Mayor A.J. Holloway has called a special meeting for Tuesday at 11 a.m. so City Council members can be briefed on progress with the city’s infrastructure program, and Tuesday afternoon they will be asked to renew the infrastructure management contract with the firm HNTB. And on the agenda for Tuesday afternoon City Council meeting: a […]
Author Archives: City of Biloxi
Feb. 21: Economic development: Downtown interest
By Jerry Creel, Community Development Director As the Baseball Stadium project moves forward, there continues to be increased interest in development for the downtown area. The Baseball Stadium Design is scheduled to go before Biloxi’s Architectural-Historical Review Commission on Thursday, February 27, at 8:30 a.m. The meeting will be held in the Community Development Building […]
Weekend includes parades, boat show and symphony performance
Eight Mardi Gras parades roll this weekend – seven on Saturday and one on Sunday – all along the Mississippi Gulf Coast, and you’ll find a boat show at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum. Also this weekend, the Gulf Coast Symphony Orchestra presents “Strings on Fire” at the Saenger Theater, Tony Bennett performs at the Beau […]
Winners recognized in shoebox float contest
Mayor A.J. Holloway and Biloxi Public Schools Superintendent Arthur McMillan on Tuesday recognized the Mardi Gras float builders of tomorrow, the winners of the 16th annual Shoebox Float Contest. In the program, students from schools in Biloxi use shoe boxes to construct model Mardi Gras floats. The contest, which is designed to help perpetuate the […]
Yikes! Fire department sets house ablaze
As Biloxi Fire Chief Joe Boney spoke to the Lions Club about professionalism at lunchtime today, a group of his firefighters were setting fire to a house. Relax, it was all planned. After three weeks of training and preparation, the fire department set fire to a vacant house at 335 Main St. as a firefighting […]
School board announces make-up days
The Biloxi school board made it official at its meeting Tuesday night: Students in Biloxi Public Schools will have three make-up days because of the ice storm. New days for class are Friday, April 11; Tuesday, May 27; and Wednesday, May 28.
Feb. 14: Economic development update
By Jerry Creel Community Development Director This week the Community Development Department issued a Certificate of Occupancy for the 24-Hour Animal Hospital, a $2.3 million dollar construction project located at 8144 East Oaklawn, just south of I-10. The New Blue Crab Restaurant and The New Firehouse Subs Restaurants are now open for business. $1.6 million […]
State of the City at the halfway point
More than half of the 700 seats have been sold for the annual State of the City luncheon, which takes place March 10 at the Beau Rivage Resort & Casino. Typically, a capacity audience is onhand for Mayor A.J. Holloway’s multi-media progress report on the myriad projects and initiatives underway in the city. Said Biloxi […]
Children’s parade seeks more entries
The City of Biloxi, the Mardi Gras Museum, and Gulf Coast Carnival Association invite children ages 12 and younger to participate in the annual children’s Mardi Gras walking parade on Lundi Gras, Monday, March 3. “This is a non-motorized parade,” said Kay Carter, the city’s downtown services manager. “Bikes, skates, skateboards, scooters and wagons are […]
Weekend entertainment: Ohr hosts ‘Adopt a Bowl’ Saturday
The Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art is teaming with the Humane Society on Saturday for a program that involves local cuisine, music, children’s activities, and adoptable pets. It’s “Adopt a Bowl,” a program where local artists have created unique ceramic bowls that will be filled with food from a participating local restaurant. There’s no admission fee […]
Mayor speaks on baseball, bait shop and infrastructure
The new baseball stadium planned for downtown Biloxi is going to be about more than baseball, Mayor A.J. Holloway told a Biloxi Chamber audience this morning as he discussed the potential impact of the venture and updated a couple other city projects. “People talk about baseball, but that’s only part of the story. We need […]
Council to decide fate of proposed MGM Park this morning
The Biloxi City Council, in a special meeting this morning at 10:30, is expected to decide six measures involving the proposed MGM Park at Beau Rivage, including a resolution to borrow $21 million to construct the proposed downtown stadium and entertainment venue. A vote planned for last week was postponed because Councilmember Felix Gines was […]
Baseball group now working on moving team
By Cliff Kirkland With City Council approval of a $36 million stadium project formalized Tuesday, Biloxi Baseball, LLC will immediately begin the year-long process of moving the Hunstville (Ala.) Stars of the Double-A Southern League here in time for the 2015 season. The Stars are owned by Biloxi Baseball, which is headed by majority owner […]
Feb. 7: Economic development continues to flourish
By Jerry Creel Community Development Director This week, economic development in the City of Biloxi continued to flourish with the opening of the New Hard Rock Casino Hotel Tower. The Community Development Department also issued Certificates of Occupancy for the new Blue Crab Restaurant on Beach Boulevard, and the Firehouse Subs Restaurant at Pass Road […]
Community theater, music and more on tap this weekend
You’ll find a host of headliners in town this weekend — Crystal Gayle, Heart, Loverboy, Merle Haggard, and a Garth Brooks tribute show – plus there’s Mississippi Surge hockey, public ice skating and the Top of the Hops Beer festival at the Coast Coliseum. Meantime, two productions are on the boards at Biloxi community theaters: […]
Washington gets inaugural Public Works honor
Willie Washington has been named the inaugural Public Works Employee of the Month in a program where fellow employees vote for the employee that best represents the City of Biloxi’s Public Works Department. Willie has been employed with the city’s Public Works Department since June 1996. He is a valued member of the Janitorial Crew. […]
Asphalt work planned at Lameuse and Jackson streets
Downtown workers and motorists: Be careful where you park and travel Monday and Tuesday. The city’s Public Works Department on Monday morning at 8 plans to begin removing the top layer of asphalt on Jackson Street east and west of Lameuse Street before proceeding to Lameuse Street itself Monday afternoon and Tuesday. The work, weather […]
Jan. 31: Economic development continues to improve
(Henceforth, this report will be included each week in a Friday afternoon Bmail). By Jerry Creel Community Development Director Economic development continues to improve in Biloxi. During January 2014, we issued building permits for 6 new single family houses. Commercial building permits were issued for an addition and site improvements for Jeff Davis Elementary School, […]
BLT offers Boys Next Door; music reigns elsewhere
Biloxi Little Theater raises the curtain on its production of “Boys Next Door” at its Lee Street playhouse this Super Bowl weekend, and you’ll find Vince Gill in concert at the Beau Rivage, Aaron Lewis at the Hard Rock, John Hodges at the IP, and Little Queen, the Heart Tribute band, on stage at Margaritaville. […]
Council to consider stadium issues Tuesday evening
The Biloxi City Council on Tuesday night is expected to decide five measures involving the proposed MGM Park at Beau Rivage, including a resolution to borrow $21 million to construct the proposed downtown stadium and entertainment venue. The stadium issue, which has been intermittently discussed and negotiated for months, will headline the agenda for the […]
Popp’s Ferry Bridge now open to traffic
The Popp’s Ferry Bridge re-opened to traffic at noon, after ice was cleared by city and county crews. Photos: See photos of the bridge-clearing work by clickng here.
All bridges in Biloxi now open
The Lorraine Road bridge is now open, meaning all bridges in Biloxi are now open. The Biloxi Bay Bridge, which connects Biloxi and Ocean Springs, was opened shortly after noon, and the Popp’s Ferry Bridge in west Biloxi was re-opened at noon. Weather forecast: To see the current conditions and weather advisories for Biloxi, from […]
Councilmembers receive reports on Seafood Museum, waterfront part
Architects and project managers for two high-profile Point Cadet projects, the Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum and Biloxi Waterfront Park, presented status reports to the City Council this afternoon. To see the museum report, click here. To see the waterfront part report, click here.
Police close 67-15 interchange; other news and notes
Biloxi Police have closed the Mississippi 67 and Mississippi 15 interchange because of hazardous conditions. Public Works Director Dan Gaillet reports that Popp’s Ferry bridge will continue to be closed. Said Chief Administrative Officer David Nichols: “The bridge’s surface is a sheet of ice.” The Biloxi Bay Bridge remains closed, and I-110 south of Division […]
Biloxi municipal offices to re-open Thursday
All Biloxi departments and municipal offices will open at their usual time Thursday morning. Employees are expected to be at work at their appointed time, or as soon as safely possible.
Council to meet twice Thursday afternoon
The Biloxi City Council meeting scheduled for Thursday at 10:30 a.m. to discuss social service spending will instead be held in the afternoon, after the council’s 1:30 p.m. meeting. “Technically, the morning meeting is canceled,” said Chief Administrative Officer David Nichols. “But we’ve scheduled a meeting for immediately after the 1:30 afternoon meeting to discuss […]
Police hope bridges can re-open mid-morning Thursday
The Popp’s Ferry Bridge, the Biloxi Bay Bridge, the Lorraine Road bridge and the section of I-110 south of Division Street will remain closed through the evening and as late as mid-morning Thursday, Biloxi Police Chief John Miller said this evening. “The icy conditions make these bridges impossible to cross safely,” Miller said. “We’re hoping […]
Crews treat roads; police visiting homeless; residents asked to remain off roads
Biloxi Public Works crews this morning applied a mix of sand and salt to a half-dozen locations susceptible to icing, police officers are shelter rides to the homeless, and city leaders are recommending that motorists continue to limit travel as the city braced for colder weather. The Public Works staff had originally planned to begin […]
Popp’s Ferry bridge repaired, but will remained closed to traffic
City engineers have repaired the Popp’s Ferry bridge, but because of icy conditions, it will remained closed to vehicular AND marine traffic until at least 6 a.m. Wednesday. Barricades are now being installed at the north and south ends of the bridge, and marine interests are being notified of its closure.
Non-essential employees will not report Wednesday
Chief Administrative Officer David Nichols has announced that non-essential city employees will not report to work Wednesday, and non-emergency city departments and offices will remain closed Wednesday.
Police request residents to stay off roads
Most streets in Biloxi are now iced over, police report, and they are requesting that residents refrain from travel. “In fact,” says Police Chief John Miller, “road workers will not be working after dark, so conditions are only going to get worse. We’re asking people who must travel — and only those who must travel […]
Biloxi Bay, Lorraine Road bridges closed to traffic
The Biloxi Bay Bridge, the bridge that connects Biloxi and Ocean Springs, is now closed because of hazardous conditions. The Lorraine Road bridge has also been closed. Police also report that I-110 is closed south of Division Street. The Popp’s Ferry Bridge will remain closed to vehicular and marine traffic until at least 6 a.m. […]
City preparing for ice, snow; schools closed Tuesday, Wednesday
Biloxi Public Works crews are expected to begin laying a coat of sand on city bridges and roadways, MDOT plans to lay ice-melting salt on state bridges and overpasses, Biloxi police are beefing up traffic patrols, and the Biloxi Fire Department is positioning more equipment north of the bay to avoid having to cross bridges […]
Weather Service issues Winter Storm Warning
The National Weather Service in New Orleans has upgraded its Winter Storm Watch to a Winter Storm Warning for ice and snow accumulations. The warning, which means significant amounts of snow, sleet and ice are expected or occurring, is in effect from 6 a.m. Tuesday to 6 a.m. Wednesday. The warning also means travel will […]
Boil water notice issued for parts of west Biloxi
Residents on parts of six west Biloxi streets have been notified of a boil-water notice after two water main breaks. Impacted areas are Volterra Circle, Acadian Court, Linda Drive, Greenwood, Sherwood, Atkins, and George Walter Drive. Residents on Atkinson Road have also been notified after a water main break there. The city, following Mississippi Department […]
Biloxi to close non-emergency offices, facilities Tuesday
Non-essential city employees will not report to work Tuesday and all non-emergency city offices will be closed as a result of the expected severe winter weather, and the City Council meetings scheduled for Tuesday will be re-scheduled for later in the week. The decisions were made in a just-concluded City Hall meeting of key city […]
18 crossings to be impacted by work next week
Railway officials today reported to the city the following two-day rail crossing closures as part of railway upgrades: Monday: Eisenhower Tuesday: McDonald and Iberville Wednesday: White, Benachi, Querens, Gill Thursday: Hopkins, Bohn, Reynoir, Magnolia, Lameuse, Main, Nixon, Lee, Holley, Dorris, Oak Each crossing will be closed for two days and reopened on the third day.
Creedence, Pink Floyd tributes highlight weekend
This weekend’s entertainment offerings include Creedence Clearwater Revisited and Pink Floyd Laser shows at the Hard Rock, Plain White T’s at IP, Gallagher at the Golden Nugget and the local group Rhythm and Rain at Margaritaville. To read details on these shows and other entertaining events, as detailed online by the Mississippi Gulf Coast Regional […]
Council briefed on status of proposed baseball stadium
The architect and project manager who have been working on the proposed downtown baseball stadium updated City Councilmembers on the status of the project this morning, and one thing was clear: Getting construction underway is important in order to meet the beginning of the 2015 baseball season. “Let’s get out of the dugout,” Councilmember Kenny […]
Children’s parade seeks registrants
The City of Biloxi, the Mardi Gras Museum, and Gulf Coast Carnival Association invite children ages 12 and younger to participate in the annual children’s Mardi Gras walking parade on Lundi Gras, Monday, March 3. “This is a non-motorized parade,” said Kay Carter, the city’s downtown services manager. “Bikes, skates, skateboards, scooters and wagons are […]
State of the City seats now available from Biloxi Bay chamber
The Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce is now selling seats for the annual State of the City luncheon, which takes place Monday, March 10 at the Beau Rivage Resort & Casino. During the annual affair, which typically is presented to a capacity audience, Mayor A.J. Holloway presents information on a variety of city projects and […]
Weekend preview: Coliseum to host rodeo, Running of the Bulls this weekend
The Mississippi Coast Coliseum will borrow a tradition from Spain this weekend when the Biloxi arena hosts its own version of Running with the Bulls, an attraction being produced in conjunction with the annual Professional Cowboys Association rodeo finals. The Coliseum’s extravaganza, where amateurs run with the bulls and professional cowpokes will be competing for […]
Biloxi Fire Department names deputy chief of operations
Jeff Merrill, who this year marks his 20th year with the Biloxi Fire Department, has been named the department’s deputy chief of operations and combat. Biloxi Fire Chief Joe Boney made the announcement, filling the final position in the command staff of the 148-member department. As deputy chief for operations and combat, Merrill, 48, will […]
Baseball plans expected to move forward next week
Architects and engineers will brief members of the Biloxi City Council about details of the proposed downtown baseball stadium in a special meeting Tuesday at 10 a.m. at City Hall, and on Thursday at 2 p.m. a ground-breaking ceremony is planned at the stadium site, at the foot of Caillavet Street. The Tuesday morning meeting […]
Main Street seeks entries for Grillin’ on the Green
Biloxi Main Street is now seeking entries for the eighth annual Grillin’ On The Green, a daylong festival that takes place Saturday, March 15 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Biloxi’s Town Green. The event takes place on the same day at the Hibernia Society’s annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade, which passes by the […]
Southern League announces Biloxi baseball team
The relocation of the Huntsville Stars to Biloxi took a significant step forward on Friday as the Southern League announced it has approved the sale of the franchise. To become final, the transaction also must be approved by Major League and Minor League Baseball. To read the entire story, from the Southern League baseball site, […]
Meet the director of the city’s Public Works Department
This week’s City Desk webcast introduces Dan Gaillet (say “guy-a”), who, as the new Public Works director, has a wealth of experience and a host of ideas to bring to the department that he says is vital to the quality of life in Biloxi. To hear this week’s nine-minute program, which also features Chief Administrative […]
Weekend preview: A diverse lineup of music and more
Among the headliners in town this weekend are Daughtry, Ron White, Burt Bacharach, Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers, and Simply Diamond, a Neil Diamond tribute band. To read details on these shows and other entertaining events, as detailed online by the Mississippi Gulf Coast Regional Convention and Visitors Bureau, click here. Meet Dan Gaillet, […]
Cold weather causes water issues at east Biloxi resorts
Freezing temperatures caused a sensor at a city water well to malfunction this morning, which led to little or no water pressure at several high-rise hotels in east Biloxi this morning. The drop in pressure was first reported at 6:30 a.m., and Public Works crews had all water pressure restored within a couple of hours. […]
Natatorium re-opens after holiday polishing
The Biloxi Natatorium opened its doors this morning after a three-week holiday sprucing up, but attendance at the city’s indoor Olympic-size swimming pool facility was off this morning. “We haven’t had a whole lot of people today, and we didn’t anticipate having a lot considering the cold weather,” said Parks and Recreation Superintendent Jamie Lee, […]
Re-interment ceremony, statue re-dedication are this morning
Two events that pay homage to Biloxi’s long history will take place this morning on the grounds of the Biloxi Visitors Center. At 10 a.m., a re-interment ceremony will be conducted for remains uncovered during archeological digs at the 17th-century French Colonial cemetery on the Moran site, just west of the Visitors Center. After that […]
Christmas continues at Visitors Center, Beauvoir
The Biloxi Visitors is hosting an open house featuring local arts and crafts Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., with wares inside and outside the beachfront center, Christmas movies playing in the center’s theater, and free Biloxi tour train rides. “This is a great opportunity for folks to come see our local talent and […]
Toddlers can meet Santa at Excel by 5 affair Saturday
The Biloxi Excel by 5 Coalition will host its annual holiday event, “Come Learn with Santa,” Saturday, from 9 a.m. to noon at Lopez School, which is at 140 St. John Ave. Children up to age 5 can participate in a variety of Christmas-related activities, including photos with Santa, decorating Christmas ornaments, and other age-appropriate […]
Natatorium to close for cleaning, painting
The Biloxi Natatorium will soon be closing for some much needed upkeep. Beginning Saturday, Dec. 14 the facility will close to the public and reopen on Monday, Jan. 6. The three-week closing will allow the staff to spruce up things at the facility. “We need to pressure wash the decks, paint new depth markings around […]
Weekend of Christmas events kick off this evening
The city will again be ushering in the holiday season with a weekend of signature events: the Children’s Christmas Walking Parade and lighting of the Town Green this evening, Christmas in the City arts and crafts show Saturday, and the Christmas on the Water boat parade Saturday evening. This afternoon, you’ll be able to get […]
Columbus’s ships to make stop in Biloxi
On Dec. 11, the “Pinta” and the “Nina,” replicas of Columbus’s ships, will arrive in Biloxi. The ships will be docked at Seafood Industry Museum schooner pier, 367 Beach Blvd. The ships will be open to the public Thursday, Dec. 12 through Jan. 1. The “Nina” was built by hand and without the use of […]
Police Chief: Be patient, be safety-minded
Biloxi roadways will be busy with holiday traffic and Black Friday shoppers, and Biloxi Police Chief John Miller asks motorists to remember to drive defensively. “We’re expecting to see a high volume of traffic in the areas near Edgewater Mall, and we’re planning accordingly,” Miller said. “The best thing folks can do is remember to […]
Visitors Center to host local authors, book signing
Many — if not all — of the authors of a new book, “The Mississippi Gulf Coast and Neighboring Sites,” will be at the Biloxi Visitors Center Sunday, Dec. 1 from 2 to 4 p.m. for a book-signing. The new opus, which sells for $10, features 25 essays about favorite tourist spots on the Mississippi […]
Hard freeze warning issued for this evening
The National Weather Service has issued a hard-freeze warning from 7 o’clock tonight until 9 a.m. Thursday. Temperatures are expected to drop below freezing – as low as 26 degrees — between 7 and 10 this evening, and remain below freezing until 9 a.m. Thanksgiving morning. “We’re asking people to remember the three Ps,” said […]
Christmas at Beauvoir heading into most-popular time
It’s only in its second year, but Christmas at Beauvoir is already coming into its own, attracting twice the number of people as last year at this time, and with big-name entertainers expected to bring even more holiday excitement to the majestic wonderland in west Biloxi. This Friday will see versatile Broadway actor and music […]
Your guide to city-sponsored Christmas events
Here is a compilation of city-sponsored Christmas events, updated Dec. 6, 2013. Now through Jan. 5: Christmas at Beauvoir Each Thursday through Sunday, the 52-acre beachfront national landmark turns into a holiday wonderland, with 150 lighted live oak trees, a holiday-festooned Presidential Library and mansion, outdoor stages with choirs and performing playing Christmas music, tabletop […]
Your weekend preview: Music is king
Country and classic music are the big story this weekend, with Dwight Yoakam entertaining at the IP, the Roots and Boots tour with Sammy Kershaw, Joe Diffie and Aaron Tippin at the Golden Nugget, and the Grass Roots & The Buckinghams at Hard Rock. Elsewhere this weekend, you’ll find a comedy show and slugfest at […]
Lorraine Road bridge re-opened to traffic
The Lorraine Road bridge, which had been closed more than four months ago because of safety concerns, was re-opened to traffic this morning after work by Biloxi and Gulfport Public Works personnel. Biloxi City Engineer Damon Torricelli said workers addressed deficiencies that had been outlined in an engineering report received by the respective cities. New […]
New author to tell Riches to Rags story at Visitors Center
The public is invited to meet new author, Wynona Rogers at the Biloxi Visitors Center located at 1050 Beach Blvd. this evening from 5:30 to 7:30. This Gulf Shores, Ala. resident has released her first novel, “Riches to Rags: One Woman’s Story of Betrayal and Redemption.” “Riches to Rags” is a “true life small town […]
Firefighters seek toys for needy children
The Biloxi Fire Department is asking residents to provide unwrapped toys for needy children for this Christmas. The fire department, along with a group of New York firefighters, the Nativity Men’s Club, and the Biloxi-Ocean Springs Junior Auxiliary, are asking residents to drop off unwrapped toys at any of the nine firehouses in Biloxi between […]
Walkers and runners to descend on downtown Biloxi
Walk or run to downtown Biloxi this weekend, and you won’t be alone. The 30th annual Mayor’s Cup Run takes place throughout downtown Saturday and you’ll see the Alzheimer’s walk taking place on the Town Green. Both events are Saturday morning. Additionally, a safety fair with plenty of first responders and other demonstrations will be […]
Face it: Photos from Breakfast with the Mayor
Dozens of photos from the Biloxi Chamber’s Breakfast with the Mayor presentation are now on the city’s Facebook page. To see the photos and to like the page, click here.
