road, a major artery connecting I-10 and Pass Road, from two lanes to five lanes in the mile-long segment between […]

Friends to stage chair-ity event for Saenger

Take your seats, ladies and gentlemen. The Friends of the Saenger Theater for the Performing Arts will host a Chair-ity auction,‰ featuring historic and hysteric chairs, on Friday, April 25 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Beau Rivage Camellia Room. Proceeds from the Beau Rivage-sponsored event will benefit the restoration of the Saenger Theater. […]

Biloxi to take part in Walkable Communities Initiative

Biloxi has been selected along with eight other regions of the U.S. to participate in the Walkable Communities Initiative, which is designed to help develop realistic strategies to make the community a safer and more pleasant place to walk. The city’s Main Street program will conduct a free four-hour workshop on Wednesday, April 16 from […]

Planning Commission recommends new land-use and zoning laws

The Biloxi Planning Commission on Thursday unanimously recommended to the City Council a proposed Land Development Ordinance that will make sweeping changes to how the city regulates growth. The 400-plus-page document – the result of three years of public hearings and input – will now be passed to the City Council, which will review the […]

Biloxi continues outreach campaign for owners of flood-prone property

The City of Biloxi, as part of ongoing efforts to help reduce flood damage to property, is mailing a new flood-prevention brochure to about 2,500 property owners who live in or near the so-called 100-year flood plain. The information includes tips on how to modify your home to prevent or minimize damage from flooding, action […]

City to debut monthly radio show Friday

The City of Biloxi, which has won a state award for its former “City Desk” radio show, will be back on the airwaves with a new monthly radio show that makes its debut Friday morning on the new talk radio 1640, WTNI-AM. The show will air from 9 to 10 a.m. the first Friday of […]

Deadline nears for outstanding volunteers nominations

Hundreds of people donate countless hours and weekends for dozens of activities throughout the year in Biloxi, and the city is asking for nominations for outstanding volunteers. The deadline is April 4. On April 30, Biloxi will recognize individuals, organizations and businesses for contributing time and energy to worthwhile causes in the areas of health, […]

Council approves budget amendment, will re-visit ECO contract

The Biloxi City Council, at a special meeting called this afternoon by Mayor A.J. Holloway, approved a budget amendment authorizing the mayor to spend almost a million dollars to operate the city’s water and sewer department through the end of the fiscal year. A majority of councilmembers last week rejected a proposal for ECO Resources […]

Holloway laments “”bad day”” for Biloxi

Mayor A.J. Holloway said that he will work to ensure that Biloxi residents continue to receive quality water and sewer service at affordable rates, despite a decision by a majority of the City Council today to reject a proposal to have ECO Resources continue to manage the city’s water and sewer department. “This is a […]

Biloxi firefighters train at building fire

The Biloxi Fire Department on Monday burned down a building that it had been using as a classroom for several months, and Fire Chief David Roberts said firefighters gained valuable experience from the exercise. Since January, firefighters have used the former clubhouse at the former Edgewater Bay Golf Course to practice techniques involving ventilation, search […]

Holloway requests second appraisal in Caillavet case

Mayor A.J. Holloway told the Biloxi City Council Tuesday that he has asked for a new appraisal of land the city is proposing to lease to its former owner, Living Waters Ministries Inc. The City Council two weeks ago tabled a proposal to lease Caillavet Street property to Living Waters for $1,400 a month, which […]

Significant portion of Bayview set to open Saturday

A section of the new Bayview Avenue is scheduled to open Saturday, and visitors to an annual outdoor concert at the Old Brick House will be among the first to see the new boulevard. Construction workers this week have been busily pouring curbing and laying asphalt on the stretch of new roadway between Braun Street […]

Hibernia parades Saturday in Biloxi

More than 40 floats and a 32-foot multi-colored RV from the Outdoor Channel will be among the entries in the Hibernia Marching Society’s annual St. Patrick’s parade in downtown Biloxi Saturday at 2 p.m. The Outdoor Channel — a 10-year-old national cable outlet catering to hunting, fishing and outdoors programming – has two RVs making […]

Mayor explains city’s acquisition policy on Caillavet Street property

By Mayor A.J. Holloway One thing I’ve always tried to do as your mayor is to be fair to all residents of Biloxi, and to do what is right for the city as a whole. Over the past week, The Sun Herald has covered an issue in a way that questions whether the city – […]

Traffic signals go online Tuesday at Cedar Lake and old Highway 67

Traffic signals that were recently installed on the old Highway 67 intersection at Cedar Lake and Hudson-Krohn roads will be activated Tuesday morning at 9. The signals replace a flashing four-way stop light that had been at the intersection. Traffic counts show that about 10,000 vehicles use the intersection on an average day, which prompted […]

Special Olympics, police to host car wash

Several Coast law enforcement agencies will come to the support of Special Olympics with a fund-raising car wash Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Stein Mart parking lot at Beauvoir and Pass roads in Biloxi. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be sold during the car wash. Biloxi Assistant Police Chief Rodney McGilvary, […]

Holloway praises officers, police department at awards ceremony

Here is the prepared text of the remarks that Mayor A.J. Holloway made Feb. 14, 2003 at an awards ceremony at the Lopez-Quave Public Safety Center, where two officers were awarded Medals of Valor by Holloway and Police Chief Bruce Dunagan, and several officers were recognized by the DEA. Thank you. I’m glad to see […]

