Residents and business owners who have an interest in seeing Popp’s Ferry Road extended from Pass Road to U.S. 90 are being invited to attend a public meeting on Tuesday at the Donal M. Snyder Sr. Community Center.
Those interested in attending the meeting, the first public gathering in the environmental assessment to determine the best route to extend Popp’s Ferry, can visit anytime between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. at the Synder center, which is at 2520 Pass Road.
The environmental assessment, required by the federal government, is designed to consider the best route based on cost and impact to surroundings. The meeting on Tuesday is to gather information from the public concerning the location and configuration of the roadway.
Two primary routes are being considered. One is west of the Maison D’Orleans apartments, and the other is east of the apartment complex. Another consideration is whether the route would include an overpass at the CSX Railway.
Those attending the meeting will be able to review the proposals and speak individually with road designers and engineers.
The city has $6 million in federal funds for the $10 to $11 million project, which is enough funding to perform the environmental assessment, design the roadway, and begin right-of-way acquisition.
Said Mayor A.J. Holloway: “This project has been talked about for years, but the hold up has been funding. We now have enough money to begin the process. We’re probably a few years away from construction, and we still need to find more funding, but we’re moving forward with what we can do.”
The notice: To see the public notice, click here.
Two more neighborhood meetings planned for Restore Biloxi
Two more Restore Biloxi projects are moving forward in west Biloxi and north Biloxi neighborhoods, and the city has plans to update impacted residents and business owners about the new projects.
The work will include replacing water mains, sewer lines, and storm drains, as well as replacing the streets, curbs and sidewalks impacted by the construction.
The city will meet with residents of Holly Hills and North Haven subdivisions on Wednesday, June 27 at 6 p.m. at the Margaret Sherry Library to brief them on a project that will begin construction in July in their neighborhoods. And then on Thursday, June 28 at 6 p.m., the city will be meeting with residents of Saylor Estates, Magnolia Bay and Whispering Oaks subdivisions at the Donal M. Snyder Sr. Community Center to brief them on a similar project in their neighborhoods.
The two 240-day projects, which represent contracts of more than $6.1 million, mean that the city will have five Restore Biloxi projects under construction, representing more than $17 million worth of construction. The work already underway involves the Sunkist and Ancient Oak subdivisions, the neighborhoods north of Old Bay Road, and areas east of Rodenburg.
Holly Hills and North Haven: To see the notice for the Holly Hills and North Haven work, as detailed in a postcard being delivered next week to impacted residents, click here.
Saylor and Co.: To see the notice for the Saylor, Magnolia and Whispering Oaks work, as detailed in a postcard being delivered next week to impacted residents, click here.
Beau Rivage high-wire act is next week
The sky’s the limit next week at the Beau Rivage.
On Thursday around lunchtime, comic daredevil Bello Nock, star of Beau’s upcoming show “Fata Morgana,” will walk a wire 32 stories high, connecting both ends of the roof of the Beau Rivage Resort & Casino.
The casino says the feat is the first of its kind in Mississippi.
Nock holds a Guinness World Record for the first-ever high wire walk across a cruise ship at sea, and just four months ago he performed while suspended from beneath a hovering helicopter (to see that clip,click here).
To read more about the Thursday event,
click here.
News and notes
Weekend preview: This weekend, Chicago plays the Beau Rivage, Daughtry is at the Hard Rock, Marty Stuart and Connie Smith perform at the IP, and the Coast Coliseum summer fair wraps up its 10-day engagement. To read details on these events and others, courtesy of listings from the Mississippi Gulf Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau,
click here.
Kuhn Street pier: The city has given the green light to K. R. Borries Construction Co. to begin work on rebuilding the Kuhn Street pier and boat launch. The 120-day contract is supposed to be completed by mid-November. The contractor will begin work after the Fourth of July.
Financially speaking: City Councilmembers on Tuesday morning will get a briefing on the city’s financial standing when Director of Administration David Staehling unveils the latest Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The document provides a snapshot in time of the city’s finances. To see the agendas for the morning and afternoon public meetings, click here.