Holloway to nominate new Public Works director
Mayor A.J. Holloway will be asking the Biloxi City Council to hire the former director of the Jackson Public Works Department as Biloxi’s new streets-and-drainage chief when the council meets this afternoon at 1:30. The meeting, which is open to the public and will be held at City Hall, has an agenda of 13 items. […]
Photos from opening of Christmas at Beauvoir
To see photos from this week’s cemetery tour — and for a preview of what you can expect to see during an encore Tuesday from 4 to 7, click here.
Police preparing for ‘Feed the Needy’ program
The Biloxi Police Department is joining with area law enforcement agencies again this year for “Feed the Needy,” a program to deliver hot Thanksgiving Day meals to the homes of the less fortunate. Meals – which can be picked up or delivered – must be requested by Friday, Nov. 22. Those interested should contact their […]
History-making veterans parade rolls Saturday
As many as a thousand active duty and retired members of the military will be involved in the Gulf Coast Veterans parade in downtown Biloxi on Saturday, and one of them – retired Air Force Col. Phyllis A. Luttman – will be making history. This year’s 13th annual veterans parade marks the first year to […]
Police to roll out online crime-mapping information
Residents of Biloxi will be more aware of activities in their neighborhood and throughout the city thanks to a new online crime-mapping program being unveiled today by the Biloxi Police Department. The website, which is online now, will pinpoint crimes reported throughout the city, and will allow residents or business owners to be notified about […]
Bring an unwrapped toy or gift to the Biloxi-Gulfport game
Biloxi Public Schools invite fans attending the November 8th Biloxi-Gulfport football game to bring at least one unwrapped gift to donate to the Gulf Coast Women’s Center for Nonviolence. Receptacles will be placed just inside the gates at the Biloxi Stadium. Officials at Biloxi Schools ask that fans provide gifts that would be appropriate for […]
Biloxi Family Festival Against Crime is Saturday
You’ll have a chance to get a close-up look at emergency response equipment, meet police officers and firefighters, and enjoy free food and games on Saturday when the Biloxi Police Department hosts its annual Family Festival Against Crime on the Town Green. The free festivities will run from noon until 3 p.m. The celebration includes […]
Bigger Christmas at Beauvoir opens next week
Christmas at Beauvoir, the 41-day extravaganza, ushers in the holiday season with a gala on Nov. 7, when Mississippi’s First Lady, Deborah Bryant, will flip a switch to turn on the lights adorning 150 live oak trees on the grounds of the historic Jefferson Davis landmark in west Biloxi. The 2013 Christmas at Beauvoir, the […]
‘Finally First Friday’ is this evening
Biloxi Main Street hosts “Finally First Friday” this evening from 5 to 8 p.m., with live entertainment throughout Downtown Biloxi, featuring Ian Taylor. Gallery 782 is hosting an artist show from Linda and Vern Nix, “The Magic of Sand & Mud,” with entertainment by Richard Shropshire. Those attending Finally First Friday will also have a […]
Council to vote on zoning for new areas of city
Land-use and zoning measures — involving annexation, and bed and breakfasts — are expected to be decided during the City Council meeting Tuesday evening. The agenda includes a measure to amend Biloxi’s land-use and zoning map to add the 2.6-square miles won in the annexation victory over D’Iberville. The Biloxi Planning Commission has worked to […]
Visitors Center to host film screening, performance
Internationally acclaimed percussionist Arthur Lipner will show his music documentary, “Talking Sticks,” Friday at 6 at the Biloxi Visitors Center. After the one-hour showing will be a Q&A with Lipner. The program will conclude with Lipner playing a few pieces on solo vibraphone, and clapping/singing with the audience. Tickets are $7 each, but seating is […]
Twelve Palms memorial to be re-dedicated on Veterans Day
The Biloxi Bay Chamber, which has a history of restoring historic community landmarks in Biloxi, will take another step into history on Veterans Day with the re-dedication of “Twelve Palms Memorial,” a tribute to Biloxi’s World War I casualties. The ceremony will be in Biloxi Businessmen’s Park, at Forrest Avenue and Bayview Drive, on Back […]
Cemetery tour photos
To see photos from this week’s cemetery tour — and for a preview of what you can expect to see during an encore Tuesday from 4 to 7, click here.
‘Halloween at Hiller’ is this evening
“Halloween at Hiller” takes place this evening from 5:30 to 7:30 with family games and contests, hay rides and fire truck rides, face painting and soft drinks, hot dogs and candy. The event is being coordinated by Councilmember Dixie Newman in the huge west Biloxi city park, which is north of Pass Road at Hiller […]
Cemetery tours: Double the history this year
Fans of annual Old Biloxi Cemetery Tour are in for something old and something new this year. First, you’ll be seeing a lineup of 10 re-enactors representing a greatest hits compilation of sorts, with some of the most notable re-enactments from the past several years, and this year’s tour will be offered for two days, […]
Horrors! Biloxi Visitors Center to be Haunted
The Biloxi Visitors Center, with Halloween just around the corner, is hosting a book signing and evening with Barbara Sillery, author of “The Haunting of Mississippi,” this evening from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. “The Haunting of Mississippi” is a ghostly guide that takes readers on a tour of more than 20 historical sites the supernatural […]
Travel writers begin gathering this week on Mississippi Gulf Coast
The first wave of 300 travel writers from across the country begins arriving on the Mississippi Gulf Coast today, and local tourism leaders are asking residents and businesses to put their best foot forward for the group’s weeklong visit. The Board of Directors of the Society of American Travel Writers arrives today, signaling the kick […]
Some are receiving late water bills in Biloxi
A third of Biloxi’s water bills are going out late this month, but the bills will also have a later due date to make up for the late bill. The city bills its 13,417 customers in three cycles, and a snag in a computer system caused Cycle 1 — nearly 3,700 bills — to go […]
Development committee to review baseball stadium
The city’s Development Review Committee will get its first look at the proposed downtown baseball stadium and how it will be situated on the Caillavet street site during a meeting Wednesday morning at 9. The DRC meetings, which are held at the Community Development Department, are a one-stop forum for developers to meet with key […]
Special Needs Halloween Costume Ball is tonight
The Parks and Recreation Department will hold its annual Special Needs Halloween Costume Ball tonight from 6 to 9 at the Donal Snyder Community Center, 2520 Pass Road. This free event is open to youths and adults with mental and physical disabilities. A costume contest will be held with 1st, 2nd, 3rd place awards. Food […]
Excel by 5’s annual safety fair this weekend
Excel by 5 will hold its annual Safety Fair Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon at the Biloxi Town Green, 710 Beach Blvd. This free event is open to children from ages birth to five. Participants will be able to meet Spot the Dog and McGruff the Crime dog as well as take part in […]
Police Chief: Relax. Cruise through the weekend, enjoy the view
“It’s been just wonderful,” Biloxi Police Chief John Miller says of Cruisin’ the Coast, which is rolling into its final weekend. Organizers of the 17th annual affair, which began last weekend in the wake of no-show Tropical Storm Karen, report that more than 6,200 vehicles from 40 states and Canada are taking part in this […]
Visitors Center to host inaugural Lighthouse Arts and Crafts Fair
The creations of more than 30 local artists and craftsmen with everything from jewelry to one of a kind wood sculptures will be on display on Saturday for the inaugural Lighthouse Arts and Crafts Fair. The event, which will he held on the lawn of the Biloxi Visitors Center, will be from 9 a.m. to […]
Horrors! Biloxi Visitors Center to be Haunted
The Biloxi Visitors Center, with Halloween just around the corner, is hosting a book signing and evening with Barbara Sillery, author of “The Haunting of Mississippi,” on Thursday, Oct. 17, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. “The Haunting of Mississippi” is a ghostly guide that takes readers on a tour of more than 20 historical sites […]
Cruisin’ party now underway in downtown Biloxi
He was in downtown Biloxi in the 1950s, signing autographs at a shoe store, and Elvis returns today for the Cruisin’ the Coast Downtown Biloxi Block Party. More than thousand cars are now on display throughout the streets of downtown Biloxi now through 2 p.m. for the annual celebration. At 11:30 a.m., Brandon Bennett, “the […]
See dozens of Cruisin’ block party photos
More than a thousand Cruisin’ the Coast cars, hundreds of car enthusiasts, Elvis and even Marilyn turned out for today’s Downtown Biloxi Block Party. To see dozens of photos from the affair, which began before daylight and wraps up shortly, click here.
On deck: A team and approval by Minor League Baseball
David Nichols, Biloxi’s chief administrative officer, will be in the state capital with city financial advisers Wednesday morning, following through on the city’s initiative to borrow $21 million to construct a downtown baseball stadium that will host minor league baseball games and other events. The move comes after the City Council’s 5-2 vote this afternoon […]
Meeting called to consider stadium, baseball proposals
The Biloxi City Council will meet Tuesday morning to consider proposals to lease land from the Beau Rivage for construction of a baseball stadium, lease the stadium to a baseball team, and borrow $21 million to construct the stadium and a parking garage, which then be leased back to the Beau Rivage. The public meeting […]
As Karen churns in Gulf, residents asked to prepare
The Biloxi City Council will have a special meeting this morning at 9:30, when councilmembers are expected to declare a state of emergency after being briefed about the city’s preparations for Tropical Storm Karen. The National Hurricane Center late Thursday evening said that Karen – about 475 miles miles south of Biloxi, with sustained winds […]
Karen: What you’ll see and when you’ll see it
Biloxi will see winds begin picking up Saturday morning and conditions will deteriorate throughout the afternoon, with the brunt of Tropical Storm Karen being felt Sunday morning about 7, when the storm is expected to be south of Pascagoula. Winds – which have gusts of up to 20 mph this afternoon – will be sustained […]
Library to present ‘Dearly Departed: The Mourning After’
By Jane Shambra The Local History and Genealogy Department is hosting a special genealogy program on Thursday, October 3, 2013 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Biloxi Public Library, 580 Howard Ave. In anticipation of Biloxi’s 2013 upcoming October cemetery tours, the Biloxi Public Library will present a special programming event. The staff has […]
Weekend preview: Football, Chefs of Coast, Town Green fun and more
High school football, a family-style fundraiser on the Town Green, and Chefs of the Coast at the Civic Center highlight the weekend entertainment lineup. It’s Biloxi vs. D’Iberville and City of Biloxi night on the Biloxi High School campus this evening, with ID-card-carrying city employees getting two-for-one seats to the 7 p.m. game. Then on […]
Police seek sponsors for annual festival against crime
Community-minded businesses and volunteers have a chance to be a part of Biloxi’s Community Festival Against Crime, which takes place Nov. 2, from noon until 3 on the Biloxi Town Green. “We’re looking for businesses and individuals who want to sponsor, volunteer or donate their time or services to this event,” said Biloxi Police John […]
Council asked to allow boats, campers and RVs in front yards
The Biloxi Planning Commission is recommending that the City Council amend the city’s Land Development Ordinance to allow residents to store RVs, campers and boats in their front yards. The issue – along with a relaxation of the number of parking spaces required at motels – will have its initial reading before the City Council […]
Firemen’s Day parade moved to Oct. 5
The Firemen’s Day parade planned for today has been re-scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 5 because of inclement weather.
Fireman’s Day parade rolls Saturday in downtown
Dozens of fire trucks from dozens of fire departments and agencies from Louisiana to Alabama will be rolling through downtown Biloxi Saturday morning at 10 for the annual Fireman’s Day Parade. The parade is a throwback to a tradition of the 1800s, to an annual Biloxi Fireman’s Day parade that was once as popular at […]
Schools, city boast of growth in classroom and community
Growth in the classroom and in the community was the subject of this morning’s “Breakfast with the Mayor” session, where Biloxi Public Schools Superintendent Arthur McMillan spoke about the school district’s impressive showing in state testing and Community Development Director Jerry Creel reviewed his latest list of economic development projects. “I am so proud of […]
Mayor’s breakfast: ‘The ABCs of Economic Development’
Those attending the Biloxi Chamber’s “Breakfast with the Mayor” Wednesday will have a chance to hear about “The ABCs of Economic Development,” including details about the Biloxi Public Schools impressive ranking by Mississippi Department of Education and an update on development in Biloxi. The session, which will be held Wednesday morning at 8 at the […]
Biloxi named A-rated district, No. 3 in state
The new state testing numbers are in and Biloxi is an A-rated school district and the No. 3-ranked in the state. “This is outstanding news for our teachers, our principals, our parents, and, of course, our students,” Biloxi Superintendent Arthur McMillan said of the state’s accountability results, which were released this morning. “These impressive scores […]
Seafood festival leads weekend fun
One of the city’s signature events, the Biloxi Seafood Festival, ushers in its 32nd edition Saturday, and after three decades the chamber is still finding ways to add new attractions to the popular attraction. For years, two days of lively music and fresh seafood dishes, along with the Sun Herald Gumbo Championship have attracted huge […]
Tickets on sale for Biloxi First roast of Jeff O’Keefe
Tickets are on sale for the 11th annual Biloxi First Roast, which will feature Jeffrey O’Keefe, on Oct. 3 at IP Casino Resort. O’Keefe is a graduate of University of Southern Mississippi and is president of Bradford-O’Keefe Funeral Home. Doors open at 6 p.m. and dinner and the program begin at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are […]
Special council meetings set for Thursday
Mayor A.J. Holloway has called two special meetings of the Biloxi City Council for Thursday morning. A Bmail on Friday listed an incorrect day for the meetings. During a 9:30 session Thursday, the council is expected to approve the municipal budget for FY 2014, and at a 10 a.m. meeting councilmembers will discuss the proposed […]
Beauvoir to offer free look at Varina’s Garden Thursday morning
Several years of exhaustive research and half a year of construction will blossom — literally – on Thursday when Beauvoir: The Jefferson Davis Home and Presidential Library unveils Varina’s Garden, a recreation of the garden cared for by Varina Howell Davis, Mrs. Jefferson Davis. As part of the introduction, Beauvoir will offer a free tour […]
Downtown event kicks off weekend of entertainment
Main Street’s Finally First Friday for September bows today, with a back-to-school salute to teachers, with hand-dipped apples and other giveaways. The downtown Biloxi event, which takes place this evening from 5 to 8, will feature The Blue Start Orchestra in Margaret Tremmel Peresich Park, while Gallery 782 hosts an exhibition by artist LeLinda Bourge […]
Teacher, teacher: First Friday to focus on you
Main Street’s Finally First Friday for September will have a back-to-school flavor, with hand-dipped apples for teachers attending the Downtown Biloxi affair. The event, which takes place Friday from 5 to 8 p.m., will feature The Blue Start Orchestra in Margaret Tremmel Peresich Park, while Gallery 782 hosts an exhibition by artist LeLinda Bourge and […]
RV park issue to top nighttime council meeting
Members of the Biloxi City Council will decide whether to allow an RV park to be constructed on 14.5 acres off Wells Drive when they meet on Tuesday evening at 6 at City Hall. The meeting marks a return to the council’s pre-Katrina routine of having the first-of-the-month meeting at night. Besides the RV park […]
Get Hooked Up with the Back Bay Music Fest
It’s Labor Day weekend, and the Hook-Up Bar and Restaurant has three days of music and fun in the sun for its inaugural Back Bay Music Festival. The music lineup – Isis this evening, Rosco Bandana on Saturday and the Molly Ringwalds Sunday – is only part of the allure. There’s a free children’s fishing […]
Biloxi: Catering to the value-conscious traveler
Tripeese, an interactive travel website that caters to group travelers seeking discount rates, this week announced its five end-of-summer, must-see destinations: Hilton Head, S.C.; The Ozarks, Ark.; Molokai, Hawaii; Glacier Bay, Alaska; and, drum roll, please, Biloxi, Miss. Tripeese says that Biloxi may seem off-the-beaten path (as opposed to Hawaii or Alaska), but travelers will […]
See photos from this morning’s memorial ceremony
Nearly three-dozen photos from this morning’s Katrina memorial ceremony are now online. To see the photos, which are on the city’s Facebook page (you have to Like Biloxi), click here.
Meeting planned for baseball stadium, related development
The Biloxi Planning Commission will conduct a special called meeting on Thursday at 2 p.m. to discuss the urban renewal plan for the proposed downtown baseball stadium and related commercial development. The meeting will be held in the auditorium of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Municipal Building, which is at 676 Dr. Martin Luther […]
City to mark eighth anniversary of Katrina with ceremony
The Most Rev. Roger Morin, bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Biloxi, will join Mayor A.J. Holloway and students from Biloxi High School and St. Patrick for the city’s annual Katrina memorial observance on Thursday at the Katrina memorial on the Biloxi Town Green. The ceremony, which will also feature Pastor Lindsey Robinson of St. […]
Progress made Monday night; bridge work resumes this evening at 8
Workers making repairs to the fender system at the Popp’s Ferry bridge accomplished their night’s work ahead of schedule Monday night, and were actually able to re-open the bridge at 3 this morning, a couple hours ahead of schedule. This evening, the bridge will close again from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. to allow the […]
Application for social-service funding
There are two forms — an application and a spreadsheet — that social service agencies must be complete in order to apply for funding from the City of Biloxi. Those interested should print the forms, complete them and turn them in to the City Council or mayor’s office, City Hall, 140 Lameuse St. no later […]
Sports Hall of Fame photos and more
Class of 2013: To see photos from the induction ceremony for the Biloxi Sports Hall of Fame Class of 2013, click here. Visit the hall: To read biographies of the Class of 2013, and to read about past inductees, click here. Ready, Set, GO: To see photos from the Excel by 5 Health Fair, conducted […]
Reminder: Popp’s Ferry bridge closes at 8 tonight
The Popp’s Ferry Bridge will be closed to vehicular and marine traffic this evening, beginning at 8, and again Tuesday and Wednesday nights to allow workers to continue repairs to the bridge’s fender system. The bridge will be closed from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. each of the days. Workers must raise the bridge’s draw […]
What you need to know about Biloxi test scores
OK, so maybe you’ve seen the myriad numbers released this week by the Mississippi Department of Education, and you may have been left scratching your head about what they all mean. The voluminous compilation was actually a collection of raw data that showed test scores from individual schools and school districts. Those numbers will be […]
Consultant touts benefits of downtown stadium
The proposed downtown stadium would attract nearly a half-million people to the downtown area, would be one of the best sites in the four-state Southern League, and, more importantly, would help turnaround Biloxi’s sagging economy. That’s the word from development authority Charles Johnson, who also said the city’s $21 million investment for construction of the […]
Council hears of East Biloxi road, and debates on RV park and dumpster
The report on the proposed stadium in downtown Biloxi was merely one of several issues the City Council heard during its three-hour meeting Tuesday afternoon. In other business: Road work: The City Council voted to apply for a $5 million grant from the Mississippi Development Authority to extent Back Bay Boulevard to Fifth Street. The […]
Popp’s Ferry bridge to close three nights next week
The Popp’s Ferry Bridge will be closed to vehicular and marine traffic Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights to allow workers to continue repairs to the bridge’s fender system. The bridge will be closed from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. each of the days. The city has installed electronic message boards along Popp’s Ferry Road to […]
See a copy of baseball stadium analysis
To see a copy of the baseball study presented to the City Council this afternoon, click here.
