The planned two-day detour on Popp’s Ferry Road turned into a one-day job as workers were able to replace a deep sewer line and re-open the road to traffic Saturday evening.
The two-block section of Popp’s Ferry between Sunkist Country Club Road and North Country Club Lane, which closed Saturday at daybreak, re-opened Saturday around 7 p.m., well ahead of the planned Sunday afternoon opening.
Workers had to dig 15 feet below the ground to replace a 30-foot section of an aging eight-inch sewer line. The line ran underneath part of the Popp’s Ferry Road widening project, between Rustwood and Bay Tree.
There were no reports of accidents or backups while the detour was in place on Popp’s Ferry, which carries an average of 14,000 to 16,000 vehicles a day.
Said Mayor A.J. Holloway: “We want to thank everyone for their cooperation and patience while this work was being done. We’re glad it went so well. The widening project remains on schedule. By the first of September, motorists should be seeing a temporary lane in place, to help traffic flow better during the construction. We’ll do our best to keep traffic and construction moving along over the next 15 months, and we’ll keep everyone posted along the way.”