Mardi Gras News: Children’s parade, special seating, children’s carnival ball

Mardi Gras is less than a month away, and preparations are being made for events taking place between now and Fat Tuesday, which falls on March 4. City crews began installing bleachers in front of City Hall this morning, and Gulf Coast Carnival Association staffers were busily addressing invitations to the coronation on Monday night, […]

City to again offer special seating for Mardi Gras parades

The City of Biloxi will again provide special seating for disabled and frail, elderly residents to view the Gulf Coast Carnival Association morning parade and the Krewe of Neptune afternoon parade on March 4, Mardi Gras Day. The city is celebrating its 18th year hosting the special protected seating area, which is on the east […]


Here is the prepared text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s State of the City address, delivered Jan. 30, 2003 during a noon luncheon at the Isle of Capri and sponsored by the Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce. Good afternoon, I’m glad to see so many of you this new year. I have several things to tell […]

Holloway applauds schedule on road work, affirms support for Keesler

Mayor A.J. Holloway announced Thursday that Biloxi’s construction management program has major road projects running ahead of schedule, and, reinforcing his longstanding position not to allow anything to jeopardize the missions of Keesler Air Force Base, the mayor announced the appointment of a retired three-star general who is a former Keesler commander, to help efforts […]

City parks getting playground equipment, pavilions

The City of Biloxi is in the midst of making more than $100,000 in improvements, including new playground equipment and picnic pavilions, at several neighborhood parks throughout the city. About $70,000 of modular playground equipment is being installed this week at Businessmen’s Park, Clay Point and Savarro ball park, and in February at city playgrounds […]

Sold-out State of City address to replay on cable TV, radio

The Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce has announced that Mayor A.J. Holloway’s State of the City address will be delivered to a standing-room-only audience on Thursday. The chamber said that the last of the 450 seats for the Isle of Capri luncheon was sold Monday afternoon. The mayor is expected to present a 20-minute speech, […]

Fire Department issues tips to avoid wintertime house fires

The Biloxi Fire Department, which sees an increase in fire calls each winter, is asking residents to take steps to minimize the chance of igniting fires in their homes. The department issued winter fire safety tips on Thursday, in the wake of two separate house fires in the past two days, including one that involved […]

Biloxi planning huge Martin Luther King celebration

The City of Biloxi will again be hosting the big three — Alcorn State University, Jackson State University and Mississippi Valley State University – for its Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration and Parade. Biloxi’s parade and battle of the bands takes place Monday, Jan. 20, and is part of a Coastwide MLK celebration that […]

City Council to consider Edgewater Bay proposal

The Biloxi City Council on Friday will consider a proposal to approve a scaled-down version of a subdivision at the former site of the Edgewater Bay Golf Course. The meeting will begin at 4 p.m. at City Hall. The resolution, which was recommended by the Biloxi Planning Commission, would allow 94 single-family residences, down from […]

Keesler worker presents mayor flag from battlefield

A Keesler base exchange worker and Biloxi native who volunteered to manage an exchange in Qatar for six months brought home a souvenir for Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway and the citizens of Biloxi: an American flag that flew over Afghanistan on Veterans Day. Earline Mitchell, who has traveled around the world with the Army and […]

Tullis-Toledano Manor receives $175,000 state grant

Tullis-Toledano Manor, one of the city of Biloxi’s historic beachfront properties, has received a $175,000 grant for the restoration of the Crawford House from the Mississippi Department of Archives and History Mississippi Landmark grant program. The grant, which will be matched with funds from the city, Harrison County and the Tullis-Toledano Manor Board of Directors, […]

Broken water main slows traffic on U.S. 90 at Main

A broken water main, which crews hope to have repaired tonight, is limiting westbound traffic to one lane on U.S. 90 at Main Street and closed a one-block section of Main just north of the highway. Workers from ECO Resources, the city’s water contractor, discovered the broken 12-inch main this morning and have been working […]

Christmas on the Water organizers getting ready for big weekend

Organizers of Biloxi’s Christmas on the Water celebration are making last-minute preparations today as the event draws closer to its Friday kickoff. More than 200 children are expected to participate in the children’s parade through downtown Biloxi Friday night, says parade organizer Sarah Rider. Parents with last-minute registrants can sign up just before the 6 […]

City seeks grass roots input from east Biloxi residents

The City of Biloxi will be conducting neighborhood surveys this month in Wards 1 and 2 to seek input on the city’s east Biloxi revitalization project. About 15 workers will conduct 800 voluntary surveys between Dec. 6 and 21. The 59-question survey is expected to take about 20 minutes. Questions seek opinions on quality of […]

Holloway Addresses Gulfport Kiwanians on Keesler

Here is the prepared text of a speech Mayor A.J. Holloway gave to the Gulfport Kiwanis club on Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2002, at the Holiday Inn Beachfront in Gulfport. Good afternoon. I’m glad that you invited me to speak to you today, and I’m happy to see such a good turnout. I was over here […]

Holloway recognizes Red Ribbon winners

Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway on Tuesday presented certificates and trophies to first place winners in the Red Ribbon Week poster and essay contests in Biloxi public and parochial schools. The first place essay winners, who also received $25 cash awards from Biloxi Public Schools were Jay Fowlkes of Michel Seventh Grade, Courtney Kennedy of Biloxi […]

Main Street to show off downtown with evening of activities

Main Street Biloxi will usher in a new holiday tradition this year with “Christmas in the City: A Downtown Biloxi Christmas Open House,” a Friday evening of free activities at various sites in downtown Biloxi. The Nov. 22 event, which is a preface to the city’s Christmas on the Water celebration in December, is designed […]