Football fans, get your sneak peek this evening
Biloxi high school football fans will get a chance to preview the 2013 Indians this evening at 7 when the squad hosts Gautier in a football jamboree. The display will feature two quarters of play for varsity players, and two quarters for junior-varsity players. “We’ll put kids in game situations and see where they are […]
Excel by 5 health fair just around the corner
Biloxi Excel By 5 will hold its annual Ready Set GO Children’s Health Fair on Saturday, Aug. 24, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Biloxi Resource Center, Lopez School, 140 St. John Ave. This event is designed for children up to 5 years old. Visitors will get free age-appropriate health screenings. The screenings will […]
‘Camille,’ ‘Katrina’ meet Saturday at Visitors Center
Two of the worst storms to ever strike Biloxi and the Mississippi Gulf Coast – indeed, to ever strike the United States – will be the subject of documentaries to be re-shown Saturday at the Biloxi Visitors Center. The presentations, in the Visitors Center’s second-flood theater, will be free and open to the public. “A […]
Meet the teams, see the movie Sunday
The Biloxi football program will host a Meet the Teams night on Sunday, Aug. 18 at 5 p.m. at the Biloxi Junior High School auditorium, and those attending will be able to see the premiere of the movie “Mississippi Gridiron Gold: Small Towns, Big Teams.” The evening will have an admission fee of $8, with […]
Sports Hall of Fame to add seven members
A native son who has five World Series rings, a former New Orleans Saints center, and the father of two previous inductees top the list of seven new members who will be added to the Biloxi Sports Hall of Fame August 25th at the annual banquet. This year’s Induction Ceremony will be held 5 p.m. […]
Back-to-school pool party, special needs dance coming up
The City of Biloxi’s Parks and Recreation Department will host two upcoming back to school events: a Back to School Hoorah Pool Party and a Special Needs Back-To-School Hoorah Dance for children and adults. The pool party will be on Friday, Sept. 6, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Biloxi Natatorium, which is at […]
Council may get report on impact of stadium Tuesday
When the Biloxi City Council voted last week to seek an economic analysis on the potential impact of a downtown stadium, Councilmember Paul Tisdale said he hoped the study would be “sooner rather than later.” Tisdale and his fellow councilmembers are getting their wish. Johnson Consulting, a firm that has worked in Biloxi and advised […]
Redeemer to host Camille memorial service
The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer will host its annual Camille Memorial Service on Saturday, Aug. 17 at 3 p.m. at the Camille memorial. The memorial is at 610 Water Street, off U.S. 90 at Bellman Street. Camille site: To see information on Camille, from a mini-website the city created pre-Katrina, click here.
Cemetery tour to expand this year
The city and Main Street are expanding the award-winning Old Biloxi Cemetery Tour this year, and importing a director from Biloxi Little Theater to help organize everything. “This year, we’re going to have several dozen travel writers from the Society of American Travel Writers witnessing our tour, so we wanted to make it quite a […]
Weekend preview: Funambula and a host of performances
Highlighting the entertainment calendar this weekend are the continuing run of Funambula at the Beau Rivage, shows by America and Kathy Griffin at the Hard Rock, and Montgomery Gentry and Vicki Lawrence & Mama at the IP. To see details on these shows and others – courtesy of online listings from the Mississippi Gulf Coast […]
Your help is needed for two relief efforts Saturday
Relief effort No. 1: Councilman Kenny Glavan reports that the Knights of Columbus are assisting with building a handicap ramp for a woman who lost her leg three weeks ago. Among the materials being sought are nine 8-foot 4x4s, 20 2x8s, 30 2x4x8s, and five sheets of three-quarter-inch 4×8 treated plywood. Those who can assist […]
Visitors Center will mark second anniversary with daylong party
The Biloxi Visitors Center marks its second anniversary Thursday with door prizes throughout the day, and free hot dogs, hamburgers and soft drinks at lunchtime. The party will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and is free and open to the public. Members of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Attractions Association will have exhibits showing […]
Photos from today’s council meeting
To see dozens of images from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, click here.
Council seeks detailed projections on baseball proposal
The Biloxi City Council this afternoon, after nearly two hours in executive session, voted unanimously to commission an economic analysis of the impact of a downtown Biloxi baseball stadium. The study, capped at a cost of $25,000, would determine the benefit of the stadium at the Beau Rivage site, as well as the likelihood of […]
Parents, motorists: Let’s keep it safe
The new school year begins Tuesday morning at Biloxi Public Schools, and motorists are reminded to be wary of school crossing zones, which have reduced speed limits. About 5,000 students are expected to be attending classes at Biloxi’s four elementary schools, Biloxi Junior High School, and Biloxi High School. Sam Bailey, transportation director for Biloxi […]
Parking at City Hall to be relocated temporarily
Visitors to City Hall will have to park in the public lot behind the building beginning Wednesday morning, as contractors demolishing the adjoining annex will have heavy equipment and debris on site for the next several weeks. Contractors are working on the interior of the annex this week, and are expected to begin working on […]
Lorraine Road bridge at Biloxi River to close this afternoon
The Lorraine Road bridge over the Biloxi River is being closed today at 2 p.m. and will be closed until an in-depth safety analysis has been done on the bridge’s substructure, including underwater. There is no immediate word on when the bridge would re-open. City engineers in Gulfport and Biloxi made the decision to close […]
Kayak race, ‘Forever Plaid,’ concerts top weekend
A parade of pink paddlers will be on the water between Ocean Springs and Biloxi Saturday morning when the second annual Pink Paddle Race travels from the Ocean Springs Yacht Club to the Biloxi Yacht Club. The one-mile kayak race, which draws attention to the Pink Hearts fund, is one of several events taking place […]
Holloway, Hewes travel to D.C. to advocate flood insurance reform
Mayors A.J. Holloway of Biloxi and Billy Hewes of Gulfport returned home this morning after traveling to Washington, D.C. this to advocate flood insurance reform. Holloway and Hewes met with legislators from across the country, as well as federal officials, to help develop an alternative to the Biggert-Waters Act, which would see dramatic increases in […]
Photos from Tuesday’s council meeting
To see dozens of images from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, click here.
Latest development list
To see the latest list of development — recently completed, underway or under review — from the Community Development Department,click here.
Infrastracture work: Q&A
Here are some of the issues that frequently arise in Restore Biloxi projects, which are governed by FEMA regulations: Before-and-after videos: Before beginning any work in a project area, and before final closeout of the project, the contractor must submit for approval a video of all assets to be impacted by the construction. Water interruptions: […]
Infrastructure work tops breakfast with mayor
Biloxi’s infrastructure project, Restore Biloxi, has seen more than $32 million in work completed, and another $20 to $25 million will be “on the street” within the next six to eight weeks, according to a report this morning. And Marvin G. Dalla Rosa, project manager for the firm HNTB, says the biggest part of the […]
Fire Chief, infrastructure and downtown headling Morning report
Chief Administrative Officer David Nichols introduced three Biloxi city staffers to present reports for the Breakfast with the Mayor session on July 24, 2013. The Biloxi Chamber-sponsored event was presented at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. Mayor Holloway, meantime, was in Washington, D.C. for meetings with the the state’s legislative delegation. Here are the […]
Movie, theater and more this weekend. Giddy up!
Heading up the weekend entertainment lineup, Main Street has a drive-in movie on the Town Green this evening, and community theaters in west and east Biloxi have new productions. You’ll find Cliff Thompson in the revival of “Forever Plaid” at Center Stage and “The Reunion” at Biloxi Little Theater. There’s also a rodeo at the […]
Council to review city’s latest clean audit
Members of the Biloxi City Council will get a briefing on the latest audit of city finances Tuesday morning, and Chief Administrative Officer David Nichols says it will be a mixed bag of numbers. “The important thing is that there were no irregularities, or what the auditors call exceptions or findings,” Nichols said of the […]
MML delegates gathering in Biloxi this week
Municipal leaders from across the state are in Biloxi this week for the annual summertime Mississippi Municipal League conference, the largest of south Mississippi’s annual conventions. About 3,000 municipal leaders and employees, state agency representatives, legislators and exhibitors are attending three days of meetings at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum and Convention Center. Some delegates actually […]
Biloxi police officers cited for distinguished service
Thirteen Biloxi police officers were presented Distinguished Service Medals this morning for exceptional service in the line of duty. The awards, presented by Mayor A.J. Holloway and Police Chief John Miller, recognized officers for heroic acts in Hurricane Isaac last year — rescuing homeowners from a flooding neighborhood in Woolmarket and rescuing distressed boaters — […]
Schools chief: It’s going to be a great year
Arthur McMillan, superintendent of Biloxi Public Schools, discusses the successes and challenges in Biloxi, and previews the upcoming school year in this week’s edition of the City Desk webcast. The 17-minute public affairs program also features Biloxi Public Schools Business Manager Shane Switzer, who is responsible for tracking school expenditures and revenue. Listen now:To listen […]
Police awards photos and video tribute
For those who missed the photos earlier from today’s police awards ceremony, you can see the collection of more than 100 images by clicking here. Apologies for the broken link on the city web site earlier. Bonus video: Of course, WLOX and Subway have for some time recognized the heroism in the Biloxi Police Department. […]
New chief Boney taps Dronet as assistant chief
New Biloxi Fire Chief Joe Boney, in one of his first official acts, has named a longtime deputy chief, Mark Dronet, as the No. 2 man in the Biloxi Fire Department. “Mark knows things that I don’t know,” said Boney, a 29-year veteran of the department who was unanimously confirmed by the City Council on […]
Fireworks, First Friday kick off big holiday weekend
The Fourth of July fireworks on Thursday night at 9 will bring sparkle to the holiday weekend, and the next night, Biloxi Main Street’s monthly “Finally, First Friday” will keep music in the air throughout the downtown area. “First Friday” will be this Friday in the Rue Magnolia and Water Street area. Attractions will include […]
Photos from today’s council meeting
To see dozens of images from today’s City Council meeting, the first of the new term, click here.
The inauguration: photos and text
Mayor A.J. Holloway and the seven members of the Biloxi City Council took their oaths of office during a ceremony at the Biloxi Civic Center this afternoon, with the six-term mayor turning to his first inaugural address 20 years ago for inspiration. The ceremony included the swearing in of five new councilmembers — Dixie Newman, […]
Inaugural 2013: ‘Let us work until our work is done’
Here is the prepared text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s inaugural address delivered on July 1, 2013, during the inauguration ceremony conducted at the Biloxi Civic Center. Greetings and welcome to our distinguished guests and to my family, my colleagues, and my friends — old and new. This is a day of new beginnings, a day […]
Bam! Huge Biloxi fireworks show to be a record-setter
Biloxi will have one of the largest fireworks shows on the Gulf of Mexico this Fourth of July, presented from what organizers call dueling barges that will be anchored at Deer Island, just off the Biloxi peninsula. “This year’s Fourth of July fireworks will be the largest in the gulf south, from Galveston, Texas to […]
Comedy, music and art highlight weekend
The weekend lineup of entertainment includes performances by Joan Rivers, Cyndi Lauper and Ronnie Dunn, the Funambula show at the Beau, a coin show at the Civic Center, and a sneak preview of three new exhibitions, including work of Frank Janca, at the Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art. To see the details on these events and […]
Councilmembers bring curtain down on four-year term
Five of Biloxi’s seven City Council members attended their last scheduled meeting of the current four-year term this afternoon, closing their tenure by thanking city staff and residents for their terms in office. Among those giving farewell remarks were Councilmembers Bill Stallworth of Ward 2, Lucy Denton of Ward 3, Clark Griffith of Ward 4, […]
Chamber, school board endorse stadium initiative
The Biloxi School Board has joined a growing number of organizations who have voted to endorse the construction of a baseball stadium in downtown Biloxi. The school board resolution, in a resolution passed this week, pointed out the $15 million pledged by Gov. Phil Bryant and the availability of a Double A minor league baseball […]
City updates major road projects, waterfront improvements
A quick update on a trio of city projects, from Chief Administrative Officer David Nichols: New Popp’s Ferry Bridge and approaches: This project, which would involve the 2.6-mile area from Pass Road to Riverview Drive, is being planned by the city and will use federal, state and local funds. Survey work and soil borings are […]
Webcasting: Meet three of the new councilmembers
This week’s “City Desk” webcast, recorded this morning at City Hall, includes its customary update of ongoing city projects and initiatives, but you’ll also have a chance to meet three of the five new City Councilmembers – Dixie Newman, Robert L. Deming III, and Dr. Paul Tisdale. After a brief recap of the day’s issues […]
Work to return D’Iberville statue underway at Visitors Center
A project to return the statue of the explorer Pierre LeMoyne Sieur D’Iberville to near its pre-Katrina beachfront site is now underway at the Biloxi Visitors Center. Workers with George P. Hopkins Construction Co. this week are preparing the forms that will support the new concrete base for the statue, which will stand just west […]
Baseball proposal takes another step forward
The city’s bond counsel and financial analyst are expected to appear before the City Council by late July with proposed interest rates and terms for borrowing $21 million toward construction of a downtown baseball stadium. The current City Council set the wheels in motion when it voted 4-2 Tuesday to authorize the firms of Page, […]
Juneteenth among weekend’s entertainment offerings
It’s another diverse weekend, with the city’s Juneteenth celebration, mixed-martial arts fighting at the IP, performances by comedian Drew Carey (IP) and rockers Tesla (Hard Rock) all on tap this weekend. Juneteenth, a celebration that originated in Galveston in 1865 to commemorate the end of slavery, will be marked Saturday from 4 to 8 p.m. […]
City to host meeting for Channel Mark, Cove Drive areas
City representatives will be meeting next week with residents of the neighborhoods around Channel Mark and Cove Drive to tell them about major infrastructure work coming to their area. The meeting, part of the outreach effort for the city’s $355 million Restore Biloxi Infrastructure Repair Program, will be held Wednesday, June 19 in the Fine […]
Biloxi Excel By Five offers ‘Trip to Wonderland’
Biloxi Excel By Five is inviting children birth to 5 years of age to “Trip to Wonderland” on Saturday, June 29th from 10 a.m. to noon at Lopez School, 140 St. John Ave., Biloxi. Children can participate in fun hands on activities and visit with Alice in Wonderland characters. From 10 to 11:15 a.m. children […]
Beach Fest to bow Thursday evening at Lighthouse Pier
The Biloxi High Indians offense and defense will hold an intramural scrimmage of sorts on Thursday – on the water. A kayak race between representatives of the two squads, billed as the Mayor’s Kayak Challenge, will be one of the attractions for the inaugural Beach Fest, which will be a collection of arts and crafts […]
Council meeting photos
To see photos from the City Council meeting today, click here.
More work planned Saturday morning on Popp’s Ferry bridge
Welders will be making repairs to another area of the Popp’s Ferry bridge span Saturday morning beginning at 6 a.m., and next week the Biloxi City Council will be asked to approve $280,000 in repairs to the fender system, which was sideswiped by a barge weeks ago. The repair work on Saturday morning will see […]
Holloway sails to sixth term; council to see five new faces
Mayor A.J. Holloway coasted to an unprecedented sixth term for a Biloxi mayor this evening, capturing 74 percent of the vote, and the Biloxi City Council will have five new members when new terms begin in July. Republican Dixie Newman defeated Lucy Denton by a 60-40 margin, capturing 512 votes to 336 votes in a […]
Governor commits $15 million to proposed stadium in Biloxi
(From Governor Phil Bryant’s office) The state is providing the City of Biloxi a $15 million grant to construct a minor league baseball stadium downtown, Gov. Phil Bryant announced this afternoon. The financial assistance for the project comes from funds BP granted to the state in 2010 during the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. “The oil […]
Remarks at Gov. Bryant’s baseball press conference in Biloxi
The prepared text of the remarks by Mayor A.J. Holloway, during a press conference on May 30, 2013, at the Biloxi Visitors Center. Thank all of you for being here for this important announcement. Baseball has a long history in Biloxi, going back to the early 1900s, when we were part of the old Cotton […]
Beauvoir to revisit history with new presidential library
Beauvoir is ready to open the doors to its $11.5 million presidential library and you’re invited. The last home of Confederate President Jefferson Davis in Biloxi, MS, will celebrate the opening of the Jefferson Davis Presidential Library with a three-day celebration June 1 through 3. Events will include a Black Tie Gala, The Davis Family […]
City releases annual water quality report
Biloxi residents have known for years that they have some of the lowest water, sewer and garbage rates of any community in the state, and a new report confirms that the city’s drinking water meets or exceeds federal and state requirements. The city’s Annual Report on the Quality of Drinking Water, a scorecard mandated by […]
Council meeting photos
Photos: To see photos from the City Council meeting Tuesday, click here.
