Parents can get a glimpse of what to expect the first day of kindergarten when Biloxi Excel by 5 presents “Countdown to Kindergarten Readiness Fair” on Thursday, April 19 from 4:30 to 6:30 at Lopez School on St. John Avenue.
Those with children 5 years old on or before Sept. 1, 2012 should plan to attend the free session. Spanish and Vietnamese translators also will be available.
Participating schools will be Cedar Lake Christian Academy, Gorenflo, Jeff Davis, Nativity BVM, North Bay, Our Lady of Fatima, and Popp’s Ferry.
The event is sponsored by the City of Biloxi, Biloxi Public Schools, and Biloxi Excel by 5.
Details: Susan Hunt at (228) 297-6808 or or Dr. Janice Wilson, 374-1810 (extension 1129) or