Two lanes of U.S. 90 to be closed for Veterans Parade

Biloxi police are cautioning motorists that traffic on U.S. 90 between downtown and Pine Street on Point Cadet will be limited to the two southernmost lanes Saturday from 10 a.m. to around 1 p.m., when the Veterans Parade rolls. The parade will travel U.S. 90 from Main Street to Pine Street. It will begin at […]

Biloxi to dedicate Firefighters Museum

The public will have a chance to learn about the close ties many Biloxi families have to the Biloxi Fire Department and get a glimpse of life in a fire station of yesteryear with the opening of the Firefighters Museum Saturday at 2 p.m. in Biloxi. The museum is a showcase of photographs and firefighting […]

Biloxi Police kick off ‘Santa Wears a Badge’ program

The Biloxi Police Department is looking to match donations and needy families for the eighth annual “Santa Wears a Badge” holiday assistance program. Now through Dec. 12, police are accepting donations to the project, which has helped dozens of eligible families since its inception in 1995. “Some of the families might not have any Christmas […]

Tullis Toledano Manor to host Veteran’s Day Concert

The City of Biloxi and the Tullis-Toledano Manor Board of Directors will sponsor a Veteran’s Day concert on Monday, Nov. 11 at 6:30 p.m. at Tullis-Toledano Manor, 360 Beach Blvd., Biloxi. The concert will feature renowned classical guitarist John De Chiaro. A reception will be held after the concert. Tickets are $10 each and are […]

City to help property owners with FEMA buyout program

The City of Biloxi is embarking on a program that will help relocate residents whose homes have a history of flooding. The City Council on Tuesday authorized Mayor A.J. Holloway to enter a Federal Emergency Management Agency program that involves buying private homes that have experienced repetitive flooding. The city also will assist eligible property […]

Biloxi to host Mississippi’s National Veterans Parade and Festival

Dozens of military units, armored vehicles and marching bands will be parading from downtown Biloxi to Point Cadet Plaza on Saturday, Nov. 9, for Mississippi’s Third Annual National Veterans Parade and Festival. The parade will begin at 11 a.m. and will be followed by a festival at Point Cadet Plaza, where visitors will find a […]

Antique ID planned for Nov. 9

Wondering whether your latest yard sale find is an undiscovered treasure? Bring it to Antique ID V and find out. The annual event, now in its fifth year, will be held on the grounds of Tullis-Toledano Manor Saturday, Nov. 9, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Eighteen authorities from Mississippi and Louisiana, with expertise in […]

Christmas on the Water sweatshirts, pins now available

The City of Biloxi and the Christmas on the Water committee announce that 2002 Commemorative Christmas on the Water sweatshirts and Christmas pins are now available. Medium, large and x-large sweatshirts and pins are $16 each; xx-large shirts are $18. All merchandise is available at the Biloxi Visitors Center, 710 Beach Blvd., Biloxi. Proceeds will […]

Popp’s Ferry causeway proposals unveiled

The Popp’s Ferry causeway will be home to new fishing piers, improved boat ramps and parking, and boardwalks along the waterfront and over marshes in the initial phase of a master plan unveiled this week. Some work on the first phase, which would cost about $1 million, could begin in several weeks, with Harrison County […]

Biloxi prepares for citywide 9-11 observance

A two-block section at the west end of Howard Avenue, near Porter Avenue, will be closed for about an hour Wednesday morning to accommodate the crowd expected for the city’s 9-11 observance at the Firefighters Museum. Police will close the section of Howard from Porter Avenue to near Benachi Street from 8:45 to 9:45 a.m. […]

Saenger to kick off unique drive for new auditorium seating

Musical Chairs is the theme of a campaign by Friends of the Saenger to raise $125,000 to replace the aged auditorium seating in the Saenger Theatre for the Performing Arts. The campaign kicks off Tuesday, Sept. 10 with a 3 p.m. press conference and a grand game of musical chairs at the theater. The program […]

Ladies to hit road again for Tullis

The Second Annual Ladies Road Rally will be Saturday, Sept. 7, featuring ladies in vintage cars traveling from Pass Christian to Biloxi with stops for food, fun, shopping and door prizes. The event is a fundraiser for restoration of the Crawford House at Tullis Toledano Manor. This year’s rally begins at 9:30 a.m. with coffee […]

Biloxi to mark 9-11 anniversary with simultaneous observances

Biloxi will commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks with a Wednesday morning ceremony at the city’s soon-to-open Firefighters Museum and simultaneous observances at eight fire stations across the city. The half-hour ceremony, which will be broadcast live on local radio station Q 92.5, will begin at 9 a.m. It will include […]

Biloxi water system gets excellent report card from health department

Biloxi residents have known for years that the city has the lowest water rates on the Coast, but a new report from the Mississippi State Department of Health says that the city also has one of the best-run water systems in the state. Biloxi received a 4.7 of a possible 5 rating in the state’s […]

Popp’s Ferry Detour begins Thursday at 9 a.m.

