Mayor A.J. Holloway spoke for less than five minutes this morning during the latest installment of the Biloxi Chamber’s Breakfast with the Mayor, but it was obvious which of his comments most pleased the audience at the IP Casino Resort Spa.
Holloway’s quick recap of ongoing and upcoming city programs and events was interrupted by applause when he announced that the Point Cadet Fishing Bridge would be opening to the public in mid-April.
The $9 million federal-funded project, which has been hampered by weather delays, was originally scheduled to open after the first of the year. The new fishing bridge, actually a vehicle-assessible concrete pier, will be nearly 4,700 feet long, which is about 200 feet shorter than the Katrina-destroyed bridge, but it will be wider and offer overhead
lights that will illuminate the pier itself and adjoining waters. The pier features two 11-foot vehicle lanes bordered by two five-foot, ADA-accessible sidewalks; and vehicle turnarounds at the halfway point and at the end of the bridge.
Holloway also spoke about other waterfront improvements, including an announcement that the Kuhn Street boat ramp, new piers and additional parking are complete, and that the Isaac-damaged Lighthouse Pier will be repaired this summer.
Photos and more
The remarks: To read the prepared text of Mayor A.J. Holloway’s Breakfast with the Mayor presentation, this morning at the IP Casino Reort Spa, click here.
The crowd this morning: To see images from the gathering this morning, click here.
The crowd over the weekend: To see photos from the weekend’s hugely successfeul Easter events the mayor spoke about this morning, click here.