The city’s Isaac debris removal efforts are over with at the end of the business today, with more than 25,000 cubic yards of debris hauled from city streets and neighborhoods.
Jonathan Kiser, the city consultant who oversaw the effort, said the entire project will end up costing about $350,000, with the city having to pay only about 12.5 percent of that cost. Under the city’s federally approved plan, about 75 percent of the cost is being paid by FEMA, and about 12.5 percent is being paid by the state.
“The amount of debris was right on track with what we anticipated,” said Kiser, who also oversaw the city’s massive, 16-month, $80 million debris removal efforts in the wake of Katrina. “I know immediately after Isaac the city was contemplating whether to engage its federally approved debris removal contract, and it was a wise decision to take this route.
“Additionally, the contractor, Crowder-Gulf Venture, was very efficient, and we got the job done with relatively few issues. The last things we’re working on today are a few dozen piles in Woolmarket and a few downed trees near the rights of way.
“We want to thank the public for their cooperation,” Kiser said. “Any debris remnants will now roll over to the city’s normal collection schedule.”
Finale: To see the final tally of debris-removal efforts in Biloxi,
click here.