The City of Biloxi will implement its Popp’s Ferry Road traffic plan Thursday at 9 a.m., when westbound traffic on the north Biloxi thoroughfare will be one way between Cedar Lake Road and Jam Lane and eastbound traffic will be detoured to Richard Drive. The traffic plan is necessary to allow workers to begin widen […]

Holloway budget: no city tax increase, $7 million in new projects

Mayor A.J. Holloway’s proposed budget for the next fiscal year includes no new property taxes for city operations, forecasts no revenue growth, yet includes $7.2 million in new public improvement projects. The $142 million budget, which the mayor and City Council will begin discussing Tuesday morning, includes $22 million for Biloxi public schools. The school […]

Holloway hails new Point Cadet lease

Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway says a new Point Cadet agreement passed by the City Council today settles many issues involving the east Biloxi waterfront, and it sets the stage for the growth of the Isle of Capri and the continued presence of the J.L. Scott Marine Education Center and Aquarium. The City Council’s OK of […]

Community leaders get look at new high school

City and community leaders toured the new Biloxi High School Wednesday morning as construction workers were working to ready to the $32 million facility for Sept. 3, the first day of school. “This is a state-of-the-art facility and will be a model for the state and Southeast,” Mayor A.J. Holloway said. “I think the school […]

City takes measures against virus, encourages residents to help

Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway, responding to concerns over the spread of the mosquito-borne West Nile virus, announced that the city is concentrating on cutting and cleaning open ditches, and pursuing code violations such as neglected swimming pools or other areas where standing water may provide a breeding ground for mosquitoes. The Centers for Disease Control […]

Popp’s ferry work begins, but detour postponed

Three days of intermittent rainfall that began with the threat of a tropical storm this week have forced the City of Biloxi to postpone a traffic plan that was to begin Friday on Popp’s Ferry Road. However, work has begun on the project to widen the major thoroughfare. The traffic plan — which involves making […]

Biloxi to upgrade traffic signals

Motorists on the streets of Biloxi will be seeing larger and brighter traffic signals as the result of a quarter-million-dollar traffic project the city will have completed within six months. Biloxi recently completed an analysis of the 56 signalized intersections throughout city, and on Tuesday the City Council approved a $236,000 project that will involve […]

City Council to conduct LDO information meetings

The Biloxi City Council will conduct a series of informational meetings beginning later this month to provide information about the proposed Land Development Ordinance and Zoning Map, but residents can review the information now on the city’s web site and at locations throughout the city. The LDO — which covers regulations on such things as […]

Biloxi to implement traffic plan for next phase of Popp’s Ferry project

The City of Biloxi will begin the next phase of widening Popp’s Ferry Road at the end of next week, and the work will require detouring eastbound traffic off a section of Popp’s Ferry Road. The good news for motorists is that the detour will use more than $5 million worth of brand new roads […]

Harry Potter to visit Saenger Theater

Main Street Biloxi will help the city celebrate National Parks & Recreation Month this weekend with the presentation of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” Saturday morning at the Saenger Theater. The 11 a.m. presentation will have no admission fee, and the Parks & Recreation Department will serve free refreshments at the concession stand. Audience […]

Brown Bag Lunch planned for Friday

Rockin’ Ray Fournier, a longtime Biloxi singer and songwriter, will entertain Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at a Downtown Brown Bag Lunch. The event, one of a series sponsored by Main Street Biloxi and The Bay Press, will again be held in Margaret Tremmel Peresich Park, south of Biloxi Regional Medical Center. Soft […]

Holloway to name new Public Works Director

Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway on Tuesday will name Richard Sullivan, manager of ECO Resources in Biloxi and a former superintendent in the Public Works Department, as the new director of the Public Works Department. Sullivan, who was chosen from among 28 applicants, will replace longtime director Jerry Morgan, who is retiring. Holloway will ask the […]

Holloway unveils conceptual drawings of Caillavet

Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway presented the City Council Tuesday with drawings and a 3D video that show a new tree-lined Caillavet boulevard with four lanes for traffic, eight-foot-wide sidewalks on both sides of the street, 12-foot strips of green space along the street, and a 25-foot center median lined with trees. And, Holloway said, in […]

Holloway calls for fair return on taxes

Here is the prepared text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s remarks to the Gulfport Rotary, Thursday, June 6, 2002, at the Great Southern Club: Good afternoon. I’m glad that you invited me to speak to you today, and I’m glad that so many of you are here. They asked me to speak about what we have […]

Holloway: City residents deserve fair return on county tax dollars

Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway, noting that almost three quarters of the county’s property taxes come from residents of Biloxi and Gulfport, said Thursday that the two cities should work to make sure city residents are getting a fair return on those taxes. The mayor, speaking to the Gulfport Rotary club at the Great Southern Club, […]

Garden Clubs to host lecture, plant swap

The Biloxi Council of Garden Clubs will host a lecture and demonstration on Nineteenth Century Floral Designs along with a plant swap at the Old Brick House Saturday, June 8 at 10 a.m. Guest lecturer will be Mississippi State floral design professor James M. DelPrince, a member of The American Institute of Floral Designers and […]

Pirates and treasure headed for Town Green

Main Street Biloxi continues its highly successful “Drive-in Movie” series on the Town Green on Friday, May 31, with a free presentation of “The Goonies.” The activities begin at 6:30 p.m. with the door prizes and giveaways. The movie will be shown at dark. Families are invited to bring lawn chairs and blankets to enjoy […]

Snyder center marks first anniversary

An average of 125 people a day have been using the Donal M. Snyder Sr. Community Center since the west Biloxi center opened a year ago this month, and thousands more have been in the facility for special events such as family reunions or wedding receptions. The $4.2 million, 43,000-square-foot facility features a gymnasium with […]

