Public Works crews on Monday will begin pumping smoke into sewer lines on DeBuys Road as part of a several weeks of checking sewer and drainage lines for leaks in west Biloxi.
The testing is scheduled to begin Monday at 8 a.m. at DeBuys Road and U.S. 90, moving northward to the CSX railway before turning east toward Beauvoir Road.
During the testing, white smoke will exit through vent pipes of homes and businesses, and through any breaks in sewer lines.
The smoke, which is non-toxic and leaves no residue, should not enter homes or businesses, unless defective plumbing exists or drain traps are dry. To help prevent smoke from entering homes or businesses, water should be run into all indoor drains for 30 seconds or so, to ensure that traps are not dry. If smoke should enter your home, immediately contact a member of the smoke-testing crew in your block.
City personnel may be required to enter private property to flag potential leaks. Property owners should not remove the flags.
“This smoke testing helps ensure that we do not have any leaks in our sewer or drainage systems,” said Public Works Director Richard Sullivan. “Our initial testing will be in west Biloxi. We’ve already done testing in north Biloxi and east Biloxi, and over the next year, we’ll have re-tested the entire city.”
Sullivan noted that the city’s Code Enforcement Division will notify any property owners of any leaks they will be required to repair on private property.
Those with questions about the process can e-mail Jay Furr at the Public Works Department at or call the department at 435-6271.