The City of Biloxi will begin the next phase of widening Popp’s Ferry Road at the end of next week, and the work will require detouring eastbound traffic off a section of Popp’s Ferry Road.
The good news for motorists is that the detour will use more than $5 million worth of brand new roads the city recently opened.
Under a traffic plan that takes effect Aug. 9, eastbound traffic on Popp’s Ferry Road will be detoured at Jam Lane, where it will be routed onto a new Richard Drive and a new Cedar Lake Road. Westbound traffic will continue to use Popp’s Ferry Road, which will be one-way westbound between Cedar Lake Road and Jam Lane.
The detour is necessary for the city to begin five-laning Popp’s Ferry Road between Cedar Lake Road and Jam Lane. This $3.8 million phase of the Popp’s Ferry Road area traffic improvement project is expected to be completed within a year.
“With any major road work there is inconvenience,” Mayor A.J. Holloway said. “But we are going to do everything that we can to minimize the inconvenience, keep the public updated on progress, and get this project completed within a year.”
Property owners on Popp’s Ferry Road, who number about 150, were being notified of the plans in a postcard from the city to be mailed Friday, and all residents near Popp’s Ferry Road will be receiving a postcard with a detour route and contact information by midweek. The city also plans to alert residents and motorists through media notices.
The Popp’s Ferry Road project is a multi-phased effort to improve the flow of traffic on one of the main thoroughfares into the city. Under the multi-million-dollar plan, improvements are being made to Popp’s Ferry Road and several adjoining thoroughfares, including Jam Lane, Richard Drive, Cedar Lake Road, and Brodie and Brasher Roads.