Mardi Gras is less than a month away, and preparations are being made for events taking place between now and Fat Tuesday, which falls on March 4.
City crews began installing bleachers in front of City Hall this morning, and Gulf Coast Carnival Association staffers were busily addressing invitations to the coronation on Monday night, March 3, at the Coast Coliseum.
A few other Mardi Gras items of note:
Children’s walking parade is Feb. 22
More than a thousand children ages 12 and under will take part in the Biloxi Mardi Gras Children’s Walking Parade on Saturday, Feb. 22, at 11 a.m.
Children may walk, ride bicycles, wagons, skateboards, scooters or roller-skate/roller blade. Those under 9 must have an adult walking with them. All are encouraged to wear a mask and/or costume. A limited number of free throws will be available for Biloxi children. Strollers, bicycles and wagons can also be decorated as floats. A costume and float contest will be held afterward on the Town Green. New this year will be special recognition for the school with the most parade entries.
The downtown parade – from the I-110 overpass on Howard Avenue to the Town Green — is sponsored by the City of Biloxi,. the Mardi Gras Museum, Gulf Coast Carnival Association, Beau Rivage Resort & Casino and Main Street Biloxi.
To see the online application form, click here.
City to provide seating for disabled and frail elderly
The City of Biloxi will again provide special seating for disabled, frail, or elderly residents to view the Gulf Coast Carnival Association morning parade and the Krewe of Neptune afternoon parade on March 4, Mardi Gras Day.
The city is celebrating its 18th year hosting the special protected seating area, which is on the east side of Lameuse Street, just north of U.S. 90 at the Town Green.
Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis and participants should be at the location no later than 9 a.m., which is when police will close Lameuse Street to traffic. No seating will be provided for the evening parade.
For more on the seating, click here.
Kids carnival coming up at Snyder Center
The city will host its annual Mardi Gras ball for children ages 6-12 on Thursday, Feb. 13 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Donal Snyder Center, 2520 Pass Road.
A king, queen, duke and duchess will be crowned after random drawings. Free pizza and soda will be available for all participants. The king and queen will reign over the Children’s Walking Parade on Saturday, Feb. 22.
A disc jockey will play the latest tunes and door prizes will be given away, The city also will provide security. Parents are asked to drop children off no earlier than 6:50 p.m. and pick them up no later than 8 p.m. For more information, e-mail or call 435-6148.