Learn the basics of biking Saturday at Walmart
The City of Biloxi will help children and adults learn the ins and outs of bicycle safety, bike riding and bike repairs during a session Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the parking lot at the Walmart Supercenter in west Biloxi. The free event is in celebration of bicycle month and will include […]
Boudreaux request withdrawn in Ward 6
Paul H. Boudreaux, a Ward 6 candidate who had requested a review of the ballot box after the May 7 primary, actually had withdrawn that request. A Bmail transmitted this afternoon failed to note that Boudreaux had withdrawn his request. The Ward 6 race on Tuesday will see incumbent Edward “Ed” Gemmill facing challenger Kenny […]
Holloway speaks to baseball, street work and more
Mayor A.J. Holloway talked baseball, road work and trees this morning during the Biloxi Chamber’s Breakfast with the the Mayor session. Holloway noted that Tuesday’s vote by the City Council expressing intent to borrow $21 million for construction of a baseball stadium is one of many steps in the process. Said the mayor: “There are […]
Downtown merchants plan Ward 2 forum
A Ward 2 political forum is scheduled for Wednesday, May 22 at 5:30 p.m., in Margaret Tremmel Peresich Park, just south of Jackson Street across from Biloxi Regional Medical Center, in downtown Biloxi. The forum will be hosted by the downtown merchants and will have a format that allows opening remarks from the candidates, followed […]
Beauvoir to host session on care of trees
Beauvoir will host a free hands-on seminar on May 22 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m . where participants can learn how to conserve trees, protect trees during construction, identify hazard trees, and generally maintain trees through pruning, root conservation, storm preparedness and correctly planting the right tree in the right place. “This session is […]
Holloway on baseball, FEMA work, and saving trees
Here is the prepared text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s remarks made during Breakfast with the Mayor, a Biloxi Chamber of Commerce-sponsored event held Wednesday, May 15, 2013 at Bonefish Grill at Edgewater Mall. Thank all of you for being here. We have a lot of things to talk about. First, let me say thank you […]
Biloxi High School chosen for prestigious math and science program
Biloxi High School this afternoon became the first school in Mississippi to become a member of a prestigious program – one of only 52 high schools in the country — that offers more college-level math, science and English courses will be taught to Biloxi students. The National Math and Science Initiative, a non-profit organization launched […]
All registered voters may vote in Ward 3, 4 and 6 runoffs
All registered voters in Wards 3, 4 and 6 will be able to vote in the May 21 runoffs in those respective wards, regardless of whether they voted Tuesday. The Mississippi Secretary of State’s office had initially advised the city that only voters who voted Tuesday could vote on May 21. But after the position […]
Fire museum to hold fish fry Friday
West End Hose Co. No. 3, the all-volunteer fire museum, will hold a fish fry Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Howard Avenue museum. The $7 plates will include fish, potato salad, baked beans and bread. Drinks and desserts also will be available. Advance orders will be taken Friday morning from 8 […]
Last call for vendors for Fais Do-Do
Organizers of the upcoming 84th annual Blessing of the Fleet and Shrimp Festival are making a last call for crafts vendors for the Fais-Do-Do. The fais-do-do, a French term loosely translated as street dance, will be held Saturday, June 1, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., on the Biloxi Town Green. Deadline for vendor applications […]
Runoffs set for May 21; Boudreaux seeks review
Voters in Wards 3, 4 and 6 will be asked to return to the polls on Tuesday, May 21 to help decide party nominees in those wards because no candidate received more than 50 percent of the votes in those races. And, meantime, Paul H. Boudreaux Jr., a candidate for the Ward 6 city council […]
Barges destroy part of fender system at Popp’s Ferry bridge
A tug boat pushing four barges carrying crushed rock and gravel collided with the wooden fender system that protects the Popp’s Ferry bridge after noon today, heavily damaging and detaching a section of the wooden system. The bridge itself remained operational and open to vehicular and marine traffic after the incident. “The fender system did […]
Primary results for Biloxi races
Here are the unofficial results of the 2013 municipal primaries in Biloxi: Mayor — Republicans David L. Bull — 1,316 (32.59 percent) A.J. Holloway — 2,722 (67.41 percent) (Nominee will face Democrat Jess Kennedy in general election in June.) Ward 1 — Democrats George W. Lawrence 376 (89.31 percent) Angel Truong 45 (10.69 percent) (Nominee […]
Biloxi polling takes place from 7 to 7 Tuesday
Ten polling places will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. for voters to cast ballots in the party primaries Tuesday in Biloxi, with an overwhelming majority of Republican ballots expected to be cast because Republicans have a citywide mayor’s race and four contested council races, while Democratic balloting will be conducted only in […]
Downtown hosts Finally First Friday, movie
Main Street offers a doubleheader this evening in downtown Biloxi: There’s Finally First Friday in the Rue Magnolia arts district from 5 to 8, and the drive-in movie “The Lorax” beginning at 6 on the Magnolia Hotel lawn. During Finally Friday, the New Orleans group A Band Called Summer performs at Margaret Tremmel Peresich Park, […]
National Day of Prayer moved inside City Hall
The City of Biloxi will observe the 62nd annual Day of Prayer with a ceremony in the City Council chambers today at noon. The hour-long ceremony, organized each year by Carleen E. Hall, has been moved from the front steps of City Hall to indoors because of the threat of inclement weather. The event is […]
‘Thursdays in May’ touts diversity this year
“We have outstanding diversity in the types of programs we’re offering this year,” Biloxi Historical Administrator Bill Raymond says of this year’s Thursdays in May program, the city’s month-long observance of National Preservation Month. The series kicks off May 9, with a program at the Schooner Pier focusing on Biloxi’s seafood heritage. Three more educational […]
Point Cadet pier makes waves at ribbon-cutting
The three dozen or so people who turned out for today’s lunchtime ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Point Cadet fishing pier witnessed news being made: — Rick Ferguson of Pickering, the engineering firm that designed the 4,700-foot long concrete pier, said the structure is the longest as-built drive-on fishing pier in the country. Others may be […]
City to cut ribbon on Point Cadet fishing bridge Tuesday
The city will cut a ribbon to formally open the Point Cadet fishing bridge to the public on Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. Mayor A.J. Holloway, members of City Council and others who have played a key role in the $9 million project will gather for a brief ceremony at the foot of the bridge, which […]
FYI: Restore Biloxi projects and how they work
Here are some of the issues that frequently arise in Restore Biloxi projects, which are governed by FEMA regulations: Before-and-after videos: Before beginning any work in a project area, and before final closeout of the project, the contractor must submit for approval a video of all assets to be impacted by the construction. Water interruptions: […]
Point Cadet fishing bridge opening soon
The Point Cadet fishing bridge, actually a 4,700-foot long concrete pier next to the Palace Casino Resort, should be officially opening sometime next week, Mayor A.J. Holloway said this week. “I know we’ve been getting two or three calls a day about this, so people are ready for it,” Holloway said, “but the contractor is […]
Smokin’ the Sound highlights weekend fare
Hundreds of spectators will be watching dozens of lightning-fast boats racing along the Biloxi waterfront this weekend for the 2013 edition of Smokin’ the Sound. Smokin’ will be the highlight of the weekend, but you’ll also find the crawfish festival at the Coast Coliseum, Penn & Teller at the Beau Rivage, the Oak Ridge Boys […]
Foster honored as volunteer of the year
Jim Foster, whose continuing volunteer efforts have led to the creation of so-called blueways and greenways in Biloxi and along the Gulf Coast, has been named the city’s Distinguished Volunteer of the Year. Foster led a field of dozens of individuals and groups who were recognized by the city on Tuesday during the 30th annual […]
Got old drugs? You can get rid of them Saturday
Biloxi Police are asking residents to drop off unused or old prescription medications on Saturday as part of the DEA’s Drug Take Back Day. The annual nationwide program is designed to prevent old medications from being used illegally or improperly. Those interested can drop off medicines at the Lopez-Quave Public Safety Center, 170 Porter Ave., […]
Firefighters assist with clean-up campaign
Members of the Biloxi Fire Department walked city streets, neighborhoods and high-profile areas picking up litter last week as part of the Great American Cleanup, which Biloxi observed the week of April 15-20. To see dozens of photos supplied by Acting Fire Chief Mark Dronet, click here.
City seeks nominees for Sports Hall of Fame
The City of Biloxi is now seeking nominations for the 2013 class of the Biloxi Sports Hall of Fame, which will hold induction ceremonies during an August weekend that will include a Shrimp Bowl football doubleheader. The 2013 inductees follow-up on last year’s tremendously successful induction ceremony, where more than 300 people turned out to […]
WLOX, Subway honor Biloxi Police Department
WLOX and Subway have produced a 30-second spot honoring the Biloxi Police Department. To see it, click here.
New residents to see lower fire insurance rates
Biloxi’s recent annexation victory means that the 80 or so homeowners in the new sections of the city could qualify for lower-insurance ratings and more recreational opportunities because the city has a better fire rating and less expensive recreation leagues than in D’Iberville or Harrison County. Key city department leaders met with Mayor A.J. Holloway […]
Democrats certify three unopposed candidates in Biloxi
The upcoming party primaries in Biloxi got smaller last week when the Democratic Executive Committee announced that there was no need for ballots to be cast in three Democratic races where nominees were unopposed. The Republican primary, however, will have citywide balloting because of the mayor’s race between incumbent A.J. Holloway and contender David Bull. […]
Voter guide, new cards on the way to residents
Residents and businesses throughout the city will be receiving Voter Information 2013 this time next week. It’s a four-page newsletter to provide residents a look at the ward lines and polling places for the 2013 elections, a preview of the new voter cards on the way, and a list of key election dates and deadlines. […]
Reminder: Saturday is last chance to register for primaries
Biloxi City Hall will be open for voter registration Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon, the last chance to register for the upcoming party primaries. Persons who have never voted in Biloxi municipal elections or have moved since the last election will need to register in order to vote in the May 7 primaries. Webcast: […]
City Council meeting photos
To see photos from the April 2, 2013 meeting of the City Council meeting, click here.
Keesler named best base in the Air Force
From the Air Force News Service Air Force leaders announced the winners of the 2013 Air Force Installation Excellence awards and Special Recognition program March 27. Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., is the recipient of this year’s award, with McConnell Air Force Base, Kan., receiving runner-up. “It is our distinct privilege to recognize the outstanding […]
Weekend preview, more on Keesler, voter guide 2013
Main Street’s “Finally First Friday” is now underway through 8 p.m. at Margaret Tremmel Peresich Park in downtown Biloxi. The DD Thunder Band and The White Horse Band are entertaining, and visitors to the free event will have a chance to win a $100 gift card to downtown businesses. Entry cards are available at participating […]
Griffith: Keesler’s win is great for Keesler AND the community
Today’s announcement that Keesler has been named the best base in the Air Force was a point of pride on many levels for Councilman Clark Griffith, an Air Force combat pilot whose 35-year career included commanding Keesler Air Force Base and the Second Air Force from 1992 to 1995. “Obviously, if you’re picked by the […]
Visitors Center to expand hours, show Katrina documentary
The Biloxi Visitors Center, already touted by an online travel service as the top-rated visitor attraction in Biloxi, is expanding its hours to accommodate demand. The center, which is located immediately north of the Biloxi Lighthouse on U.S. 90, will begin opening from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, beginning Sunday. The center also will […]
City seeks nominees for Sports Hall of Fame
The City of Biloxi is now seeking nominations for the 2013 class of the Biloxi Sports Hall of Fame, which will hold induction ceremonies during an August weekend that will include a Shrimp Bowl football doubleheader. The 2013 inductees follow-up on last year’s tremendously successful induction ceremony, where more than 300 people turned out to […]
Popp’s Ferry fields to close for overhaul
The four sports fields at the Popp’s Ferry Recreation Complex, the site across from the Margaret Sherry library, are closed until at least May 15 while grass is being replanted, but the adjoining dog park will remain open. Biloxi Parks & Recreation Director Sherry Bell reports that Harrison County workers will be top dressing the […]
Deadline nearing to register to vote
Persons who have never voted in Biloxi municipal elections or have moved since the last election will need to register by Saturday at noon in order to vote in the May 7 party primaries in Biloxi. Voter registration is available weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Harrison County Circuit Clerk’s office in […]
Beauvoir to unveil Varina’s Garden this summer
Several years of exhaustive research will blossom — literally — in less than 90 days when Beauvoir: The Jefferson Davis Home and Presidential Library unveils Varina’s Garden, a recreation of the garden cared for by Varina Howell Davis, Mrs. Jefferson Davis. The restored garden, which will cover 8 1/2 acres behind the Davis home and […]
Fishing bridge announcement pleases chamber crowd
Mayor A.J. Holloway spoke for less than five minutes this morning during the latest installment of the Biloxi Chamber’s Breakfast with the Mayor, but it was obvious which of his comments most pleased the audience at the IP Casino Resort Spa. Holloway’s quick recap of ongoing and upcoming city programs and events was interrupted by […]
Holloway updates city projects for breakfast crowd
Here is the prepared text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s remarks made during Breakfast with the Mayor, a Biloxi Chamber of Commerce-sponsored event held Wednesday, March 27, 2013 at IP Casino Resort Spa. Good morning, and welcome to another Breakfast with the Mayor. This morning, I’m going to give you a quick update on things we […]
Photos from today’s City Council meeting
To see images from today’s City Council meeting, click here.
Bunnyland, Easter Egg hunts on Town Green
Youngsters 5 and under are being invited to Biloxi Excel By Five’s Hop the Trail to Bunny Land on Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon at Biloxi Town Green, and then on Saturday afternoon at 2, it’s the city’s Easter Egg hunt, which is open to children up to aget 11. In the event of […]
Supreme Court upholds Biloxi annexation victory
The state Supreme Court today affirmed a 2010 Chancery Court ruling that awarded Biloxi 2.5-square miles of land straddling Highway 67 in an expansion issue originally initiated by D’Iberville. In a 54-page finding released today, justices found that Chancellor Thomas L. Zebert, in his May 21, 2010 ruling, “did not manifestly err in his determination, […]
Excel By Five to host Hop the Trail to Bunny Land
Youngsters 5 and under are being invited to Biloxi Excel By Five’s Hop the Trail to Bunny Land on Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon at Biloxi Town Green. In this free event, children can celebrate the arrival of spring by participating in fun hands-on activities such as eggs in the basket, tissue paper eggs, […]
Dronet named acting chief of Biloxi Fire Department
Mark Dronet, who in January marked 25 years with the Biloxi Fire Department, was unanimously approved as acting director of the fire department during the City Council meeting Tuesday. As acting director, the 49-year-old Dronet will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the 140-member department while the city continues its search for a successor […]
Come Saturday, everyone’s Irish — and well-fed
“This is one of those times when I wish I could just expand the Town Green,” Main Street Director Kay Miller says of this weekend’s Grillin’ on the Green extravaganza, which will be overflowing with music and food and have a Hibernia Marching Society St. Patrick’s parade rolling by. The free event takes place on […]
City receives federal OK for new ward lines
The U.S. Department of Justice has notified the city that it received no objections to the city’s re-districting plan, which means the city will be using the new ward lines for the May 7 party primaries. As a result of the Justice Department decision to OK the new ward lines, six of the 14 non-incumbent […]
City seeks nominations for volunteer awards
The City of Biloxi is seeking nominations for its upcoming 30th annual Volunteer Recognition Ceremony, which takes place Tuesday, April 23 at the Biloxi Civic Center. The city will recognize individuals who volunteer in the areas of health, community, arts and history, education, military, non-profits, youth, and sports. Also recognized will be businesses, adult and […]
Reminder: Popp’s Ferry bridge reduced to one lane this evening
Traffic will be reduced to one lane at the span of the Popp’s Ferry bridge this evening beginning at 7:30 while repairs are made the span’s steel grate. The repairs could take as long as three hours. Biloxi Police will be on hand to keep traffic moving safely and efficiently, but motorists are advised to […]
More than two dozen seek municipal office in Biloxi
A total of 27 people have filed qualifying papers to be candidates in the upcoming Biloxi municipal elections, and plans for the races are moving forward using the pre-Katrina ward lines. Friday at 5 p.m. was the qualifying deadline for potential candidates. The slate of candidates features 18 Republicans, seven Democrats and two independents. Ward […]
Popp’s Ferry bridge repairs set for Wednesday evening
Those temporary repairs made to the steel grating of the Popp’s Ferry bridge a few weeks ago will be made permanent on Wednesday evening. Traffic on the bridge will be reduced to one-lane at the span on Wednesday evening beginning at 7:30, according to City Engineer Damon Torricelli. Workers will be removing the temporary square-foot […]
Hazard mitigation meeting is Thursday
The public is invited to a meeting on Thursday at 5:30 p.m. to hear about the city’s plan to help minimize the damage from natural hazards and disasters. The meeting, which will also include a discussion of regional climate change trends, will be at the Donal M. Snyder Community Center on Pass Road. Meantime, the […]
The new businesses of 2012
During his State of the City presentation, Mayor A.J. Holloway said that 234 new businesses opened in Biloxi in 2012. Here is a list of the businesses, based on licenses issued by the Community Development Department. (To see a printer-friendly version of the list, click here.) Professional office: Stephen Mcauliffe, Care Plus Home Medical, Jacoma […]
Holloway delivers State of the City report
Biloxi is well-known for its casino resort industry, but Mayor A.J. Holloway used his State of the City address today to remind people that there’s a whole lot more to the city. The mayor, speaking to a sold-out crowd at his 20th State of the City address, said Biloxi welcomed 234 new businesses last year […]
State of the City 2013: A milestone each and every day
Here is the text of the mayor’s presentation on Monday, Feb. 26 duirng the State of the City luncheon, sponsored by the Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce and presented at the Beau Rivage Resort & Casino. To see the video presentation, click here. Thank all of you for being here. Today marks the 20th time […]
State of the City luncheon is Monday; other news and notes
Mayor A.J. Holloway will be making his 20th annual State of the City presentation on Monday before another sold-out Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce luncheon. A total of 700 people have purchased seats to the Beau Rivage luncheon, where Holloway will give a 30-minute presentation that uses more than 500 photographs, maps and video to […]
Natatorium to close for repairs
The Biloxi Natatorium will be closed Thursday and will re-open next Thursday, Feb. 28 after workers have repaired the pool’s expansion joints and wall tiles. While the Natatorium is closed, the pool at the Donal M. Snyder Community Center on Pass Road will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. The expansion joints at […]
History Week kicks off Sunday at Visitors Center
The Mississippi Coast Historical & Genealogical Society will sponsor the 23rd annual Mississippi Coast History Week Sunday through Wednesday at the Biloxi Visitors Center, immediately north of the Biloxi Lighthouse. The free event is co-sponsored by the City of Biloxi and the Biloxi Public Library. Exhibits will open Sunday from noon until 5 p.m., highlighted […]
C Spire adds coverage for downtown Biloxi
C Spire, the city’s cellular phone service vendor, has positioned two COWs — Cells on Wheels — in the downtown area to enhance cell phone service during Mardi Gras. The COWs, which are temporary towers erected on east and west Howard Avenue, are designed to support sudden increases in cell traffic. Tens of thousands of […]
Enthusiastic crowd steps out for Biloxi Mardi Gras
About 45,000 spirited parade-goers turned out for Biloxi’s Mardi Gras parades this afternoon, far shy of the usual throng of 75,000 to 80,000, and those who braved the intermittent showers and overcast skies were being hailed by carnival organizers and Mayor A.J. Holloway. “These people here today were the Mardi Gras diehards,” said Lieutenant of […]
Children’s parade moved indoors, to Gruich Center
Children will be parading in the annual Mardi Gras walking parade as usual this morning, but they’ll be doing it indoors – at the Dr. Frank G. Gruich Community Center on Howard Avenue. Organizers of the 11 a.m. parade have decided to move the it indoors to avoid inclement weather. Typically, dozens of costumed children […]
Mardi Gras in Biloxi: A shower of beads
There may be a few raindrops on Fat Tuesday, “but it’s going to be raining beads, too,” says Bobby Watts, captain of carnival for Gulf Coast Carnival, who said the huge Fat Tuesday parade in downtown Biloxi is scheduled to roll at 1 p.m. “We’re probably going to have a few showers, but we’ve talked […]
Photos from Children’s Mardi Gras Walking Parade
“Who would have thought they would all show up?” city staffer Laurie Rosetti says of today’s Children’s Mardi Gras Walking Parade, which was moved to indoors because of the threat of rain. “We had about 300 registered to participate in the parade, and we ended up with 400 participants,” Rosetti said. “With the weather the […]
Mardi Gras lineup, weekend preview and more
Six Mardi Gras parades will roll this weekend in neighboring cities, a preface to the daylong Fat Tuesday extravaganza in downtown Biloxi next week. Tonight, you’ll find a parade in Ocean Springs, then three more on Saturday (Jackson County, Gulfport and Diamondhead), and two on Sunday (Pass Christian and North Bay). You’ll also have a […]
Award-winning float designers recognized
The city and leaders of Gulf Coast Carnival on Tuesday recognized two dozen Biloxi students as award-winning Mardi Gras float designers. Mayor A.J. Holloway and Biloxi Public Schools Superintendent Arthur McMillan presented Mardi Gras doubloons and cash prizes to the students, who were winners in the 15th annual Mardi Gras Shoe Box Float Contest. The […]
Children will parade Monday through downtown
The annual Children’s Mardi Gras Walking Parade will roll through downtown Biloxi on Monday at 11 a.m., with dozens of costumed children on decorated bikes, trikes, wagons and skate boards. This year’s theme: “The Best of Times.” The parade will form between 10 and 10:30 in the parking lot on MLK Boulevard, immediately north of […]
City Council meeting photos
To see dozens of photos from this afternoon’s City Council meeting, which included recognition of the Mardi Gras shoe box float winners, click here.
