FEMA representatives are scheduled to brief the Biloxi City Council on Tuesday about plans for new flood elevations in Biloxi. The briefing will be included in the council’s 1:30 p.m. meeting, which takes place at City Hall.
Representatives of the Federal Emergency Management Agency had notified the city’s Community Development Department weeks ago that new flood elevations – possibly increasing as much as 3.6 feet – would be forthcoming.
FEMA reps are expected to outline those new guidelines Tuesday, which govern the height of new construction in flood zones. You can see the earlier releases about this issue by clicking here.
Also during Tuesday’s meeting, Mayor A.J. Holloway will ask councilmembers to allow about eight acres of city property south of Yankie Stadium and at the old Dukate Elementary School on Howard Avenue to be leased to the federal government to set up temporary housing for those displaced by Hurricane Katrina.
To read the complete agenda and available resolutions, click here.
‘Operation: Blue Roof’ closes Biloxi location
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has closed its “Operation: Blue Roof” location in Biloxi, which had been operating for several weeks at the Biloxi Community Center on Howard Avenue.
“Operation: Blue Roof” is a program where corps contractors install free temporary blue tarps over storm-damaged residences.
The corps continues to operate a “Blue Roof” center at 1927 25th Ave., Gulfport, which can be reached by phone at 868-1679.
FEMA continues operating two Biloxi centers
FEMA now has two fully-operational Disaster Recovery Centers in Biloxi, one at the Donal Snyder Sr. Community Center on Pass Road in west Biloxi, and a second at the Biloxi Community Center on Howard Avenue in east Biloxi.
The east Biloxi site, which had formerly offered limited service at Yankie Stadium, will operate at the Biloxi Community Center Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Those interested in seeking FEMA assistance can apply by phone at 1-800-621-FEMA (3362), or check the status of their application by calling 1-800-521-FEMA (3362). You can also access FEMA online at www.fema.gov.