Traffic will be detoured this weekend around a two-block section of Popp’s Ferry Road – between Sunkist Country Club Road and North Country Club Lane – so that workers can replace a sewer line.
The detour, which will be clearly marked, will be implemented at daybreak Saturday and is expected to end Sunday afternoon. Motorists will use North Country Club Lane, On the Green and Sunkist Country Club Road to bypass the construction work; however, no 18-wheel trucks or heavy commercial trucks will be allowed to use the detour route. Those vehicles should use Cowan Road or I-110.
Construction crews, who may be working around the clock, will be replacing an aging, eight-inch concrete sewer line that is 15-feet deep.
Residents in the two-block section where the work will take place were notified earlier this week.
To see a map of the detour route, click here.