The City of Biloxi is in the process of preparing public notices to be published for the removal of storm debris from as many as 4,250 parcels of property in areas from the city’s western boundary at DeBuys Road to Lee Street in east Biloxi.
However, while those legally required notices are being prepared, the city is continuing to encourage property owners who have not already done so to complete a Right of Entry form. The forms can be obtained either online (click here) or at the Community Development Department, which is on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in Biloxi.
The city is trying to remove as much debris as possible before FEMA reimbursement ends, which is currently scheduled for Jan. 15.
To read more about the city’s debris-removal efforts, click here.
Vietnamese version of newsletter now online
A Vietnamese-language edition of the December issue of the city’s “Storm Recovery News” is now available online.
The eight-page document, which was translated by a volunteer team headed by Biloxian Henry Le, can be viewed by clicking here.
You can see the English version by clicking here.
Holloway on first 100 days, post-Katrina
Mayor A.J. Holloway recently answered a series of questions about the city’s on-going recovery efforts since Hurricane Katrina.
To read the mayor’s comments, click here.
More reports from the road
Team Wal-mart has transmitted a new batch of reports and photographs from the “100,000 Bikes or Bust” journey along the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
You can also find an itinerary and a link to make an online donation to the cause on the city web site.
To see it all, click here.