The City of Biloxi has completed the planning process to update its Hazard Mitigation/Floodplain Management Plan. The process involved identifying the policies, activities and tools necessary for implementing actions that will reduce or eliminate risks to life and property from hazardous events such as hurricanes, flooding and other severe weather.
This plan itself — once approved by the public, MEMA, and FEMA — will allow the city to remain eligible for federal assistance should a disaster impact the community.
As part of the process, the city is seeking your input. You are invited to read the plan by clicking on the link below. Then, you are asked to share your comments online, which you can do through the same link at the bottom of this page. The information you provide will be valuable feedback for the city’s Hazard Mitigation Committee.
Thanks for your help in reviewing the plan and providing your response to the information presented through this survey.
You may also voice your comments before the Biloxi City Council on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 during its 1:30 p.m. meeting when the updated plan is set to go before the city for approval. Citizens are always welcome to make comments during the citizens’ comments portion of the city council meeting.
See the MEMA District 9 Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan
Visit Harrison County online for more informaton