See free Sunday evening show by Tops in Blue
Tops in Blue, an all-active duty U.S. Air Force special unit made up of talented amateur performers, is putting on a free show Sunday at 7 p.m. at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. Tops in Blue is one of the oldest and most widely traveled entertainment groups of its kind. The […]
Elections 2013: An early primer
p>The exact locations of the ward lines may still be in a flux, but everything you need to know about the upcoming city elections – at least, at this point – is now on the city website on the Voter Info page. Just click on the Elections 2013 icon on the front page of the […]
Mayor, council set record straight on annexation
Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway and all seven members of the Biloxi City Council signed a letter published in the Sun Herald today to explain the city’s position on its annexation case with Gulfport. “There has been a growing level of public posturing on this annexation issue in recent weeks,” the Biloxi letter states, alluding to […]
The truth about annexation
Here is the text of a letter that Mayor Holloway and the City Council submitted to the Sun Herald for publication on Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2013, regarding the issue of annexation between Biloxi and Gulfport. There has been a growing level of public posturing on this annexation issue in recent weeks, but the public would […]
Wall expected to fill council seat this afternoon
Biloxi Municipal Court Judge Eugene Henry is expected to administer the oath of office to Arlene Wall, widow of Ward 5 Councilman Tom Wall, during a meeting of the City Council this afternoon. A brief public reception will be held during the 1:30 meeting, which is also expected to see the oath of office administered […]
City Council meeting photos
To see dozens of photos from this afternoon’s City Council meeting, click here.
Young artists plan inaugural art exhibit
Saddle up! The Gulf Coast School of Art is going to take you through a historical journey with “Come Together: The Colours of Civil War,” an exhibit on Jan. 26, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Biloxi Visitors Center. The exhibit will feature a collective and conceptual twist to the nation’s first modern war […]
Holloway to nominate Arlene Wall for west Biloxi council seat
Mayor A.J. Holloway confirmed this afternoon that he intends to nominate Arlene Wall to serve the five and a half months remaining on the City Council term of her late husband, Tom. Holloway had approached Arlene Wall last week, days after the five-term councilmember from west Biloxi died. “She initially said that she wanted to […]
New ward lines may not be approved in time for 2013 elections
Biloxi, not unlike many other cities in Mississippi, may end up having to conduct elections using existing ward lines if the U.S. Department of Justice does not approve new ward lines by March 22. Individuals interested in seeking seats on the Biloxi City Council in the upcoming municipal elections are having to file under the […]
Wall services are Thursday, Friday
Services have been announced for Tom Wall, the Biloxi City Councilman and businessman who died Monday. A visitation will be conducted Thursday from 5 to 7:30 and Friday from noon to 1 p.m. at the downtown chapel of Bradford-O’Keefe Funeral Home. A funeral service will be Friday from 1 to 2 p.m. at the funeral […]
Wall remembered for straight-forward approach and sense of humor
“I’ll always appreciate the fact that Tom was a straight shooter,” Mayor A.J. Holloway said of Biloxi Councilmember Tom Wall, who died this morning after battling cancer. “If he told you something, you could take it to the bank.” The popular West Biloxi councilman, who would have turned 74 on Tuesday, had announced several weeks […]
Ceremonies see switch from Christmas to Mardi Gras
A throng of nearly 300 turned out Sunday evening to see the seasons change – from Christmas at Beauvoir to Mardi Gras – in ceremonies at the Jefferson Davis home in west Biloxi and the Magnolia Hotel in downtown Biloxi. To see more than 150 photos from both sites, click here.
Popp’s Ferry bridge re-opened to traffic
City emergency workers re-opened the Popp’s Ferry bridge to traffic shortly after 10 this morning, after an early morning traffic accident downed a utility pole and utility lines at the bridge’s south approach. A southbound vehicle struck the utility pole just north of the Anatole Bay entrance, leaving the pole and a host of utility […]
Main Street ushers in 2013 with ‘Finally Friday’
Biloxi Main Street is hosting its first-of-the-month Finally Friday this evening from 4 to 8, with music by Rhythm and Rain and other entertainment along the Rue Magnolia. Downtown businesses are offering extended hours, reduced prices and those who drop by will have a chance to win $500 in gift cards. Entries are available at […]
City Council passes annexation measure
The City Council voted today to partially honor Gulfport’s request that Biloxi back away from its proposed annexation of area north of city — if Gulfport and Harrison County leaders agreed to a couple conditions. The measure passed by councilmembers, which provided a recap of annexation issues to date, called Gulfport’s offer “disingenuous,” and promised […]
City honors Beauvoir organizer as finale approaches
More than 13,000 people, more than half of them from out-of-town, have attended the inaugural Christmas at Beauvoir since it opened in November, and the new holiday tradition will wrap up Sunday evening by helping to usher in the next celebration on the community calendar, Mardi Gras. Mayor A.J. Holloway commended organizer Andi Rushton Oustalet […]
Milestones continue year after year in Biloxi
Here is a New Year’s message that appeared in a year-end issue of the Biloxi-D’Iberville Press. By Mayor A.J. Holloway We’ve had a saying in Biloxi for a few years: “We see a milestone, large or small, each and every day.” Frankly, we’ve reached huge milestones in 2012, and several will continue to unfold in […]
Police Department announces promotions, awards
Jim Adamo and Mike Wills, two lieutenants in the Biloxi Police Department, were promoted to captains this morning in an awards ceremony at the Lopez-Quave Public Safety Center. Adamo works in the administrative division, and Wills heads the special crimes division. Adamo and Wills were top two scorers in a 200-question promotions examination administered by […]
Christmas caroling planned downtown and at Beauvoir
Two Christmas sing-alongs are planned for this holiday weekend. The first is tonight, as part of Main Street’s weekend-long downtown celebration, and the second is on Sunday, providing a musical sendoff for Father Klaus’s last weekend at Beauvoir. The downtown affair takes place this evening from 5 to 7 at Margaret Tremmel Peresich Park, at […]
Seashore to host candlelight vigil at Beauvoir
The Seashore District of the United Methodist Church will conduct a candlelight vigil for Sandy Hook children Sunday at 5 p.m. on the eastern portion of the grounds of Beauvoir: The Jefferson Davis Home and Presidential Library. Those taking part in the 30-minute vigil are expected to begin gathering on the east side of the […]
Raising Cane’s breaks ground at Edgewater Mall
Raising Cane’s, the popular restaurant that specializes in chicken fingers, is already touting its still-under-construction Edgewater Mall location on its web site, even though it’s still a few months from opening. The Baton Rouge-based franchise, with more than 140 restaurants in 17 states, broke ground last week at the former O’Charley’s site and is aiming […]
Big Band, Christmas music headline Beauvoir weekend
TV’s Karen Abernathy joins Monica Boudreaux, David Delk and the Coast Big Band to headline a concert this evening at “Christmas at Beauvoir.” The show begins at 6:30, and is part of the holiday attractions at Beauvoir – the tour of the Christmas-festooned home, visits with Father Claus, tens of thousands of lights adorning dozens […]
Now serving: Fire museum luncheon now underway
The all-volunteer Biloxi Fire Museum and volunteers from the fire department are now hosting a barbecue luncheon to raise funds to purchase gift cards for storm victims in the Breezy Point, Rockaway, and Staten Island areas. The luncheon, which began this morning and runs through 2 p.m. at the fire museum, features a menu of […]
Canaan sign to be unveiled Thursday
The city of Biloxi will unveil the commemorative sign at the entrance to the Sherman V. Canaan Back Bay Fishing Dock during a brief ceremony Thursday afternoon at 4:30. The public is invited to the ceremony, which will feature Canaan’s wife, Arlene, and other family members. Refreshments will be served afterward. The dock, which is […]
12-12-12 rings a bell at Visitors Center
The Biloxi Visitors Center has hosted four weddings today, with two conducted back-to-back at opposing fireplaces, as couples took advantage of the chance to have a memorable wedding date of 12-12-12. “We had couples at both ends of the room, with the ceremonies taking place within minutes of each other,” says Visitors Center hostess Yvette […]
Finally Friday kicks off weekend
Main Street’s Christmas edition of “Finally Friday!” is now underway in the Rue Magnolia until 8 this evening. The monthly first-Friday-of-the-month affair, which has a Christmas flavor this evening, is taking right place now in Margaret Tremmell Peresich Park, at the corner of corner of Jackson Street and Rue Magnolia. Those stopping by the outdoor […]
Mayor taps Nichols for role of chief administrative officer
Mayor A.J. Holloway for the past several weeks has been looking for a director of administration to replace the retiring David Staehling, but instead the mayor has found a familiar face who will play a larger role in overseeing the day-to-day operations of the city. David Nichols, who served as Holloway’s chief administrative officer for […]
Comments at retirement party for Brenda Johnston and David Staehling
Here are comments made by Mayor A.J. Holloway during a retirement party to honor Director of Administration David Staehling and Municipal Clerk Brenda H. Johnston, at the Biloxi Visitors Center, on Dec. 5, 2012. Thank all of you for being here. This is a way to say thank you to Brenda and David for the […]
Photos, comments from retirement party
A crowd of about 300 people attended the retirement party honoring Municipal Clerk Brenda Johnson and Director of Administration David Staehling Tuesday evening at the Biloxi Visitors Center. To read comments made by Mayor A.J. Holloway and Staehling, click here. To see dozens of photos from the gathering, click here. To see photos from the […]
Excel by 5 and Santa to host annual holiday affair
The Biloxi Excel By 5 Community Coalition will host its annual holiday event, “Come Learn with Santa,” on Saturday, Dec. 8 from 9 a.m. to noon at Lopez School, 140 St. John Ave. Children age 5 and younger will have a chance to make handprint keepsakes, decorate Christmas ornaments, and take pictures with Santa. A […]
City plans special Christmas, New Year’s Eve parties
The City of Biloxi has two holiday events planned for special needs residents of all ages – a Christmas party on Dec. 21 and a New Year’s Eve celebration. Snacks and door prizes will be available at both events, which will be held at the Donal M. Snyder Sr. Community Center. Admission to the Christmas […]
In Biloxi, Santa wears a badge
The Biloxi Police Department is once again partnering with local businesses and organizations to help the needy in in “Santa Wears a Badge” program. In the program, less-fortunate children in Biloxi are provided toys at Christmas. Families receiving toys must live within the Biloxi city limits, must not be registered with any other agency, and […]
Biloxians to see lower flood-insurance rates
Residents of flood zones in Biloxi will qualify for another 5 percent discount in the rate they pay for flood insurance, bringing the total discount to 25 percent, thanks to the city’s efforts in regulating construction in flood zones and educating the public on how to minimize damage from flooding. The lower flood-insurance rates, which […]
Biloxi children to receive calls from Santa
Pre-schoolers, kindergarteners and those up to the second grade can receive a call from Santa Claus and his Elves again this year through the city’s “North Pole Calling” program. The city’s Parks and Recreation Department is working with the Biloxi High School Key Club and the Biloxi JROTC to make the calls on the evenings […]
Photos from Christmas on the Water parades
To see photos from this weekend’s Children’s Walking Christmas Parade and the parade of boats, click here. News and notes Road work: City contractors are expected to wrap up paving work this evening on Pass Road at Big Lake Road and Eisenhower Drive. The nighttime work — which avoids the heavier, daytime traffic volumes — […]
Thacker named municipal clerk for Biloxi
Stacy L. Thacker, the city’s deputy municipal clerk for eight years, has been named by Mayor A.J. Holloway to replace Brenda H. Johnston as the city’s municipal clerk. Thacker, who joined the City Hall staff in 1989, graduated from D’Iberville High School in 1986 and earned her associate degree from Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College […]
Biloxi ushers in holiday season this weekend
The annual parade of lighted boats off the Biloxi peninsula remains the centerpiece of the city’s Christmas on the Water parade, but this year’s Christmas in the City will have a few special treats, including a Christmas scavenger hunt, an Art Can Change Everything festival and a Christmas show in the Saenger. It’s all part […]
Christmas at Beauvoir in midst of banner weekend
Christmas at Beauvoir welcomed more than 400 visitors last night, its best night since opening earlier this month, and organizer Andi Oustalet expects huge crowds tonight and Sunday thanks to the entertainment and holiday environment at the national landmark in west Biloxi. “It was huge last night,” Oustalet said. “It was easily over 400 people, […]
Rosco Bandana, other shows highlight weekend at Beauvoir
Beauvoir, the site of the season-long Christmas at Beauvoir celebration, will be closed Thanksgiving Day, but a host of entertainment is planned for the weekend, including a Sunday evening performance by the group Rosco Bandana. The events at the national landmark in west Biloxi are one of the myriad offerings this holiday weekend. Other attractions […]
Indians Marching Band to parade in Philadelphia
The Biloxi High School Indian Marching Band and Color Guard will be representing Biloxi and Mississippi Thursday when the 6abc Dunkin Doughnuts Thanksgiving Day Parade rolls in Philadelphia, Pa. The band, which left Biloxi Tuesday for the 21-hour bus ride, will be marching in what is billed as the country’s oldest Thanksgiving parade, dating back […]
Council approves contracts for museum, waterfront park
The City Council this afternoon approved two construction contracts totaling nearly $12 million to move forward with the Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, and Biloxi Waterfront Park. It was, Director of Administration David Staehling said, “an act of conciliation today during the City Council meeting, when we looked at the funding, we looked at the […]
Joe Boney: From the front lines of the Sandy recovery
Joe Boney, the Biloxi Fire Department battalion chief who is volunteering time in the Sandy recovery zone, discussed what he and his colleagues are seeing during an interview on WLOX this afternoon. To see the interview, courtesy of WLOX Digital Content Director Renee Johnson, click here.
Christmas at Beauvoir headlines weekend fare
Christmas at Beauvoir, the season-long celebration at the Jefferson Davis home in west Biloxi continues this weekend. Visitors will find carolers, crafts, Father Claus, lighted paths, tours of the Davis house with period decorations, and, of course, 100 lighted oak trees throughout the property. In addition, a magical train takes children through the historic 52-acre […]
Natatorium to close for maintenance
The Biloxi Natatorium, the city’s indoor swmimming pool, will close Friday, Nov. 30 and remain closed through Monday, Jan. 7 while workers perform general maintenance at the facility. Repairs will include repainting of the lobby, dressing rooms, showers and restrooms. While the Natatorium is closed, hours for the indoor pool at the Donal M. Snyder […]
Biloxi firefighters to leave for Sandy-stricken areas
Four volunteering Biloxi firefighters are planning to leave for Staten Island Friday to transport a load of cleaning supplies and spend 12 days cleaning and demolishing homes in the storm-stricken area, as other Biloxi firefighters are continuing local relief efforts. The traveling firefighters, who are using personal leave time and a van rented by the […]
Holloway outlines commercial, public construction projects
Mayor A.J. Holloway outlined more than $100 million in public and private construction this morning for a standing room-only audience at a Biloxi Chamber of Commerce gathering. Holloway listed more than $80 million in projects either under construction or permitted throughout the city, while the engineer overseeing the city’s massive infrastructure project described the $20 […]
Holloway outlines commercial construction, infrastructure work
Here is the prepared text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s remarks made during Breakfast with the Mayor, a Biloxi Chamber of Commerce-sponsored event held Thursday, Nov. 14, 2012 at Biloxi Regional Medical Center. Thank all of you for being here this morning. I also want to thank Biloxi Regional for sponsoring this edition of Breakfast with […]
Photos from Festival of Trees at Beauvoir
To see dozens of images from the Festival of Trees Thursday evening at Beauvoir, click here.
Your weekend preview, other news and notes
A host of holiday related and otherwise special events are continuing this weekend, including Christmas at Beauvoir, the kickoff of two Saturdays of book signings at the Biloxi Visitors Center, and a Latin festival on the Biloxi Town Green. Of course, the Sun & Sand Film Festival continues at venues along the Gulf Coast, including […]
‘Everything falling into place’ for tonight at Beauvoir
About two dozen volunteers and Beauvoir staffers are making last-hour preparations today to have everything in place and ready for tonight’s Festival of Trees at the Jefferson Davis Home and grounds on west beach Biloxi. Tonight’s gala – which formally launches Christmas at Beauvoir – will begin at 6 p.m. and will feature carolling by […]
Beauvoir to host free beach bonfire during Festival of Trees
Andi Oustalet expects 400 to 500 people to attend the Festival of Trees gala, tonight, based on advance ticket sales, emails, and “the enthusiasm being shown by the general public.” Tickets will be on sale through the evening, but, meantime, fans of Christmas lights can enjoy the lighting of the trees tonight without having to […]
Council to receive information on seafood museum, waterfront park
Mayor A.J. Holloway has called a special meeting of the Biloxi City Council for 10 o’clock Friday morning to discuss funding sources and projected costs of construction for the proposed Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, and the proposed waterfront park, two Point Cadet projects. The meeting will be at City Hall and is open to […]
Harrison County cities join for Sandy relief effort
The cities of Harrison County are organizing a drive to collect supplies to help storm victims in a hard-hit section of New Jersey that has seen 3 inches of snow fall since being devastated by Sandy last week. Residents are being asked to bring supplies to their local fire station in any municipality in Harrison […]
Drive to feed needy at Thanksgiving now underway
Law enforcement’s drive to provide Thanksgiving Day meals to the less fortunate of Harrison County is now underway. Meals may be requested by calling one of these agencies: — Biloxi Police Department (Ms. Ross), 385-3033 — D’Iberville Police, 396-4252 — Gulfport Fire Department, 868-5950 — Gulfport Police, 868-5703 — Harrison County, 896-0606 — Pass Christian […]
Blood drive for city employee planned for Saturday
Family and friends of Scott Richardson, a 20-year employee of the City of Biloxi who is facing a liver transplant, will be hosting a blood drive on Saturday, Nov. 10 from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of Cedar Lake United Methodist Church, at 12332 Cedar Lake Road, […]
Visitors Center to host book signings
The Biloxi Visitors Center will host two book signings over the next two Saturdays, featuring a host of local authors. The first, planned for this weekend, will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will feature Alan and Joan Santa Cruz, “Biloxi Postcard History”; Jane Shambra, “Biloxi Postcard History” and “Images of America – […]
Sullivan steps down as Biloxi Public Works director
Richard Sullivan, whose department helped restore city utilities and clear streets in the tumultuous days after Hurricane Katrina, notified Mayor A.J. Holloway this morning that he planned to leave his position as Public Works director to pursue other opportunities. His tenure with the city officially ends Dec. 21. Sullivan, 60, had been named Public Works […]
It’s Finally Friday! Kick off the weekend at Peresich Park
Main Street’s monthly downtown soiree — Finally Friday! — takes place this afternoon from 4 to 8 at the Margaret Tremmel Peresich Park. Among the attractions at the free event will be music by Casual Karate, a drawing for a $100 gift certificate to a downtown business, and sales of the 2012 Christmas ornament (depicting […]
Photos from Biloxi First roast of Butch Oustalet
To see dozens of photos from the Biloxi First roast of Butch Oustalet Tuesday evening at the IP Casino Resort Spa, click here.
Cemetery tour to spotlight war veterans
This year’s Old Biloxi Cemetery Tour, which takes place Tuesday from 4 to 7 p.m., will be themed “Honoring our Heroes,” celebrating the lives of Biloxians who participated in conflicts from the War of 1812 through the Vietnam War. The free event is a self-guided, continuously performed affair, so attendees may arrive anytime between 4 […]
City to host anti-crime festival
The city’s Police, Fire and Parks & Recreation departments will present the annual Biloxi Community Festival Against Crime on Saturday, Nov. 3 from noon to 4 on the Town Green. To print a flier about the free event, click here.
Salvation Army to host Mullet Bowl, Halloween events this weekend
The Salvation Army Yankie Stadium will be alive with football activity with a lineup of two events on Saturday. Yankie Stadium will be the host of the Sectional NFL Punt, Pass and Kick Trials for the Gulf Coast Region at 9 a.m., followed by the Annual Mullet Bowl. The PP&K event, which is free for […]
Word spreading about Christmas at Beauvoir
Andi Oustalet, the organizer of the upcoming Christmas at Beauvoir celebration, likes to say that the event will become a signature event for the Mississippi Gulf Coast, with popularity rivaling Mardi Gras, Cruisin’ the Coast, or the Peter Anderson Arts and Crafts Festival. And now comes an endorsement from tourism authority Linda Hornsby, the longtime […]
City seeks input on mitigation plan
The City of Biloxi is seeking public input to help update its Hazard Mitigation Plan. The hazard mitigation plan identifies and assesses the risks from natural hazards faced by the community and how to best minimize or manage those risks. Having an updated hazard mitigation plan is necessary to qualify for federal mitigation funds. As […]
Council meeting photos
To see photographs from the City Council meeting this afternoon, click here.