Casino Row traffic plan goes into effect Thursday

Traffic on U.S. 90 at Casino Row will go from eight lanes to four lanes beginning Thursday morning about 6:30 as the city begins installing major drainage lines under the highway. Two eastbound and two westbound lanes will be open from Oak Street to Myrtle Street, and police officers will help keep traffic moving during […]

Biloxi gets new leaders today

Amanda McDonald, a senior at Biloxi High School, took over the reins of Biloxi city government Tuesday when she was named Mayor as part of the Biloxi Elks Lodge 606’s annual Youth in Government Day. McDonald shadowed Mayor A.J. Holloway throughout the day as her classmates from Biloxi High and Mercy Cross followed other key […]

Biloxi begins search for new Public Works director

The City of Biloxi has begun placing advertisements locally and in national trade publications to find a qualified replacement for Public Works Director Jerry Morgan, who is retiring after more than a decade with the city. The new director will oversee a department that has 90 employees and an annual budget of more than $16 […]

Biloxi Hershey Track & Field Meet is Thursday

The City of Biloxi is looking for youngsters ages 9-10, 11-12 and 13-14 who can run the fastest, jump the longest and throw the farthest to take part in the Hershey Track & Field Meet Thursday at 6 p.m. at Yankie Stadium. First-place finishers will advance to the state meet on June 15 at Gulfport. […]

Blessing, seafood heritage commemorated with cards, cancellation

A commemorative set of postcards depicting the heyday of Biloxi’s seafood industry and Blessing of the Fleet, along with a special cancellation showing the Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum and a Biloxi schooner, will be available at a one-day postal station on Friday at the Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum. The station will open shortly […]

Biloxi names Miller as Distinguished Volunteer

Sara Miller, public affairs manager at Beau Rivage Resort & Casino, was named Biloxi’s Distinguished Volunteer of the Year during a ceremony Thursday where the city recognized about 150 individuals and groups for their volunteerism. Miller, a Biloxi native, was cited for her hands-on involvement with more than a dozen events and groups, including the […]

Blessing of the Fleet takes place May 4-5

One of city’s most cherished traditions, the Biloxi Shrimp Festival and Blessing of the Fleet, takes place May 4-5 off the Biloxi peninsula. The weekend-long celebration, which dates back to the Old Country, will feature the Sunday afternoon blessing of a brightly decorated shrimping fleet to ask for God’s blessing for a safe and bountiful […]

Biloxi marks historic preservation month with events

May is Historic Preservation Month, and the City of Biloxi, one of the oldest communities in the country, has several events planned to commemorate the occasion and raise awareness of the importance of preservation. The lineup of events includes a sunset cruise on a Biloxi schooner to view landmarks along the waterfront and discuss the […]

Point Cadet drainage project to begin

Motorists will see preliminary work begin Friday on a major drainage project on Casino Row to improve drainage in the area near First and Pine streets, a block north of U.S. 90. The southernmost lane of the highway may be closed intermittently Friday on Casino Row as workers begin excavation work to install major drainage […]


! to gaming commission on 10-year impact of gaming

Remarks on “Leadership” to William Carey College MBA class

Here are Mayor A.J. Holloway’s remarks to Dr. Janet Williams’ Masters in Business Administration class on the subject of leadership, presented April 17, 2002, at William Carey College in Gulfport: Everybody has an idea of what successful leadership is – and how to be a successful leader. Some of things you’ve probably heard are having […]

Holloway addresses state Gaming Commission on 10-year anniversary

Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway told the Mississippi Gaming Commission Wednesday that Biloxi has seen tremendous growth in the decade since casino gambling was legalized, but he is most proud of the commitment the city has made to its youth. Holloway, along with mayors of Gulfport and Bay St. Louis, was asked by Gaming Commission Chairman […]

Secretary of State joins “Refuse to be a Victim” program for seniors

The Mississippi Secretary of State’s office and a Medicare expert have joined the city’s upcoming seminar to help seniors avoid becoming an easy target for scams. “Refuse to be a Victim,” co-sponsored by Biloxi Regional Medical Center, will be presented Thursday from 9 a.m. to noon at the Snyder Center on Pass Road. The workshop […]

Chili fest, symphony headline weekend

“Hot Chili & Cool Breezes,” the second annual Gulf Coast Chili Cookoff, will take place Saturday on the Biloxi Town Green as one of several events occurring this weekend. The chili cookoff, which opens to the public at 11 a.m. and continues through the afternoon, will feature live music, hot chili and cold beer and […]

Authorities implement traffic plan

Local authorities, facing increased traffic headed to the Mississippi Coast, began implementing the spring break traffic plan Saturday afternoon. The plan limits U.S. 90 traffic to one lane in each direction between Cowan Road in Gulfport and Rodenburg Avenue in Biloxi, with the inside land reserved for emergency vehicles only. Additionally, the number of streets […]

Frequently asked questions about spring break traffic plan

  Why is there a traffic plan? The traffic plan was developed by local authorities to keep traffic moving during spring break. It is based on similar plans developed by cities where spring break was held. Under the plan in our community, a stretch of U.S. 90 in east Gulfport (from about Cowan Road) and […]

Tullis-Toledano to host croquet, afternoon tea Sunday

Biloxi’s Tullis-Toledano Manor will step back in time Sunday afternoon when the beachfront property hosts its second annual Afternoon Tea and Croquet Tournament to raise money for the restoration of the Crawford House. The public is invited to the event, which takes place from 2 to 4 p.m. About 24 players, many dressed in “croquet […]

