The National Weather Service has issued a hard-freeze warning from 7 o’clock tonight until 9 a.m. Thursday.
Temperatures are expected to drop below freezing – as low as 26 degrees — between 7 and 10 this evening, and remain below freezing until 9 a.m. Thanksgiving morning.
“We’re asking people to remember the three Ps,” said Chief Administrative Officer David Nichols. “Protect your plants, your pets and your pipes. Any outdoor pipes should be wrapped, and allowed to drip slowly, if possible. Those with space heaters should remember the warnings in using these appliances.”
To see the National Weather Service forecast and advice on dealing with the weather, click here.
Police Chief: Be patient, be safety-minded
Biloxi roadways will be busy with holiday traffic and Black Friday shoppers, and Biloxi Police Chief John Miller asks motorists to remember to drive defensively.
“We’re expecting to see a high volume of traffic in the areas near Edgewater Mall, and we’re planning accordingly,” Miller said. “The best thing folks can do is remember to be patient, don’t be in a hurry and take your time.”
While shopping, Miller said, be sure to take safety precautions. Be aware of your surroundings. Do not leave merchandise visible in your car; put it in the trunk. Park in visible, well-lit areas. Don’t try to carry too many packages at once.
“These are just common sense things,” Miller said, “but sometimes people get in too much of a hurry and forget these things. Take your time. Think.”
Visitors Center to host local authors, book signing
Many — if not all — of the authors of a new book, “The Mississippi Gulf Coast
and Neighboring Sites,” will be at the Biloxi Visitors Center Sunday, Dec. 1 from 2 to 4 p.m. for a book-signing.
The new opus, which sells for $10, features 25 essays about favorite tourist spots on the Mississippi Coast region by local writers.
For more information, click here.
Christmas in the City: Coming up next weekend
Christmas at Beauvoir is expected to see one of its busiest nights of the season on Friday, and Biloxi’s signature holiday events – Christmas on the Water, the Christmas in the City downtown crafts show and the children’s walking parade – are all just around the corner.
To see the holiday lineup of city-sponsored events, click here.
To see this weekend’s entertainment lineup, click here.
News and notes
City holidays: Non-emergency municipal offices will be closed Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving holidays.
Public transit: Coast Transit Authority buses will operate on their Sunday schedule on Thanksgiving Day, as is the case on holidays. Normal service will resume Friday.
Council preview: The Biloxi City Council faces an agenda of more than two dozen measures when it meets Tuesday evening at 6. Among the biggest: following through on a previously announced plan to borrow $14 million for streets and drainage repairs throughout the city. To see the complete agenda and supporting documents, click here.
Eagle Point work: The city has more than $11 million in major infrastructure work planned to begin in Eagle Point in January. In fact, residents will soon be receiving a postcard about a community meeting planned for Dec. 12 to discuss the work. To see the postcard, click here.