Johnston to step down as city’s municipal clerk
Brenda H. Johnston, the city’s longtime municipal clerk, has announced that she is retiring after 30 years of service to the city. Johnston’s last day in the office will be Nov. 30. Johnston has worked for the city since 1982, and her career spanned three mayoral administrations. She was hired as an executive secretary to […]
Book-signing, cemetery tour to usher in Halloween
Just in time for Halloween, the City of Biloxi will be hosting a book signing for “Haunted Mississippi Gulf Coast.” The event will take place Monday, Oct. 29 at the Biloxi Visitors Center from 5:30 to 7 p.m. In his new book, author and avid ghost hunter Bud Steed leads a haunted journey with stops […]
Holloway to retirees: ‘We’re not antiques, we’re classics’
Mayor A.J. Holloway welcomed a group of “fellow retirees” on Wednesday when Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College’s Institute for Lifelong Learning toured Biloxi. “I like to think of myself as a living example of what you can do when you are retired,” Holloway told the group of about three dozen from throughout south Mississippi during […]
Cruisin’ into the weekend; plus your council preview
A record-breaking Cruisin’ the Coast – 6,000 registered cars, 4,000 at this week’s Downtown Biloxi Block Party – heads into its final weekend, with plenty of entertainment and cruisin’ still on tap. The stage at Edgewater Mall in west Biloxi will feature Na Na Sha, Garry Wesley as Elvis, and Darlawan on Saturday, with row […]
Mayor’s health fair is Saturday at Edgewater Mall
The annual Mayor’s Disability Awareness Health Fair takes place Saturday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at Edgewater Mall, in the south mall foyer. The free fair will offer vision screening by the Biloxi Lions Club, other health screenings, an entertainment stage, free face-painting, arts and crafts for children, and a wealth of information and […]
Downtown block party shatters attendance records
Biloxi Police say about 4,000 Cruisin’ cars – hundreds more than in past years – were in downtown Biloxi this morning through mid-afternoon for the city’s annual Cruisin’ the Coast block party. Several thousand people meandered their way admiringly through the line of cars, which were parked side-by-side on many downtown streets that were closed […]
Biloxi students, ‘Elvis’ to headline block party
The annual Downtown Biloxi Block Party for Cruisin’ the Coast takes place Wednesday morning from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. throughout the downtown area. Hundreds of vehicles will line city streets, many of which will be closed for the occasion, and two entertainment stages will offer cruising-era music. Main Street Biloxi, which sponsors the affair […]
Beauvoir seeks volunteers for ‘Christmas at Beauvoir’
Beauvoir: The Jefferson Davis Home and Presidential Library is seeking volunteers who want to help out with “Christmas at Beauvoir,” a two-month holiday extravaganza that is expected to become a nationally recognized event. A volunteer enrollment rally will continue Tuesday and Wednesday from 3 to 6 p.m. at Beauvoir, which is on U.S. 90 in […]
Biloxi to host discussion of ‘Katrina: the Mississippi Story’
Dr. James Patterson Smith, author of the new book “Hurricane Katrina: The Mississippi Story,” will discuss his latest effort and his research during a free program Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. at the Biloxi Visitors Center. The program, called “An Evening With Author and Historian James Patterson Smith,” was orginally scheduled for Aug. 29 but was […]
Debris removal efforts: The end is here
The city’s Isaac debris removal efforts are over with at the end of the business today, with more than 25,000 cubic yards of debris hauled from city streets and neighborhoods. Jonathan Kiser, the city consultant who oversaw the effort, said the entire project will end up costing about $350,000, with the city having to pay […]
New downtown restaurants, shops to welcome Cruisers
Continuing the burgeoning redevelopment in Downtown Biloxi and just in time for Cruisin’ the Coast, four new businesses opened in Downtown Biloxi this week, with two ribbon cuttings this afternoon during Finally Friday. Main Street Biloxi officials will welcome the city’s two new restaurants and two new shops in a rapidly changing landscape that is […]
‘The planet’s biggest golf tournament’ tees off Friday
By Cliff Kirkland Though neighboring cities grow more brazen every year in their attempts to steal Biloxi’s 300-year-old history as the oldest settlement in Mississippi, tournament officials of the Slavic Invitational fear no such intrusion on their exalted position as the largest golf tournament in the state. In fact, the Slavic unabashedly lays claim to […]
Council seeks input on proposed ward lines
The Biloxi City Council has scheduled two hearings to seek public input on the proposed boundaries for Biloxi’s seven wards. Councilmembers will be elected from those seven wards in the 2013 municipal elections. The public hearings will be Oct. 16 and Oct. 30 at 1:30 p.m. at Biloxi City Hall. The council will be seeking […]
Biloxi First to roast ‘Butch’ Oustalet
Biloxi First has announced that its 2012 roast will focus on A.J.M. “Butch” Oustalet III, arguably south Mississippi’s best-known auto dealer and the 2011 king of Gulf Coast Carnival. The roast will be held Tuesday, Oct. 30 at IP Casino Resort Spa. Doors will open at 6 p.m., with a cash bar, and dinner and […]
Crews working to ready 90 in time for Cruisers
Mississippi Power Co. workers are working to repair damaged street lights on U.S. 90 in time for Cruisin’ the Coast, and this evening are checking a several-block section in west Biloxi where city contractors today repaired underground wiring. Thousands of classic car owners from across the country are expected to motor their polished and pampered […]
Photos from today’s council meeting
To see dozens of photos from today’s City Council meeting, click here.
Debris crews back in Biloxi neighborhoods
Biloxi’s debris crews, back after an 11-day break, are making a final sweep of the city this week and expect all debris operations to be completed by the end of the week, weather permitting. Debris czar Jonathan Kiser said two debris teams — using trucks equipped with knuckle booms and dual containers measuring nearly 60 […]
Beauvoir to launch new holiday tradition
The grounds of Beauvoir: The Last Home of Jefferson Davis will be transformed to the 1880s this holiday season, as the national landmark in Biloxi presents a two-month celebration of Christmases past and the beginning of what organizers expect to be a nationally recognized event. On Thursday through Sunday evening in November through January, Beauvoir […]
Museum stages Fireman’s Day Parade, open house this weekend
West End Hose Company No. 3, the Biloxi Fire Museum & Educational Center, will present a Fireman’s Day Parade through downtown Biloxi on Saturday, beginning at 10 a.m. The parade, which is reviving a Biloxi tradition dating back the 1800s, will lineup at Lameuse Street and U.S. 90, travels north on Lameuse, west around MLK […]
Mayor outlines litany of public works
Mayor A.J. Holloway on Wednesday gave a status report on more than $16 million in public works projects from Woolmarket to Point Cadet. Holloway, speaking to the Biloxi Chamber’s Breakfast with the Mayor audience at The Innovation Center on Popp’s Ferry Road, also said work would soon begin to clear land and improve drainage on […]
Test results have Biloxi schools seeing stars
Biloxi has one of the Top 10 school districts in Mississippi, according to results of statewide testing, and the numbers had Biloxi Public Schools on the cusp of being named a Star district. The Biloxi school board on Tuesday recognized dozens of students, teachers and administrators whose work propelled Biloxi from No. 20 to No. […]
Thousands turnout for Barhanovich services
Nearly 3,000 mourners stood in line — some for more than two hours – in what funeral directors called an overwhelming community outpouring Wednesday night during a visitation for Biloxian Mark Barhanovich, who died in a boating accident on Sunday. Riemann Family Funeral Home President Chad Riemann said a line had already formed this morning […]
Update on Popp’s Ferry Road work, other public projects
Here is the prepared text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s presentation to the audience at the Biloxi Chamber’s Breakfast with the Mayor, held Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012 at The Innovation Center, the small business incubator on Popp’s Ferry Road. We have a lot of work going on right now. Let me give you a quick rundown. […]
Holloway: Remember Barhanovich and Canaan as Biloxians who made a difference
Mayor A.J. Holloway today ordered flags at all Biloxi municipal facilities to fly at half staff to mark the passing of longtime community leaders Sherman Canaan and Mark Barhanovich. Canaan, who died Saturday after battling cancer, was former president of the Biloxi Port Commission, a seafood factory owner, and a onetime king of the Biloxi […]
First pass of debris work to be completed next week
Four days into their work, Biloxi’s debris teams have picked up about a third of the Hurricane Isaac debris from throughout the 50-square miles of the city, and by the end of next week, the crews should have made their first pass of the entire city. This weekend, on Saturday and Sunday morning, in fact, […]
Ohr raises curtain on Fair ExtraOHRdinaire this weekend
The inaugural Fair ExtraOHRdinaire, a two-day celebration of art, architecture, music, and food takes place Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art. The year’s event, subtitled “On the Midway,” will feature more than 50 visual artists, art demonstrations and hands-on art making activities for adults and youth, […]
Staehling to leave City Hall at end of year
Director of Administration David Staehling, who has spent much of his career working with A.J. Holloway, has told the mayor that he plans to retire at the end of the year. As director of administration, Staehling has served as principal adviser to the mayor and City Council on issues involving finance, contracts, human resources, purchasing, […]
Fire museum seeks supplies for Isaac victims
Members of the Biloxi fire museum are coordinating a relief trip to the area of Venice, La., to deliver supplies to Hurricane Isaac victims. The museum, which is officially known as the West End Hose Co. No. 3 Museum and Fire Education Center, is seeking donations of cleaning supplies, such as mops, brooms, bleach, buckets; […]
Travel writers to hold national conference in Biloxi
As many as 400 travel writers and industry insiders will be in Biloxi this time next year when the Mississippi Gulf Coast hosts the six-day national conference of the Society of American Travel Writers. “This convention will show not only the attendees, but the world, that the Mississippi Gulf Coast is open for visitors and […]
Holloway still mayor and still in line for Ole Miss honor
A.J. Holloway, the longest-serving mayor in the history of Biloxi, says reports of his having left office are greatly exaggerated. The Clarion Ledger today carried news that the University of Mississippi Political Science Department “has named former Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway as recipient of its 2012 Distinguished Alumni Award.” The four-paragraph item, which was headlined […]
Seafood festival ready to roll on Town Green
“The weather’s beautiful and breezy, and the Town Green is abuzz with anticipation for this weekend’s Biloxi Seafood Festival,” Biloxi Chamber Director Rachael Seymour said this afternoon from the Town Green, where vendors were setting up for the chamber’s 31st rendition of the annual celebration of seafood and music. Among the new attractions this year: […]
Biloxi Seafood Festival is this weekend
The Biloxi Chamber of Commerce’s 31st Annual Biloxi Seafood Festival will be Saturday and Sunday at the Biloxi Town Green. “The seafood festival is a celebration of family, community, and seafood heritage of Biloxi,” Chamber Director Rachael Seymour said. “This year Biloxi Chamber of Commerce’s Seafood Festival Committee and Board of Directors, in partnership with […]
Seafood museum drawdown is Sept. 15
The Maritime & Seafood Industry Museum’s 27th annual $10,000 Drawdown will be Saturday, Sept. 15 at the Biloxi Yacht Club, on U.S. 90. The evening will begin at 6 with cocktails and entertainment by Hank Berumen. The buffet, with myriad seafood dishes, will begin at 7 p.m., and the drawing will begin at 8 p.m. […]
Residents encouraged to move debris this weekend
The City of Biloxi will have federally-funded debris teams on streets and in neighborhoods next week, so it’s important that residents move storm debris to the curbside. The city’s debris contractor, Crowder Gulf Joint Venture, one of the companies that helped haul 3 million cubic yards of debris from Biloxi after Katrina, will begin working […]
Stop signs erected on Eisenhower at Rue Petit Bois
Four Stop signs have been installed on Eisenhower Drive at Rue Petit Bois, where Hurricane Isaac destroyed traffic signals. Public Works Director Richard Sullivan was unsure when the Federal Highway Administration would be able to replace the signals at the intersection. Sullivan said he thought all other damaged or destroyed traffic signals in Biloxi had […]
Photos from before, during and after Isaac
To see dozens of images from before, during and after Hurricane Isaac’s brush with Biloxi, click here. And looking back on Katrina: When Isaac buffeted Biloxi and the Gulf Coast last week, the occasion also marked the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. To see the Weather Channel’s Biloxi update, click here.
Check contactors licenses at outset of any work
The City of Biloxi is reminding residents of oft-repeated advice in dealing with construction issues: Beware of transient contractors and other individuals who typically set up temporary shop in the aftermath of storms. Before you sign any contract or allow anyone to perform any repair work on your property, you should ask to see the […]
Council to meet twice this morning
The Biloxi City Council’s 2013 municipal budget meeting is now underway at City Hall, and the council’s regular meeting will be conducted immediately afterward. A Bmail transmitted earlier this morning mistakenly said the regular meeting would be this afternoon. To see the agendas for both of the public meetings, click here.
River residents: Take flood warnings seriously
Emergency managers say that residents along rivers need to be particularly aware of warnings issued for this weekend, and to take action now. “Residents need to understand that this will bring serious flooding to our areas,” Harrison County Emergency Manager Rupert Lacy said. “This is no small event and will absolutely affect homes and roadways. […]
OK, it’s time to move that debris to the curb
Biloxi residents are being encouraged this weekend to move storm debris to the curbside to be picked up by the city’s debris teams. Crews are expected to begin removing debris from public rights of way next week. Crews will not work on private property. Residents should move debris to the curbside, but avoid blocking traffic […]
The latest on the Isaac aftermath
— Motorists are traveling U.S. 90 in Biloxi. The Biloxi Bay Bridge and all bridges in Biloxi are open. — A number of traffic signals are damaged at intersections throughout the city. Motorists should stop at flashing red lights, and should use caution when approaching flashing yellow lights. Intersections where traffic signals have been downed […]
Non-emergency city employees do not report today
Mayor A.J. Holloway has announced that non-emergency City of Biloxi employees should not report to work today. Employees should continue to monitor the city’s storm info line — (228) 435-6300 — and local media for updates.
Curfew extended to 9 a.m.; other news and notes
— The curfew has been extended to 9 this morning. — Biloxi Police report that the Popp’s Ferry bridge is now closed. A sailboat is lodged against the bridge, and its mast presents a traffic hazard. Current conditions: To see the current conditions for Biloxi, from the National Weather Service, click here. Weather service track: […]
Curfew to remain in effect until Thursday morning at 6
Biloxi Police Chief John Miller says the city’s curfew will be in the effect for the remainder of the night, and will probably be lifted Thursday morning at 6. “We’ll be falling right back in line with the county, because they plan on imposing a curfew from 8 tonight to 6 tomorrow morning,” said Miller, […]
Council meetings to be postponed
Biloxi City Council President Lucy Denton says that the two City Council meetings planned for Thursday — a morning budget meeting and an afternoon session — will be postponed, possibly to Friday. Denton said a decision on the new date and time would be made Thursday. The council meetings had originally been scheduled for Tuesday […]
Chief: More roads will flood later this evening
If you’re on the road between now and 7 tomorrow morning, expect to be pulled over by a police officer, warns Biloxi Police Chief John Miller. “We have plenty of officers on the streets, and we’ll be stopping everyone to find out what they’re doing,” Miller said. “We have plenty of closed businesses and folks […]
U.S 90 traffic signals going into flashing mode
City contractors are now placing traffic signals on U.S. 90 in the flashing mode, with U.S. 90 motorists having the right of way. The move allows engineers to remove costly electronics from the control boxes at each intersection, minimizing the risk of damage. MDOT had requested the action. Motorists should stop at flashing red lights, […]
Casinos close to patrons at 10 this morning
The Mississippi Gaming Commission has notified Biloxi and Gulfport casino operators that gaming patrons should be off the gaming floor by 10 a.m., and gaming floors should be completely shut down by 4 p.m. U.S 90 traffic signals going into flashing mode City contractors are now placing traffic signals on U.S. 90 in the flashing […]
Tornado watch now in effect; curfew planned from 7 to 7
The National Weather Service has issued a tornado watch until 7 this evening for the entire Mississippi Gulf Coast, and Biloxi Police Chief John Miller says a countywide curfew will be in effect from 7 tonight to 7 Wednesday morning. Although skies are clear, the sun is out and there’s only intermittent rainfall, water has […]
The latest on roadways in Biloxi
The list of roads under water, as of 1:23 p.m., as reported by Biloxi emergency communications workers: — Benachi and Bayview — Kenningston and Tremont under water — Rodenberg Avenue at 90, eastbound — Keningston and Bayview — Pine Street and Howard — Oak and Beach Boulevard — Dunbar Street @ Division Street — Miramar […]
3 p.m. update
Briefing from National Weather Service’s Slidell office, as relayed Biloxi Emergency Manager Milton Houseman at 3 p.m.: — Onset of TS winds: Continuing to spread across the area today as we are starting to feel the beginning of this storm. — Tropical Storm wind duration: 20 to 24 hours for most locations with a few […]
Municipal Court, Community Court re-schedule sessions
Judge Eugene Henry has announced that Biloxi Municipal Court has been canceled for Tuesday and Wednesday. Those with cases scheduled will be notified of new court dates. Court will resume its regular schedule on Thursday. Judge Dean Wilson reports that Community Court cases scheduled for Tuesday will be heard on Sept. 11. Other schedule changes […]
Remain vigilant, mayor says
Mayor A.J. Holloway is asking residents to remain vigilant in preparations for Tropical Storm Isaac, even though skies are clear today. “We’re being told that things are going to start picking up later this evening,” Holloway said this morning, shortly after the City Council declared a state of emergency in Biloxi. “People should not become […]
No school on Tuesday or Wednesday; bridges snarling traffic
Public schools in Biloxi will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, and buses will be running late this afternoon because of traffic delays at bridges over the Bay of Biloxi, Superintendent Arthur McMillan announced this afternoon. Motorists traveling Popp’s Ferry Road and I-110 are encountering delays of 45 minutes or more as draws are opened as […]
Isaac expected to become hurricane this evening
A Hurricane Hunters aircraft has indicated that maximum sustained winds with Tropical Storm Isaac have increased and are now near 70 mph, with higher gusts. Isaac, which covers 350 miles, is expected to become a hurricane later tonight or early Tuesday and continue to strengthen until landfall occurs along the northern Gulf Coast, which is […]
County to open four emergency shelters
Harrison County has announced that four emergency shelters would open Tuesday morning at 8 for those who want to evacuate flood-prone areas. The shelters are at County Farm Road near the Fairgrounds, Lobouy Road near East Dubuisson, Saucier Lizana Road near Old Still Road, and Harrison Central High School, 15600 School Road. The Harrison Central […]
Tropical force winds to arrive Tuesday morning
The local weather statement, as of 10:23 this evening: Sustained tropical storm force winds are expected to begin early Tuesday morning, with maximum winds expected be 45 to 65 mph, with gusts to 85 mph. The storm surge and high tide could push flood waters 8 to 12 feet above mean sea level in near-coast […]
Hurricane watch issued; Isaac drifts westward
A hurricane watch is now in effect for the area between the mouth of the Mississippi River and the Mississippi-Alabama line, as a strengthening Tropical Storm Isaac’s path has shifted westward, closer to Mobile Bay. National Weather Service forecasters also are forecasting the storm to be a Category 2 hurricane at its U.S. landfall. By […]
Flood Warning issued for Tchoutacabouffa
The National Weather Service has issued a flood warning for the Tchoutacabouffa River from Tuesday evening to late Wednesday night. The river is expected to begin rapidly rising Tuesday, and rise about its 8-foot flood stage by late Tuesday evening. The ride is being driven by the potential storm surge from Tropical Storm Isaac. The […]
Biloxi at center of current Isaac track forecast
Biloxi and the Mississippi Gulf Coast are in the center of the probability cone, which means residents should prepare for the possibility of storm-force winds within the next 48 hours. The latest advisory from the National Weather Service shows Isaac to make landfall on Wednesday at 8 a.m. at Biloxi. To see the projection, which […]
Mayor to seek emergency declaration
Mayor A.J. Holloway on Monday morning plans to ask the Biloxi City Council to declare a state of emergency as the city continues to prepare for Tropical Storm Isaac. A state of emergency gives the mayor broader authority in using city resources to deal with any impending peril. A state of emergency also is one […]
Latest track continues westward movement
The 7 p.m. forecasted track for Tropical Storm Isaac continues to show a westward shift, with the storm now expected to make landfall as a hurricane Wednesday afternoon near the Mississippi-Louisiana line. Forecasters, however, caution that the storm, which is expected to enter the Gulf on Monday, has tropical force winds that extend outward up […]
Biloxi schools in session at usual times Monday
Public schools in Biloxi will conduct classes at their usual times on Monday, according to Superintendent Arthur McMillan. “We’ve been on contact with emergency managers and neighboring school districts, and school will be in session on Monday,” McMillan said. “We will continue to monitor the situation, and we’ll make any announcements as needed tomorrow as […]
Weather service local statement, 8 p.m.
