Here is scheduling information that was available Monday regarding city facilities:
Schools: Superintendent Paul Tisdale reports that Biloxi public schools will re-open for classes Monday morning at their regular times.
Municipal and Community Court: Those cases scheduled to appear in Community Court on Tuesday, Sept. 14 have been re-scheduled for Oct. 12. Those who were to appear in Municipal Court on Sept. 15 should call court staff at 435-6125 to re-set their cases. Those were scheduled to appear on Sept. 16 have been re-scheduled for Oct. 7.
Recreation facilities: Most city recreation facilities were open today, except for the Biloxi Natatorium, where workers were removing minor debris. The Natatorium re-opens Saturday morning.
Soccer: Soccer registration scheduled for Saturday is canceled. Those interested can register Sept. 25 or Oct. 2, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Biloxi Sports Complex