The “Luna Sea,” a 48-foot green steel-hulled shrimp boat that survived the driving winds and pounding seas of Hurricane Katrina to become a backdrop for most national news shows broadcasting from Biloxi, has been moved from its spot on Lameuse Street and returned to the water.
Crews hired by Harvey Shows, captain and owner of the vessel, used large cranes and a tow truck to hoist the vessel onto a large trailer for its move to the water.
Shows, 80, was attempting to move the vessel from Pass Christian to Mobile the day before Katrina struck when fuel problems stalled the effort.
He anchored southeast of Deer Island Sunday night about 10, and by 6 a.m., as storm winds intensified, he attempted to move the vessel into the Biloxi Small Craft Harbor, since the U.S. 90 bridge and access to the Bay of Biloxi had been closed when winds reached 34 mph.
Hear more from Shows himself and see the vessel being moved from Lameuse Street in new video posted in the video archive on the front page of the city web site To go directly to the “Luna Sea” video, click here.
It all started with a butterknife
A group of workers from Frederic, a small community in the northwestern reaches of Wisconsin, was so moved by the devastation of Hurricane Katrina that townspeople have returned to Biloxi and are building a home for a family in the city’s North Bay area.
You can learn more about the The Butterknife House Project, how it got its name, and see daily updates through a link on the front page of the city web site, or go directly to the Butterknife site by clicking here.
Said Councilman Ed Gemmill, who represents the North Bay area: “This is another one of those compelling stories that shows the rest of the country is indeed aware of what’s going on here in Biloxi, and, more importantly, is helping in our recovery.”