Hockey fans, Coliseum-area residents must use Pass Road

Following is a release from the Biloxi Police Department regarding the spring break traffic plan: Biloxi Police have announced that those planning to attend the Mississippi Sea Wolves hockey game Friday night at the Coast Coliseum should access the Coliseum from Pass Road. If the traffic plan is implemented Friday, motorists are advised to avoid […]

Authorities approve proposed spring break traffic plan

Leaders of the Biloxi and Gulfport Police departments and the Harrison County Sheriff’s Department have approved a traffic plan that may be implemented this weekend should a spring break event be held in Biloxi April 5-7. “The plan is essentially the same plan we successfully employed last year,” Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway said. “The big […]

Biloxi sets registration for Summer Playground and Enrichment Program

Woolmarket residents will be the first to register for Biloxi’s summer playground program when the city hosts registration Saturday, April 13, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Woolmarket Gym on John Lee Road. Other Biloxi residents will register on Saturday, April 20, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Donal Snyder Community Center. The […]

City to host second annual “”Refuse to be a Victim”” program for seniors

The City of Biloxi and local healthcare providers are sponsoring a free seminar in April to help seniors avoid becoming an easy target for scams. “Refuse to be a Victim,” co-sponsored by Biloxi Regional Medical Center, Senior Care Program and Quality Home Healthcare-Community Caring, will be presented Thursday, April 18, from 9 a.m. to noon […]

Biloxi Bacon Brigade to cook on Town Green

The Biloxi Police and Fire departments’ Biloxi Bacon Brigade will be serving fried fish and hamburger plates on the Town Green Friday at lunchtime and during the outdoor screening of “Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” Friday evening. The fish and hamburger plates — $5 each – will benefit the American Cancer Society’s Relay for […]

Biloxi seeks nominations for outstanding volunteers

Hundreds of people donate countless hours and weekends for dozens of activities throughout the year in Biloxi, and the city is asking for nominations for outstanding volunteers. On April 25, Biloxi will recognize individuals, organizations and businesses for contributing time and energy to worthwhile causes in the areas of health, community, arts and history, and […]

Janca artwork to be auctioned at reception

The project to restore the Crawford House at Tullis Toledano Manor will be the beneficiary of an auction of an original Frank Janca oil painting during a reception Sunday, March 24, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Courtney Green. Admission to the reception, which is from 2 to 5 p.m., is $25 per […]

Biloxi, Gulf Coast featured on WYES program

Many New Orleanians remember the days when a trip to Biloxi was a very big deal, and you’ll get a chance to see just how big of a deal it was when WYES-TV airs an encore of “Gulf Coast Memories” Sunday (March 17) at 7 p.m. The program, which originally aired Wednesday, was written, produced […]

Main Street extols variety of downtown restaurants

Main Street Biloxi, the group charged with promoting downtown Biloxi, has been bragging about the increasing number and variety of downtown eateries, and director Bill Raymond says there’s a lot to brag about. “The downtown area has always been known for great food, with longtime favorites like McElroy’s, the world-famous Mary Mahoney’s and Fisherman’s Harbor,” […]

Biloxi named best buy for travelers

For the second straight year, Biloxi has been named the most affordable destination among the country’s Top 100 communities. Business Travel News, which annually surveys business destinations, researched prices for hotel rooms, meals and rental cars in compiling the nationwide ranking. The combination of all three figures showed that Biloxi was the best travel bargain, […]

Hibernia parades Saturday in Biloxi

More than 40 floats – “as big as or bigger than those at Mardi Gras” – and marching bands from as far away as Yazoo City will be in the Hibernia Marching Society’s annual St. Patrick’s parade when it rolls in Biloxi on Saturday at 2 p.m. Also scheduled to be in the procession are […]

Automated cans go in use citywide April 1

Trash and debris will be picked up quicker and more often throughout Biloxi as the city and BFI prepare to launch automated trash pick up citywide April 1. Automated service and expanded debris pickup began in west Biloxi and Woolmarket in October, when Biloxi and BFI also placed dumpsters at sites throughout the city in […]

Significant road projects breaking ground in Biloxi

Amid talk of construction management, funding for the Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art, east Biloxi revitalization and other issues, significant progress is being made on a number of city road projects, Mayor A.J. Holloway told a civic group Wednesday. Holloway updated the Edgewater Rotary Club on the status of several million dollars worth of projects throughout […]

Take a trip into imagination on the Town Green

Main Street Biloxi continues it’s highly successful “Drive-in Movie” Series on the Town Green on March 22 with Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The festivities begin at 6:00 pm with the door prizes, giveaways and lots of fun. The movie will be shown at dark. The movie is co-sponsored by the City of Biloxi, […]

Separating fact from fiction on the city budget

Here is the prepared text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s address on city finances, made Monday, March 4, 2002, to the Biloxi Kiwanis Club, at the Holiday Inn Coliseum.: Good afternoon. I’m glad that you invited me to speak to you today. Today, we’re going to talk about one of everybody’s favorite subjects – money. Some […]

Holloway: ‘Biloxi is healthy, not wealthy’

Mayor A.J. Holloway told the Biloxi Kiwanis Club Monday that the city of Biloxi is financially healthy — not rich — and must continue to be fiscally conservative. Holloway took a number of financial questions head on during the 10-minute speech, including comments that “the city has more money than we know what to do […]