To see the 8 p.m. briefing from the National Weather Service office in Slidell, click here.
Isaac briefing — 4 a.m. Saturday
To see the 4 a.m. local briefing from the National Weather Service, click here.
Isaac briefing — 4 p.m. Saturday
The latest on Tropical Storm Isaac, from the National Weather Service: — Tropical Storm Isaac current forecast track has changed little since yesterday. Forecast intensity has increased, with Isaac now expected to be a Category 2 hurricane at its U.S. landfall. — Tropical storm force wind probabilities range from 40-50 percent for the Mississippi Gulf […]
Gruich center to host free book giveaway
Thousands of library books that have been in storage since Hurricane Katrina will be offered for free Sunday through Tuesday at the Dr. Frank G. Gruich Sr. Community Center on Howard Avenue in Biloxi. Biloxi Librarian Charlene Longino said the books had been at the former libraries in Biloxi and Gulfport and include adult and […]
Holloway: Monitor weather reports and prepare
Mayor A.J. Holloway said he and city department heads would continue to monitor reports on Tropical Storm Isaac, which has continued gaining strength today and is poised to enter the Gulf of Mexico early next week. Holloway said residents should also monitor the storm forecasts, and also begin making preliminary preparations. “We’re asking people to […]
Photos: Hall of Fame banquet, sports complex ceremony and Shrimp Bowl
Here is a photographic review of Biloxi’s big sports weekend, with the ceremony to induct a new class to the Biloxi Sports Hall of Fame, the Shrimp Bowl, and the dedication of the A.J. Holloway Sports Complex. The three photo galleries contain a total of more than 300 images. Hall of Fame: To see dozens […]
Biloxi to host discussion of ‘Katrina: the Mississippi Story’
The city’s Museums Division will host an Aug. 28 program, “An Evening with Dr. James Patterson Smith,” historian and author of the new book “Hurricane Katrina: The Mississippi Story” as part of the city’s two days of programs to observe the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, Dr. Smith will discuss the book and his research […]
Ole Miss to honor Holloway, establish endowment
The University of Mississippi Political Science Department has announced that it will award Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway its 2012 Distinguished Alumni Award and establish the A.J. Holloway Fund to provide academic and research support for the department. “A.J. Holloway not only was a great athlete at Ole Miss but he has been an outstanding leader […]
Parade rolls at 6 through downtown to Town Green
“It’s going to be a blast,” organizer Susan Hunt says of this evening’s Shrimp Bowl parade and pep rally. “I mean, how can we go wrong?” she declares. “We have more than a thousand people in the parade, when you consider the folks from Keesler, the football team, the band, the dance team, the cheerleaders […]
Shrimp Bowl parade to roll Friday at 6
As many as a thousand people will be in the Shrimp Bowl parade that rolls through downtown Biloxi Friday evening at 6. Organizer Susan Hunt said a total of 29 units will be in the procession, including the Keesler Air Force Base parade of flags, the Biloxi High School Air Force Junior ROTC, football players, […]
Biloxi Sports Hall of Fame to add 30 members
A member of the 1986 World Champion New York Mets, two married couples, a pitching phenom from 50 years ago and a former sports editor of The Sun Herald are among the latest inductees into the Biloxi Sports Hall of Fame. A total of 29 former players, coaches and volunteers who contributed to sports excellence […]
Society seeks help in identifying photos of the past
The Mississippi Coast Historical and Genealogical Society has a collection of old photographs that are in need of new captions. The society is asking people to bring their old photographs and see existing photos in Photo ID 2012, an event to help identify pictures from the past. The free gathering will be Saturday from 1 […]
Olympians sailing for gold off Biloxi shoreline
While the world watches the London Olympics wind down this weekend and Gulfport awaits the return of gold medalist Brittney Reese, Biloxi has its own share of Olympians in town. Fifty athletes and families from four states are in Biloxi through the weekend to compete in the Special Oympics Mississippi Southeastern Regatta. Opening ceremonies were […]
Council meeting photos
To see photographs from the City Council meeting Tuesday afternoon, click here.
Administration proposes austere spending plan
The Holloway administration this morning presented a FY 2013 budget that proposes at least six unpaid days for city employees, slashes discretionary spending for social service agencies and other groups by 50 percent, and exhausts the city’s rainy day fund to cover a $2 million gap between revenue and expenses. “This is the toughest budget […]
City issues report on impact of gaming
The Biloxi casino market in its first 20 years has generated more than $1.7 billion in state and local gaming taxes, including nearly $340 million to allow the city to make improvements in public safety, parks and recreation, and streets and drainage while keeping city property taxes in check. “Gaming 20/20: a vision of success,” […]
Weekend preview: More ‘Hairspray,’ fishing tournaments, and more
“Hairspray” continues its community theater run at Center Stage this weekend, and you’ll find fishing tournaments for adults and children at Point Cadet, with another full line-up of entertainment at Biloxi’s casino resorts. For instance, there’s singer-songwriter Brian McKnight at the Hard Rock, Paul Revere and the Raiders at the IP, and Fata Morgana continues […]
Main Street to host fete for Side Porch Gallery
Biloxi Main Street will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony this afternoon from 5 to 7 for The Side Porch Gallery, the latest business to open in the burgeoning Rue Magnolia Art District in downtown Biloxi. Housed in the law office of Chip Donovan, The Side Porch Gallery & Gifts will offer local artwork and unique gift […]
Mobs of cash could be downtown Friday
Main Street is asking visitors to downtown to join a Cash Mob on Friday to support downtown businesses. What’s a Cash Mob? “A Cash Mob,” says Main Street director Kay Miller, “is all of us, anyone who cares about small business and Main Street America. Essentially it’s just another way of celebrating our small businesses […]
Sports Hall of Fame seeks nominations
The City of Biloxi will induct a new class of Biloxians into the Biloxi Sports Hall of Fame during an August weekend celebration that will include a Shrimp Bowl football doubleheader and downtown parade, and dedication of the A.J. Holloway Sports Complex. The hall of fame inductees will mark the first time in 23 years […]
As new year approaches, Biloxi teachers, staff get thanks for job well done
It’s going to be a few more weeks before the Mississippi Department of Education officially releases test scores to individual school districts, but judging from the remarks by school and community leaders today, Biloxi should have some good news later this month. With the beginning of the school year days away, Biloxi Public Schools conducted […]
“The Last Ride” attracts capacity crowds to Saenger
The Saenger Theater hosted near-capacity crowds Saturday and Sunday for “The Last Ride,” a documentary and motion picture that chronicled singer Hank Williams Sr.’s love affair with Biloxi and his tragic life. “We had essentially sold-out shows Saturday night and Sunday afternoon,” said Mayor A.J. Holloway. “It was a great event, and it says something […]
Hank, jambalaya on tap at Saenger; other news and notes
Main Street Biloxi will be capitalizing on one of Hank Williams Sr.’s greatest hits this weekend when the organization serves jambalaya and French bread before the Saturday and Sunday presentations of “The Last Ride” at the Saenger Theater in downtown Biloxi. Main Street and the city are presenting a two-day showing of a documentary about […]
Hard Rock gets nod from city for expansion plans
The Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Biloxi moved a step closer today to beginning construction on a new 12-story hotel tower. The City Council OK’d a seven-year tax incentive for the new hotel, meaning that Hard Rock will pay no additional city property taxes on the expansion. “This is what’s needed in this day and […]
Council meeting photos
An earlier Bmail contained a broken link to today’s City Council meeting photos. To see the photos, click here.
Backpack giveaway, vaccinations are this weekend on Town Green
Free school backpacks and vaccinations will be available Saturday, July 28 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the Biloxi Town Green. The Coastal Woman for Change, Coastal Family Health Center and the city are sponsoring the Third Annual Backpack Giveaway, which also will feature educational resource booths and other attractions. Vaccinations will be available […]
Biloxi holds registration at public schools Monday, Tuesday
Thousands of Biloxi parents and students will be at the city’s six public school sites Monday and Tuesday as Biloxi Public Schools conducts registration for the 2012-13 school year. Biloxi ended the school year in May with about 5,000 students, and administrators hope to see that many or more when classes begin on Aug. 6. […]
Threat of rain moves ‘Cats & Dogs’ inside
This evening’s Main Street presentation of “Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore” will be shown in the Dr. Frank G. Gruich Community Center on Howard Avenue instead of on the Town Green. The movie, part of Main Street’s successful “drive-in” movie and being shown as part of national Recreation and Parks Month, is […]
Staehling to step out in Red Cross benefit
David Staehling, the city’s director of administration and a longtime hoofer, will be among the handful of notables participating in the dance off at the 5th Annual Moonlight & Magnolias, the Dancing With the Stars-themed fundraiser that benefits the South Mississippi Chapter of the American Red Cross. The evening takes place Saturday, Aug. 11, beginning […]
Memorial fund established in name of firefighter’s daughter
The Biloxi Firefighters Association has established a memorial fund for Ashton Halula, 21-year-old daughter of veteran firefighter Eddie Halula and Royce Brune. Ashton was killed in an automobile accident in Robertsdale, Ala. on July 6. The fund has been established to assist the family with funeral expenses. Eddie Halula has been a member of the […]
Breakfast with the Mayor — speech and photos
Two of the city’s premier facilities – the Biloxi Visitors Center and Biloxi Civic Center – collectively have seen more than 75,000 people walk through their doors in their first year of operation and have taken in more than $120,000 in fees for hosting special events. “We’ve heard a lot of good things about these […]
Mayor reviews projects and Year One of civic, visitors centers
Here is the prepared text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s presentation to the Biloxi Chamber’s “Breakfast with the Mayor” gathering, on Wednesday, July 18, 2012, at the Vibe restaurant at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Biloxi. Before I get started, let me tell you something I need to practice. In about two weeks, we’re […]
Weekend preview: Music and mirth; other news and notes
“Fata Morgana,” the Cirque-style show at the Beau Rivage, continues its run this weekend, but you’ll also find Crosby, Stills and Nash, Joan Rivers, and cage fights on tap at the IP; former Eagles guitarist Ron Felder presents “An Evening at the Hotel California” at the Hard Rock, where you’ll also find “Hynaughty,” with hypnotist […]
Minnesota volunteers to undertake projects in Biloxi, other cities
The Biloxi Visitors Center and several other city sites will be getting dressed-up flower beds next week thanks to a volunteer effort that is expected to see more than 500 volunteers from 30 churches in Minnesota. It’s part of a two-day Hands On Mississippi-coordinated volunteer effort that will serve six cities in Harrison and Jackson […]
Volunteers needed for Biloxi cleanup
Those who want to help clean up fireworks remnants and other litter can join a cleanup of Biloxi on Saturday from 8 to 10:30 a.m. Volunteers are asked to meet at the Biloxi Town Green, where they will be provided with garbage bags, gloves and water. One of the areas of focus will be areas […]
Pictures of progress
To see photographs from various city public improvement projects, captured on July 12, 2012, click here.
Schools chief: It’s going to be a great year
Arthur McMillan, superintendent of Biloxi Public Schools, discusses the successes and challenges in Biloxi, and previews the upcoming school year in this week’s edition of the City Desk webcast. The 17-minute public affairs program also features Biloxi Public Schools Business Manager Shane Switzer, who is responsible for tracking school expenditures and revenue. Listen now:To listen […]
Salvation Army to re-dedicate Yankie Stadium on Aug. 4
Saturday, Aug. 4, 2012 will mark a major milestone for the Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center and residents of the Mississippi Gulf Coast. With the grand re-opening of the Salvation Army-Yankie Stadium, with its newly refurbished track, stadium, field and press box, the organization plans to greatly enhance its service and […]
Alligator removed from pond at Hiller Park
Conservation officers with the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks on Tuesday were forced to capture and kill an alligator that had been at the city’s Hiller Park for several years because it had lost its fear of humans after being repeatedly fed by park-goers. The 11-foot animal was killed after it walked across […]
Shrimp Bowl weekend to see new Hall of Fame class
The City of Biloxi will induct a new class of Biloxians into the Biloxi Sports Hall of Fame during an August weekend celebration that will include a Shrimp Bowl football doubleheader and downtown parade, and dedication of the A.J. Holloway Sports Complex. The hall of fame inductees will mark the first time in 23 years […]
Biloxi to host motion picture, documentary about Hank Williams Sr.
A new motion picture about the final days of Hank Williams Sr. is playing in historic theaters across the country, and Biloxi will host a special two-day event celebrating the love affair the legendary country singer had with the city. In fact, when Main Street Biloxi presents “The Last Ride” later this month at the […]
Finally, it’s Friday in downtown Biloxi
The group Barbara and Co. will be entertaining this evening between 5 and 8 for Main Street’s Finally Friday gathering, which will be held in the green space across from City Hall. The free event is part of Biloxi Main Street’s “Finally Friday” gathering, where on the first Friday of each month a downtown venue […]
USA Today touts Biloxi’s rebound from Katrina, oil spill
USA Today says “Biloxi is roaring back” in a story that dominated Page 3 of today’s print editions after two days before a worldwide online audience. The story, which featured interior and exterior photos of the Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art and a map showing the location of the city, chronicles the plight of recovery from […]
Biloxi fireworks show will begin at 9 o’clock
Rusty David of the Boom-Boom Committee, the group that gathers money for each year’s Biloxi fireworks show, says those venturing to the east Biloxi waterfront on the evening of the Fourth of July will see about $2,000 a minute going up in smoke. But, he quickly adds, it will be very colorful smoke. The city’s […]
Colored School, Nichols, Perkins, OMS alumni gather this weekend
Former students of four Biloxi schools will gather this weekend to celebrate what Dr. Gilbert R. Mason Jr. calls a grand recognition of rich African-American experiences in Biloxi. The reunion weekend is a time for former students to mark the historic legacies of all classes of Biloxi Colored School, M.F. Nichols High School, A. E. […]
‘Fata Morgana,’ rendezvous, fighting headline weekend
Beau Rivage rolls out “Fata Morgana,” its new cirque-style show, this weekend, and you’ll find country artist Pat Green, and John Kay and Steppenwolf entertaining at the Hard Rock, and B.J. Thomas and Gary Puckett are at the IP. It’s all part of the weekend leading into the Fourth of July. “Fata Morgana,” an Italian […]
Fire museum to host shark and gar tournament
The West End Hose Company No. 3 Museum and Fire Education Center in Biloxi is seeking sponsors for its upcoming shark and gar Tournament. The tournament will take place Aug. 31-Sept. 1 at the Biloxi Boardwalk Marina on Eighth Street in east Biloxi. Sponsorships will help support the day-to-day operations of the all-volunteer museum, which […]
Shrimp Bowl weekend to see new Hall of Fame class
The City of Biloxi will induct a new class of Biloxians into the Biloxi Sports Hall of Fame during an August weekend celebration that will include a Shrimp Bowl football doubleheader and downtown parade, and dedication of the A.J. Holloway Sports Complex. The hall of fame inductees will mark the first time in 23 years […]
Holloway: Monitor weather reports, review your plan
Residents and business owners should continue to monitor weather reports and review their storm plans and supplies as forecasts for Tropical Storm Debby continue to shift, Mayor A.J. Holloway said Sunday. “This storm does not appear to be a threat to us at this time,” Holloway said. “This is a good time to review your […]
Meeting to focus on extending Popp’s Ferry to U.S. 90
Residents and business owners who have an interest in seeing Popp’s Ferry Road extended from Pass Road to U.S. 90 are being invited to attend a public meeting on Tuesday at the Donal M. Snyder Sr. Community Center. Those interested in attending the meeting, the first public gathering in the environmental assessment to determine the […]
Beau Rivage high-wire act is coming up
The sky’s the limit next week at the Beau Rivage. On Thursday around lunchtime, comic daredevil Bello Nock, star of Beau’s upcoming show “Fata Morgana,” will walk a wire 32 stories high, connecting both ends of the roof of the Beau Rivage Resort & Casino. The casino says the feat is the first of its […]
Intersection work continues on Pass Road
Motorists on Pass Road will be seeing enhanced traffic signals and improved pedestrian crossings at a trio of busy intersections as part of a $860,000 project that is now underway and expected to be completed in October. Cantilevered traffic signals and push-button-activated pedestrian signals are being added at Eisenhower Drive, Big Lake Road and Stennis […]
City releases annual water quality report
Biloxi residents have known for years that they have some of the lowest water, sewer and garbage rates of any community in the state, and a new report confirms that the city’s drinking water meets or exceeds federal and state requirements. The city’s Annual Report on the Quality of Drinking Water, a scorecard mandated by […]
Community party aims to overcome language issues
The Biloxi Fire Department is working with a group of community agencies to help break through language barriers that could become an issue in emergency situations. The department is helping coordinate a free community party on June 24 at the Biloxi Fire Museum, where children can ride fire trucks, homeowners can sign up for free […]
Shrimp Bowl queen deadline is Friday
The Biloxi Shrimp Bowl Committee has announced the application and selection procedures for the 2012 Shrimp Bowl Queen, and Friday is the deadline for applicants. This is an opportunity for Biloxi High School females to make a significant contribution to their city, their school, and the historic shrimp industry, while demonstrating true southern hospitality. The […]
New series on Hurricane Hunters premieres tonight
Keesler’s world-renowned Hurricane Hunters, the group of meteorologists that flies directly into the eye of a hurricane, will be the subject of a new series making its debut tonight on The Weather Channel. “Hurricane Hunters” will premiere this evening at 8 with back-to-back episodes on The Weather Channel. The program, which was filmed in November […]
City honors Skelton and other preservationists
Zan Skelton, the longtime Biloxi educator whose appreciation of history led to him producing a voluminous history of Biloxi Public Schools, was honored posthumously Thursday evening for his contributions to his community. The Lifetime Achievement Award for Skelton was one of more than a dozen honors presented during 2012 Preservation Awards, which were announced before […]
Blessing, shrimp fest is this weekend
The 83rd annual presentation of the4 Blessing of the Fleet and Shrimp Festival, one of Biloxi’s time-honored traditions, takes place this weekend. On Friday, the festivities will begin at 5 p.m. with a reception honoring all past royalty and this year’s 2012 King and Queen Contestants. The event is being held in conjunction with the […]
Preservation series has final reception this evening
Biloxi lowers the curtain today on the month-long “Thursdays in May” series with the 2012 Preservation Awards, and a free reception at the Biloxi Visitors Center. This evening’s finale – which begins at 5:30 at the Visitors Center – will feature the presentation of 14 awards to individuals, organizations and businesses actively involved in preserving […]
Schooner seeks passengers for Blessing
The Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum will be offering individuals the chance to ride aboard a Biloxi schooner, the “Glenn L. Swetman,” on Sunday, June 3rd for the Blessing of the Fleet. Tickets are $30 per person and reservations can be made by calling 228 435-6320. The schooner will depart at 2 p.m. from the […]
Work begins at Forrest Avenue launch
Work has begun to upgrade and repair the city boat launch and parking area at Forrest Avenue. The $350,000 project means that the ramp and nearby parking area will be closed for 90 days. The project includes removing the existing launch ramp and constructing a new launch with an adequate slope, applying a fresh coat […]
Party at the Point: The lineup and map
Gates opened at Party at the Point at 10 this morning, and live entertainment, fresh seafood dishes, barbecue, arts and crafts, and children’s activities will be on tap through nearly 11 o’clock this evening as well as Saturday and Sunday. It’s the music – with headliners Buddy Guy, the Fabulous Thunderbirds, Sawyer Brown, Lonestar, Robert […]
Margaritaville opening: All things Biloxi
It was, Mayor A.J. Holloway says, a flashback to the excitement of the early days of legalized gambling in Biloxi, when thousands stood in line to see all of the bright lights and amenities on opening day for multi-million-dollar casino resorts. And Tuesday afternoon’s grand opening of Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville Casino & Restaurant, complete with […]
Biloxi gears up for Party at the Point
Promoters of Party at the Point, a three-day music, arts and food festival planned for Biloxi this weekend, say they knew the star-studded line-up and $20 ticket price would attract music and food lovers, but it’s the event’s other attractions that have suprised them. “We’ve had dozens of people wanting to know when the stars […]
Biloxi graduates offered $5.7 million in scholarships
The graduating class from Biloxi High School has been offered 424 scholarships valued at more than $5.7 million, the largest amount ever offered, school leaders say. Members of the class — 327 in all — received diplomas this afternoon during a ceremony at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum. Forty-eight members of the class graduated with highest […]
Wooden boats, Fatima fair, music headline weekend
The Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum celebrates the craftsmanship and artistry of antique, classic and contemporary wooden boats this weekend with the 17th annual Billy Creel Memorial Wooden Boat Show. The event takes place Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the schooner pier on U.S. 90, across from the Ohr-O’Keefe Museum […]
Breakfast with the Mayor: text, photos
Mayor A.J. Holloway updated a Biloxi Chamber audience on development throughout the city in a “Breakfast with the Mayor” session this morning at Edgewater Mall. To read the text of the mayor’s presentation, click here. To see nearly 50 photographs from the event, click here.
