The City Council voted today to partially honor Gulfport’s request that Biloxi back away from its proposed annexation of area north of city — if Gulfport and Harrison County leaders agreed to a couple conditions.
The measure passed by councilmembers, which provided a recap of annexation issues to date, called Gulfport’s offer “disingenuous,” and promised that Biloxi would withdraw its annexation case – except for the vacant area known as Pitcher Point – if Gulfport and Harrison County agree not to object to Biloxi’s annexation of the Pitcher Point properties and that Gulfport agree not to pursue annexation of any areas east of the Biloxi River for 15 years.
Photos: To see dozens of photos from today’s City Council meeting, click here.
The annexation measure: To read the measure the Biloxi City Council passed today regarding the pending annexation case, click here.