Biloxi seeks nominees for volunteer awards

Hundreds of people donate countless hours and weekends in support of dozens of community endeavors throughout the year in Biloxi, and the city is preparing to honor these efforts in the annual Volunteer Recognition Ceremony, which takes place April 20 at the Biloxi Community Center.

The city is now seeking nominations of individuals, organizations and businesses who contribute time and energy to worthwhile causes in the areas of health, community, arts and history, and sports. A Distinguished Volunteer of the Year also will be chosen, along with awards will be presented to individuals, organizations and businesses for their community service.

Those interested in submitting nominations can obtain a form online at Forms also may be picked at the Visitors Center on the Town Green, on U.S. 90 at Lameuse Street.

Supporting materials, including photographs, may be attached to forms. Be sure to write a complete narrative on your nominee. Nominations that are not complete will be returned. Nominees should be limited to one for each category.

Deadline for returning forms is March 29.

A committee of Biloxi residents will select honorees; all nominees will be recognized with a Certificate of Achievement.

For more information, contact Special Events Coordinator Emily Burke at or 435-6370.