Parents are expected to begin lining up this afternoon outside the Donal Snyder Community Center in hopes of securing spots in Biloxi’s popular summer camp program, which has its registration for Biloxi residents Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon at the Pass Road community center.
“This is one of the most popular summer camps in the state of Mississippi, but we have a limited number of slots for campers,” said Sherry Bell, Biloxi’s Parks and Recreation Superintendent. “We try to accommodate as many people as we can, but it’s on a first-come, first-serve basis, and Biloxi residents come first.”
What you’ll need at registration:
- Initial fees City residents: $20 for first week and $10.00 for each additional child
- Non-Biloxi residents: $30 for first week and $15 for each additional child.
- $30 onetime field trip fee, per child
- $30 onetime latchkey fee, per child
- Other info A letter of authorization if you are registering children other than your own.
- Social Security numbers of campers
- Proof of residency of parents (any recent utility bills bearing your name and address)
- Birth certificates for campers
- Insurance and general health info on campers
- Two emergency contact numbers
- Names of those authorized to pick up campers
Earlier this week, dozens of campers participating in a federally funded program registered at Gorenflo and Lopez elementary schools, where only a dozen or so slots remain available.
Non-Biloxi residents and late registrants can sign up April 28 through May 2 at the Hiller Park recreation office.
Copies of birth certificates and proof of residency, such as phone, water or electric bills, will be required before registration, as well as health information on campers.
Bell said she expects about 700 children and teens to take part in this summer’s program, which will run for nine weeks at two Woolmarket sites and for seven weeks at seven other sites throughout the city. Campers will be involved in an array of supervised activities, including arts and crafts, swimming, bowling and movies.
Sites this year will be elementary schools at Jeff Davis, Beauvoir, Popp’s Ferry, North Bay, Woolmarket and North Woolmarket. A teen camp for ages 12-14 will be hosted at O’Hanlon Center on Point Cadet.
The camp will be held June 2 to Aug.1 at Woolmarket sites, and June 16 to Aug. 1 at all other sites.
The program is open to children ages 5 to 12 from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays. Five-year old children must have completed kindergarten to be eligible for the camp, with a latchkey program offered from 3 to 6 p.m. at each site.
All initial fees are due at registration.
Fees for children living within city limits: onetime $30 field trip fee; $20 a week for first child, $10 per week for each additional child. A onetime fee for the latchkey program is $30 per child for the entire session.
Fees for children outside city limits: $30 field trip fee, $30 a week for first child and $15 per week for each additional child.
At registration, parents must also supply general health information, the name of their insurance company and policy number, social security number, the name of the child’s physician, emergency contact numbers.
For more information, call or e-mail the Biloxi Parks and Recreation office at Hiller Park, 435-6281.