Mayor A.J. Holloway welcomed a group of “fellow retirees” on Wednesday when Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College’s Institute for Lifelong Learning toured Biloxi.
“I like to think of myself as a living example of what you can do when you are retired,” Holloway told the group of about three dozen from throughout south Mississippi during a luncheon at Mary Mahoney’s Old French House Restaurant. “In fact, I’ve been retired for a couple of years now — on paper, anyway.”
Holloway, who had paid into the state retirement system for more than 30 years, began drawing retirement pay a couple of years ago, which reduced his annual $115,000 mayoral salary by about 75 percent.
“And let me say one more thing about this age thing,” the mayor declared to the retirees: “You and me are like the cars in Cruisin’ the Coast. We’re not antiques; we’re classics.”
The group then screened two videos, a 17-minute report from February of this year about Biloxi’s progress, and a clip of “I Wanna Come Home,” a song written and performed by local community theater standout Ronny Broussard during the city’s annual Katrina memorial observance.
Video report: To see the 17-minute video, originally shown at the State of the City address, click here.
Broussard opus: To see the Ronny Broussard’s performance of “I Wanna Come Home,” which the mayor said had his wife “crying for two days,” click here.