Biloxi Municipal Court Judge Eugene Henry is expected to administer the oath of office to Arlene Wall, widow of Ward 5 Councilman Tom Wall, during a meeting of the City Council this afternoon.
A brief public reception will be held during the 1:30 meeting, which is also expected to see the oath of office administered to Municipal Clerk Stacy Thacker, who is formally replacing Brenda Johnson, who retired in December.
Also during the meeting, City Hall staffer Michelle Wescovich and Chief Administrative Officer David Nichols will be named deputy municipal clerks.
To see the complete agenda for the meeting – nearly two dozen measures in all –
click here.
Visitors Center to host inaugural art exhibit by young artists
Saddle up! The Gulf Coast School of Art is going to take you through a historical journey with “Come Together: The Colours of Civil War,” an exhibit on Jan. 26, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Biloxi Visitors Center.
The exhibit will feature a collective and conceptual twist to the
nation’s first modern war through a collaboration of artwork designed to fit a
36×48 exhibit canvas.
Gulf Coast School of Art students have spent months of research and educational resourcing to prepare for the public showcase.
In conjunction, period-garbed Sons of Confederate Veterans will be on hand with exhibits and cuisine to represent the Civil War era.
Tickets are $15 if purchased before Jan. 26 or $20 at the door. Call GCSA at 228 216-7858.
To print a poster about the exhibit,
News and notes
Webcasting: Chief Administrative Officer David Nichols talks about being back at City Hall in the current edition of City Desk webcast. To listen to the program, click here.
Baseball seats: Current season ticketholders for Biloxi Indians baseball can get their new season tickets beginning today. To read more, click here.