Those attending the Biloxi Chamber’s “Breakfast with the Mayor” Wednesday will have a chance to hear about “The ABCs of Economic Development,” including details about the Biloxi Public Schools impressive ranking by Mississippi Department of Education and an update on development in Biloxi.
The session, which will be held Wednesday morning at 8 at the Innovation Center on Popp’s Ferry Road, is open to the public. A free continental breakfast will be served. The Innovation Center is at 1636 Popp’s Ferry Road, east of Cedar Lake Road.
Speaking will be Biloxi Public Schools Superintendent Arthur McMillan and Biloxi Community Development Director Jerry Creel. McMillan will explain the importance of Biloxi’s impressive ranking in statewide education accountability scores – No. 3 of the state’s 149 school districts – and Creel will report on the pulse of development in Biloxi.
A question-and-answer session will follow the program.
News and notes
Ward 2 meeting: Councilman Felix Gines will conduct a ward meeting Thursday, Sept. 19 at 5:30 p.m. at the Dr. Frank G. Gruich Sr. Community Center on Howard Avenue.
Ward 4 meeting: Councilman Robert L. Deming III will conduct a ward meeting Tuesday, Sept. 24 at 6 p.m. at the Donal M. Snyder Sr. Community Center on Pass Road.
Ward 5 meeting: Councilman Paul A. Tisdale will conduct a ward meeting Tuesday, Oct. 8 at 6 p.m. at the Donal M. Snyder Sr. Community Center on Pass Road.
Your ward: Do you know which ward you live in? To see a ward map and to meet the members of the Biloxi City Council, click here.
D’Iberville statue: Biloxi Visitors Center manager Bill Raymond reports that the statue of the explorer Pierre LeMoyne Sieur d’Iberville, which will be situated just to the west of the Visitors Center, is on schedule for a November unveiling. For a detailed drawing of the statue and its pedestal, click here.
Council reminder: Construction of a new roadway to support the Biloxi Boardwalk development and the purchase of easements for beachfront infrastructure will be among the issues when the City Council meets Tuesday. To see the complete agenda and supporting documents – — click here.