Holloway moves forward with construction management

Mayor A.J. Holloway will be meeting with representatives of W.G. Yates and Sons Construction Co. this week to outline timetables and bid packages for the construction of a new Bayview Avenue. In his State of the City address in January, Holloway said he hoped to see construction begin on Bayview in April. The multi-million-dollar project, […]

City to outline east Biloxi Revitalization Plan

East Biloxi residents and business owners will get a chance to hear the ideas for revitalizing their neighborhoods in a public meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 27, at 7 p.m. at the Biloxi Community Center. The meeting will cap a day of information sharing with several focus groups, including key landowners, business owners, city boards, developers, […]

Holloway thanks paradegoers for safe celebration

City work crews were on downtown streets early Wednesday morning picking up tons of debris left over from Biloxi’s three parades on Fat Tuesday, and Mayor A.J. Holloway said he was thankful that the city enjoyed a safe and relatively trouble-free celebration. “We had great weather, well-organized parades and the crowd was spirited but well […]

Woolmarket residents should check flood-insurance rates

Woolmarket residents who became part of Biloxi through annexation should check their flood-insurance rates to make sure they are receiving discounts available to Biloxi residents. Biloxi homeowners enjoy lower rates for fire and flood insurance because of enhanced levels of service offered by the city. The issue of lower flood insurance discounts arose this week […]

Holloway sets timetable for major road projects

Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway, in his first State of the City address of his third term, announced Thursday that construction would begin on a new Bayview Avenue in April and work would begin on the next phase of Popp’s Ferry by the summer. Speaking before a sold-out audience of almost 500 at the Isle of […]


Here is the prepared text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s State of the City Address, delivered Thursday, Jan. 31, 2002, before a luncheon sponsored by the Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce at the Isle of Capri Casino Resort.: Good afternoon and welcome. I’m glad to see so many of you here. This is my ninth time […]

Cable One to air “”State of the City”” address

Mayor A.J. Holloway’s “State of the City” address, which will be delivered to a sell-out crowd Thursday, will be rebroadcast on Friday at 6:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. on Cable One in Biloxi. Cable subscribers can see the presentation on Cable Channel 13. A text of the speech also will be available on the Biloxi […]

Army band to perform Feb. 2-3 at Saenger

The Army Ground Forces Band, a group that traces its history back to 1845 and the Mexican War, will perform free concerts Feb. 2 and 3 at the Saenger Theater in Biloxi. The group’s Biloxi shows are the only Mississippi appearances in a 23-concert tour of the Southeast. The concert band will entertain at the […]

Mardi Gras Museum to usher in Carnival Season

Biloxi’s Mardi Gras Museum, where every day is Fat Tuesday, will hold its annual open house Tuesday, Feb. 5, from 5 to 7 p.m. with entertainment by Owen McPeek and Biloxi Jazz. Visitors to the open house also will be able to enjoy free champagne, King cake, and free tours of the museum, which is […]

City unveils proposed land-use and zoning ordinance

The City of Biloxi’s proposed land development ordinance — which covers regulations on such things as uses of land, signage, setbacks, and landscape buffers – is now available for review on the city’s web site and at municipal facilities throughout the city. A map showing zoning classifications throughout the city will be available for public […]

Biloxi launches effort to create disaster, flood plans

The City of Biloxi is launching a public outreach program to update plans to deal with natural or man-made disasters and help alleviate flooding or reduce flooding. It’s all part of a national effort mandated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and will ensure that Biloxi remains eligible for relief money to recover from disasters, […]

Valley, Alcorn to headline Biloxi MLK celebration

Two of Mississippi’s premier black collegiate marching bands will headline Biloxi’s Martin Luther King Jr. celebration on Monday, Jan. 21. Mississippi Valley State and Alcorn State will march in Biloxi’s MLK parade and perform in a program and “Battle of the Bands” immediately after the parade, in Biloxi Yankie Stadium. The parade will begin at […]

“The first 100 days, and managing what’s next”

Here is the prepared text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s address to the Edgewater Rotary, delivered Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2001 at the Holiday Inn-Coliseum.: I’m glad to be here today to talk about a few of the issues that we are dealing with at City Hall. I was looking at my inaugural address the other day. […]

2001 Inaugural Address

Mayor A.J. HollowayĂ­s inaugural address for his third term, delivered July 8, 2001, at the Donal Snyder Community Center Thank you Judge Russell. I hope we can do this again in four years. Honorable council members, distinguished judges, ladies and gentlemen: Thank you for being here on this great day. We’ve come through a spirited […]

Mayor A.J. Holloway’s State of the City Address

Here is the text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s State of the City Address, delivered Thursday, March 8, 2001, before a luncheon sponsored by the Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce at the Isle of Capri Casino Resort. Thank you for being here today. I’m glad to see such a great turnout. I’m proud and honored to […]

State of the City Address at Isle of Capri Crowne Plaza Resort

Mayor A.J. Holloway’s State of the City address delivered Feb. 23, 2000 during a luncheon at the Isle of Capri Crowne Plaza Resort sponsored by the Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce. Good afternoon. I am proud to come before you again for the State of the City address. The state of our city is better […]

State of the City Address to the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce

Mayor A.J. Holloway’s State of the City address to the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce, delivered March 17, 1999 at the Grand Bayview Hotel. Good morning. I’m glad to be with you this morning to present the State of the City address. You know, it seems like it’s been only a few weeks since I gave […]

