The prepared text of the remarks by Mayor A.J. Holloway, during a press conference on May 30, 2013, at the Biloxi Visitors Center.
Thank all of you for being here for this important announcement.
Baseball has a long history in Biloxi, going back to the early 1900s, when we were part of the old Cotton State league. And in the ’40s, we had the Washington Senators and other teams come to Biloxi for spring training.
It was nine years ago when Barry Lyons, our own major leaguer, approached us about the idea of having minor league baseball here in Biloxi.
Since that time, there have been a lot of meetings and a lot of discussion. We have looked at a number of different options, and today we are continuing to work on an agreement that could see baseball in Biloxi.
I also want to thank everyone who has been involved up to this point, especially Ron Peresich who has worked hard behind the scenes to try to put together a deal everyone will agree to.
That work is continuing.
A big piece of the puzzle is the next person I’m going to introduce. It’s someone who is a good friend to the Gulf Coast. Someone who is helping make great things happen in Biloxi, on the Gulf Coast, and throughout our great state.
Ladies and gentleman, please help me welcome our governor, the Honorable Phil Bryant.