Kroc center announces camp lineup
The Kroc Center has announced its summer camp sports lineup: Baseball: June 11-14; ages, 6-12; at Biloxi Sports Complex. Basketball: June 18-21; ages, 9-15; at Kroc Center Gymnasium. Volleyball: June 25-27; ages, 12-18; at Kroc Center Gymnasium Football: July 9-12; ages, 9-15; at Kroc Center Yankie Stadium For information or to register, contact Athletic Coordinator […]
Eastbound and down on the Town Green
Dozens of vintage Trans Ams — the kind from the 1977 movie “Smokey and the Bandit” — are gathering at the moment on the Biloxi Town Green for an event marking the 35th anniversary of the Burt Reynolds-Jackie Gleason action comedy. Festivities began at 4 p.m. and include a car show, costume contest, live entertainment […]
Holloway updates new casinos, Point development
Here is the edited text of Mayor Holloway’s presentation for the Biloxi Chamber’s Breakfast with the Mayor,” conducted May 16, 2012 at Edgewater Mall. I want to thank Terry Powell and his staff at Edgewater Mall for hosting us today. Terry, y’all do a great job here. I think all of you can see what […]
Rain, flash flood watch on tap this weekend
As much as two to four inches of rain is expected tonight and Saturday, with a few locations approaching as much as six inches of rain, according to local Emergency Managers. In addition, a flash flood watch will be in effect for all of southeastern Louisiana and coastal Mississippi through Saturday afternoon. The watch may […]
Flood insurance reminders going out this week
The City of Biloxi, as part of its continuing efforts to educate property owners about the dangers of storms and flooding, is reminding residents this week about the importance of having flood insurance, regardless of where they live. “More than 20 percent of the claims in the National Flood Insurance Program are from outside identified […]
Day of Prayer ceremony is Thursday at noon
Biloxi will mark National Day of Prayer with a multi-denominational observance Thursday at noon on the steps of City Hall. Coordinator Carleen Hall said the theme of this year’s 61st annual observance will be “One Nation Under God.” Mayor A.J. Holloway will present a proclamation in honor of National Day of Prayer, and a host […]
Your link to this year’s ‘Thursdays in May’
Get ready, fans of history, your passport to yesteryear is launching this week, on Thursday, in fact. “Thursdays in May,” a free month-long series that has garnered Biloxi statewide acclaim for preservation efforts, begins this weekend with a program at the Biloxi Public Library, and continues each Thursday in May with entertaining and educational programs […]
Month-long preservation series kicks off Thursday
Biloxi this week will kick off its month-long “Thursdays in May” program, an award-winning series that offers residents and visitors a chance to explore the past at five different venues each Thursday in May. The program, now in its fifth year, features an educational outing at a Biloxi venue each Thursday in May, usually with […]
Council to consider pier repairs, legal issues
The Biloxi City Council will consider an agenda of a dozen issues when it meets Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. Among the measures: repairs at the Kuhn Street pier and boat launch; a contract to hire Page, Mannino and Peresich to provide legal services for the city’s federal programs; and Katrina-blight cases for properties on Beach […]
Oklahoma Christian University to offer free concert
The Oklahoma Christian University Bands will present a free concert Monday at 7 p.m. on the Town Green. Featured university groups will include the Symphonic Band, under the direction of Dr. John Fletcher, and the Jazz Ensemble, directed by Dr. Heath Jones. The concert will offer a variety of musical styles, including traditional and contemporary […]
Weekend preview: Boats, bocce ball, Beauvoir, and plenty more
You’ll find Smokin’ the Sound powerboat racing this weekend along the waterfront from Point Cadet to the Biloxi Lighthouse, along with benefit bocce ball competition on the Town Green, free admission at Beauvoir Saturday for Confederate Memorial Day, and the final weekend of the Coliseum’s Crawfish Music Festival. Meantime, on Saturday night, the Biloxi Civic […]
Romero named city’s top volunteer
The City of Biloxi named longtime Biloxi banker and civic leader Jeannette Romero as its distinguished volunteer of the year during the annual Volunteer Recognition Ceremony Tuesday evening at the Biloxi Civic Center. Romero was cited for her involvement with myriad civic efforts, including the Biloxi Chamber’s Junior Leadership Program and Biloxi Seafood Festival; the […]
Biloxi Police red beans and rice benefit now underway
Serving of Rena’s Famous Red Beans and Rice Plates is now underway in the green space across from City Hall, part of the Biloxi Police Department’s fund-raising efforts to help Indiana State Police officers who lost their homes and belongings in deadly tornadoes this summer. The lunch plates – which include red beans and rice, […]
Red beans and rice all gone
Biloxi Police report that their entire supply of red beans and rice — 30 gallons — was sold out 49 minutes into today’s benefit luncheon. The event, which had been scheduled to run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., is now closed. “We actually had to turn away 30 to 40 people standing in line,” […]
Summer Swim lesson registration – May 2012
The City of Biloxi Aquatic Division will hold its summer swimming lessons registration for Biloxi residents on Saturday, May 5 from 8 a.m. to noon and for non-Biloxi residents on Monday, May 7 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Biloxi Natatorium, 1384 Father Ryan Avenue. Classes will begin Monday, June 4 with different […]
City seeks nominees for preservation awards
The City of Biloxi, which saw nearly half of its landmarks properties destroyed by Hurricane Katrina, is now seeking nominations for this year’s Historic Preservation Awards. Nominations must be submitted by Friday, May 11, with awards to be presented in a ceremony at the Biloxi Visitors Center on May 31. “New additions such as the […]
Biloxi to recognize volunteers Tuesday evening
The city will recognize dozens of volunteers for their work throughout the year during a public ceremomy Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. at the Biloxi Civic Center. The ceremony, which is free and open to the public, will recognize individuals who volunteer in the areas of health, community, arts and history, education, military, non-profits, youth, and […]
Hoosier buddy? Biloxi Police to aid Indiana officers
Several Indiana State troopers who helped Biloxi in the aftermath of Katrina have now lost their homes in the batch of deadly tornadoes that struck the Hoosier State, and Biloxi police officers are looking to return the favor. The Biloxi officers, assisted by area businesses, will host an event with music by God Speed 3, […]
Free trees to be given away Saturday on Town Green
As part of Earth Day commemoration, residents can pick up free Southern magnolias, American sycamores, swamp white oaks, and silky dogwoods in a free tree giveeaway on the Biloxi Town Green on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The project is being coordinated by the Land Trust for the Mississippi Coastal Plain’s Replant South […]
Biloxi hosts green weekend, with movie and events
Family-fun activites and a movie, “Dolphin Tails,” will be the attractions on the Town Green this evening at 6 as the city kicks off its Earth Day weekend. Main Street and the city will be hosting the Town Green events this evening, with door prizes, games, contests and a water slide. The movie, co-sponsored by […]
Holloway to formally dedicate Munro Room
Mayor A.J. Holloway will join Biloxi Bay Chamber members and members of the Munro family this afternoon at 5 at the Biloxi Visitors Center to unveil a portrait of Tommy Munro, the late civic leader for whom the center’s multi-media exhibit room is named. The Tommy Munro Room showcases a million dollars worth of exhibits […]
Portion of Eagle Point under boil-water advisory
About a third of the residents of Eagle Point are being advised to boil their drinking water today and Wednesday, as a precaution after a loss of water pressure occurred today. Those under the boil-water notice are residents of South River Drive, Bayou Circle, the portion fo Shorecrest south of Melody Lane, East Shorecrest Drive, […]
Spring break wrap: Smaller crowd, same issues
Between 5,000 and 10,000 spring breakers were in Biloxi – primarily on the beachfront in front of the Coast Coliseum – and Police Chief John Miller says the crowd was smaller than early forecasts, but nonetheless prompted police to implement measures to keep traffic moving. The weekend, which saw the Coliseum host a rap concert […]
Frequently asked questions about spring break traffic plan
Why is there a traffic plan? The traffic plan was developed by local authorities to keep traffic flowing safely and to make sure roadways were accessible to emergency responders. Biloxi also employs traffic plans for such events as Mardi Gras, Cruisin’ the Coast, and other events. Nearly all of the plans involve U.S. 90, or […]
Traffic expected to increase this afternoon
The volume of traffic on U.S. 90 east and west of the Coast Coliseum is expected to begin increasing in the next couple hours and into the evening, Biloxi Police Chief John Miller says, based on experience from past spring break events. This morning, traffic was light along U.S. 90, but spring break events inside […]
Coliseum’s spring break weekend has quiet kickoff
The launch of spring break at the Coast Coliseum on Thursday night, a concert tour billed as “Gulf Coast Spring Break Jump Off Featuring Rick Ross,” attracted only about 1,400 people, according to Biloxi Police Chief John Miller, with minimal traffic issues, save eight cars that were towed for improper parking south of U.S. 90 […]
City activates information line, (228) 435-6300
The City of Biloxi has activated its Information Line at (228) 435-6300 to provide updated traffic information. The line, which carries a recorded message, can handle as many as 16 callers simultaneously. It will be updated as needed throughout the weekend. Bmail: Anyone can receive news directly from the city by signing up for free […]
City releases list of merchandise, vehicles to be auctioned
Those interested in reviewing the list of items being auctioned by the city this weekend can see an online list now and inspect the items in person on Friday. The 14-page inventory includes about 50 automobiles — including forfeited luxury vehicles, and surplus pickup trucks, former patrol cruisers and SUVs — as well as office […]
Photos from Walmart, Infinity openings
To see photographs from this morning’s grand opening of the new Walmart store in west Biloxi, click here. To see photographs from the grand opening of Infinity, the science center and visitor attraction at Stennis Space Center, click here.
Senior Games kick off Saturday
Mississippi Gulf Coast Senior Games pickleball tournament will be Saturday, April 13 in the Biloxi High School gym. Pickleball is the fastest gowning sport in the country. It has been added as an event in the National Senior Olympics for the first time this year. Play begins at 9 a.m. The golf event will be […]
Walmart store to open Wednesday morning
The wait is almost over for residents eager to see their Biloxi Walmart offer a full line of groceries and a wider assortment of new products and services. The new Walmart store in Biloxi — at 2681 C.T. Switzer Sr. Drive, just west of Edgewater Mall — will open to customers Wednesday at 8 a.m., […]
City to auction variety of surplus and seized vehicles, equipment
Longtime auctioneer Nick Clark says bargain hunters will find great deals when the city auctions scores of surplus or seized vehicles, jewelry, tools, TVs, computers and other merchandise, and it’s going to be a great deal, even for spectators. The city will be auctioning the property on Saturday, April 14 beginning at 9 a.m. at […]
Excel by 5 to host ‘Countdown to Kindergarten’
Parents can get a glimpse of what to expect the first day of kindergarten when Biloxi Excel by 5 presents “Countdown to Kindergarten Readiness Fair” on Thursday, April 19 from 4:30 to 6:30 at Lopez School on St. John Avenue. Those with children 5 years old on or before Sept. 1, 2012 should plan to […]
City to meet with residents of Rodenberg Place, Hollywood Hills
The city will be meeting next week with residents of areas west of Keesler Air Force Base and north of Pass Road to brief them on infrastructure work coming to the neighborhood this month. Postcards will be arriving in mailboxes of many residents in Rodenberg Place Subdivision, Hollywood Hills Subdivision, Wilkinson Snowden & McGehee Subdivision, […]
Staehling reviews post-Katrina recovery for convention group
Biloxi’s Director of Administration, David Staehling, had a chance to review the city’s plans for dealing with storms and how the city bounced back in the days afer Hurricane Katrina during a convention this week in Biloxi. The Stennis Institute of Government asked Staehling to speak to the Southern Consortium of University Public Service Organizations, […]
Hoosier buddy? Biloxi Police to aid Indiana officers
Several Indiana State troopers who helped Biloxi in the aftermath of Katrina have now lost their homes in the batch of deadly tornadoes that struck the Hoosier State, and Biloxi police officers are looking to return the favor. The Biloxi officers, assisted by area businesses, will host an event with music by God Speed 3, […]
Easter Egg hunts bow this weekend, other news and notes
The city’s Parks and Recreation Department hosts two Easter egg hunts this weekend, one in Woolmarket and one on the Town Green. The Easter Eggstravaganza in Woolmarket, co-sponsored by Biloxi First United Methodist Church and Clear Channel Media Entertainment, will be Saturday beginning at 1 p.m. on the grounds of the Woolmarket School, 12513 John […]
Photos, text from Breakfast with the Mayor
Mayor A.J. Holloway likes to provide “inside scoops” at the Breakfast with the Mayor gatherings, and today’s audience at the IP Casino Resort Spa was given a firsthand preview of the new Walmart Supercenter opening in west Biloxi. Holloway introduced store manager Michael McDavid, who with Market Manager Brian Thomas told the Biloxi Chamber audience […]
Status report on blighted properties, infrastructure
Here is the prepared text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s comments to the Biloxi Chamber’s Breakfast with the Mayor gathering on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at the IP Casino Resort Spa. Thank all of you for being here today. I like to use these Breakfast with the Mayor gatherings to give you an update on city […]
Radio fans can see Feldman at Visitors Center and Saenger
When Public Radio’s “Whad’Ya Know” host Michael Feldman comes to Biloxi to broadcast his national radio program from the Saenger Theater, he’ll also appear at a Visitors Center reception to benefit Mississippi Public Radio. Fans will have a chance to meet Feldman and the show’s cast on Thursday, March 28 from 6 to 8 p.m. […]
Bunny events on the move, plus your weekend preview
The Excel by 5 “Hop the Trail to Bunny Land” planned for the Town Green on Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon will instead be in the Biloxi Civic Center on Howard Avenue. Parks and Recreation Director Sherry Bell, a member of the Excel by 5 Coalition, said the Town Green is saturated from heavy […]
Blessing of Fleet seeks queen entrants
The Biloxi Blessing of the Fleet and Shrimp Festival, which observes its 83rd year this year, is accepting Shrimp Queen applications through April 30. “This is a tremendous opportunity for a young lady between the ages of 16 to 19,” said Father Greg Barras of St. Michael Catholic Church. “Contestants must have roots in the […]
Are we headed down a familiar path with new museum?
Here is a guest column that appeared in the Sun Herald on Thursday, March 22, 2012, the morning the City Council voted unanimously to move forward with the project to construct a new Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum on Point Cadet. By Mayor A.J. Holloway Among the many memorable lines that Ronald Reagan is associated […]
See photos from Grillin’ on Green and St. Paddy’s parade
To see more than 200 photos from today’s Grillin’ on the Green and the Hibernia Marching Society St. Patrick’s Day parade, click here.
Grillin, runnin’ and paradin’ on tap for St. Pat
Downtown Biloxi will host a full day of St. Patrick’s Day activities on Saturday, highlighted by a Hibernia Marching Society parade that will see more than three-dozen entries. The day actually begins with a 5K run through downtown Biloxi. The one-mile health run or walk begins at 9 a.m., and the 5K begins at 9:30 […]
Special Needs St. Patrick’s Day Dance
The City of Biloxi Parks and Recreation Department will hold a Special Needs St. Patrick’s Day Dance on Friday, March 16 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Donal Snyder Community Center, 2520 Pass Road, Biloxi. All individuals with mental and physical disabilities are invited to come out, wear green and enjoy the evening! A […]
Biloxi’s Challenger League begins its baseball season
The City of Biloxi Parks and Recreation Department begins its Challenger League Baseball season with opening ceremonies on Saturday, March 31 at 8:30 a.m. at the Biloxi Sports Complex, 765 Wells Drive. The Challenger League is open to children and adults with mental and physical disabilities. Games are played at the Biloxi Sports Complex every […]
Citywide Easter Eggstravaganza
The City of Biloxi Parks and Recreation Department will hold an Easter Eggstravaganza on Saturday, March 31 beginning at 1 p.m. on the grounds of the Woolmarket School, 12513 John Lee Road in Biloxi. The Citywide Easter Eggstravaganza is open to all children from infants to age 11 and their parents who want to come […]
City seeks nominations for volunteer awards ceremony
The City of Biloxi is seeking nominations for its upcoming Volunteer Recognition Ceremony, which takes place April 24 at the Biloxi Civic Center. The city will recognize individuals who volunteer in the areas of health, community, arts and history, education, military, non-profits, youth, and sports. Also recognized will be businesses, adult and youth groups, and […]
Excel by 5 bunny event moved to March 24
The Excel by 5 “Hop the Trail to Bunny Land” planned for Saturday on the Town Green is being postponed until March 24. Parks and Recreation Director Sherry Bell, a member of the Excel by 5 coalition, said the heavy rainfall overnight saturated the Town Green. The free event, which is open to ages 5 […]
Cheech & Chong high-light weekend; other news and notes
Classic comedy, country music and a home show are among the highlights of this weekend’s entertainment lineup. Cheech & Chong will be lighting up the joint, metaphorically speaking, at the Beau Rivage, country crooner Josh Martin will be next door at the Hard Rock, and you’ll find the 25th annual homebuilders Home Show at the […]
Restore Biloxi moves into more neighborhoods this month
The city will meet with a group of west Biloxi residents next week to let them know that the Restore Biloxi Infrastructure Program will be coming to their neighborhoods later this month. About a hundred notices are being hand-delivered this weekend to residents along Brookside Cove, Christi Lane, Alicia Drive, Mercedes Drive, Walda Drive, a […]
Parents: Summer camp registration is coming up
The city’s popular summer camp – officially known as the Summer Playground and Enrichment Program – is just around the corner, and Parks and Recreation leaders want to make sure parents are getting ready for registration. Informational letters about the eight-week camp are being distributed through Biloxi Public Schools and at the Harrison County public […]
Hibernia photos from today’s Council meeting
To see photos from today’s presentation of the Hibernis Marching Society rulers, click here. Last year’s parade: To see photos from the 2011 parade, click here.