State of the City Address

Here is the text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s State of the City address, delivered Feb. 22, 1999, during a luncheon sponsored by the Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce at the Grand Bayview Hotel. Thank you for that kind welcome. I’m delighted to see such a great turnout. I want to congratulate Don Marie and Lucy […]

Deal$ ’98: Gaming & Entertainment Finance and Investment Forum

Prepared remarks for Mayor A.J. Holloway, for “Deal$ *98: Gaming & Entertainment Finance and Investment Forum.” Panel discussion on “Crystal Balling the Future of Gaming Expansion across the Nation.” Sponsored by the Institute for International Research and UNLV International Gaming Institute Monday, April 20, 1998, The Desert Inn, Las Vegas. Good morning. I’m happy to […]

City Commissioner Pete Elder Eulogy

Here is the eulogy that Mayor A.J. Holloway presented at the funeral of former City Commissioner Pete Elder, who died in April 1997. He served as the city’s payroll cerk at the time of his death. Yesterday, we had a meeting in City Hall about the proposed school bond issue. It was a day full […]

1997 Crime Statistics

Following is a speech delivered by Biloxi Police Chief Tommy Moffett regarding the 1997 crime statistics for the City of Biloxi. The speech was delivered in March 1998 to the Biloxi Rotary Club at Mary Mahoney’s Old French House Restaurant in Biloxi. Good afternoon, and thank you for having me here today. Today, I’m going […]

State of the City Address

Mayor A.J. Holloway’s State of the City address delivered Feb. 5, 1998 to the Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce at J.L. Scott Marine Education Center. Thank you for such a kind reception. It reminds me of what the cow said to the farmer after the milking machine broke. "I appreciate the warm hand." I am […]

Inauguration Speech

Inauguration speech delivered by Mayor A.J. Holloway, Monday, July 7, 1997 in inauguration ceremonies at the Saenger Theater in Biloxi. Honorable council members, distinguished judges, guests, ladies and gentlemen: Thank you for being here to share in this great occasion. Today, I want to lay the groundwork for what promises to be four historic years […]

Mayor’s Remarks regarding Crime Statistics

Mayor’s remarks regarding crime statistics, to Biloxi Businessmens Club, Feb. 13, 1997. Good afternoon, and thank you for having me here today. I am here to talk about a very important issue facing our society, and in particular our city: CRIME, and what we have been doing to help keep our city streets and neighborhoods […]

State of the City Address

Mayor Holloway’s “State of the City” Address, delivered Feb. 3, 1997 to Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce, Treasure Bay Hotel. Good evening and thank you for having me here tonight. I am honored to present the annual State of the City address. For three years now, I have come before you to outline the many […]

Biloxi Rotary Address

  Mayor Holloway’s address to the Biloxi Rotary, Jan. 28, 1997, Mary Mahoney’s Old French House Restaurant. Thank you for having me here today. When Len James called the office last month, he’d asked us about coming to give a report on hat’s been going on in the City. Frankly, we’re busier than ever, with […]

National Black Caucus of State Legislators

Mayor Holloway’s remarks to the National Black Caucus of State Legislators, Dec. 4, 1996, Broadwater Beach Resort, Biloxi. Delegates to the National Black Caucus of State Legislators, honored guests, friends…. I’m honored to be here this morning to welcome you to Biloxi and the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Let me spend a few minutes telling you […]

World Gaming Congress & Expo

Comments to the World Gaming Congress & Expo, Las Vegas (Nev.) Convention Center, September 1996. Biloxi is one of America’s oldest and youngest cities. Oldest because we were first settled in 1699 and youngest because this city is undergoing a rebirth that began shortly after the first dockside casino opened in 1992. Today, we are […]

State of the City Address

Here is the prepared text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s State of the City address delivered to the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce on March 27, 1996 at the Jefferson Davis campus of Gulf Coast Community College. When I began thinking about my address to you today, I recalled a recent incident at a City Council meeting. […]

State of the City Address

Here is the prepared text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s State of the City address to the Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce, delivered Feb. 1, 1996. Thank you for inviting me here tonight and giving me the opportunity to present the traditional “State of the City Address.” First let me say I have some “good news” […]

Southeastern Gaming & Business Exposition

Welcome address to the Southeastern Gaming & Business Exposition, by Mayor Holloway, in Biloxi, August 1995. On behalf of the city and its citizens, I welcome you to Biloxi for the 1995 Expo. I hope you enjoy your stay and discover why Biloxi is a nice place to visit and a great place to live. […]

State of the City Address

Speech to the Greater New Orleans Executive Club, by Mayor Holloway, October 1995. Thank you for having me here today. I’m always glad to speakto groups about the tremendous prosperity that we are now enjoying in Biloxi. First, though, let me tell you a story that I told during a speech the other day to […]

Bond Agencies Speech

Mayor’s presentation to bond rating agencies, made in July 1995, to Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s Investments Service. Thank you for the opportunity make this presentation today about the City of Biloxi. We have a lot of exciting things occurring in our city right now, our citizens are excited, business leaders are excited, and I’m […]

Greater New Orleans Executive Club

Speech to the Greater New Orleans Executive Club, by Mayor Holloway, October 1995. Thank you for having me here today. I’m always glad to speakto groups about the tremendous prosperity that we are now enjoying in Biloxi. First, though, let me tell you a story that I told during a speech the other day to […]

Inaugural speech, 1993: A day of new beginnings

To see a PDF of Mayor. A.J. Holloway’s inaugural address, delivered on July 6, 1993, click here.