Biloxi will have more than 5,000 new manhole covers displaying the official city logo as part of the city’s massive infrastructure project.
The city’s engineering division reports that the city logo — which includes a rendering of three Biloxi icons: the Biloxi Lighthouse, a Biloxi schooner, a Biloxi lugger – will be emblazoned on 3,000 drainage manhole covers and 2,300 sewer manhole covers.
Additionally, more than 1,500 storm grates to be installed as part of the infrastructure work will display the phrase “Dump no waste! Drains to Waterways,” which is designed to remind residents not to dump toxic substances into the city storm drains.
The 24-inch-wide cast-iron covers and their rims weigh more than 400 pounds each and the 26-inch grates weigh 173 pounds each, which has led to them becoming targets for scrap-metal thieves.
“The logo and markings will help folks know that these items are property of the City of Biloxi,” said Police Chief John Miller. “It certainly will make it easier to identify them if they are stolen.”
Additionally, the reminders about dumping no waste into city storm drains will help the city meet the goals of protecting local waterways, part of a partnership with the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality.
The new manhole covers and grates will begin showing up on infrastructure projects in several months. In fact, in his State of the City address last week, Mayor A.J. Holloway predicted that Biloxi would have between $160 to $200 million of its planned $355 million in federally-funded infrastructure work underway this year throughout the city. Because of the huge volume of the project, there was no additional cost to add the city logo and special markings to the storm drain covers and grates.
To see drawings of how the city logo will appear, along with the specifications for the manhole covers and grates,
click here.
News and notes
Historic sites: Among the attractions at the History Week observance today and Wednesday at the Biloxi Civic Center is a downtown map that shows photographs of historic sites. To see an online version of the map, click here.
Water well work: The city has issued a Notice to Proceed to contractor T.L. Wallace Construction for the rehabilitation of municipal water wells. The $2.59-million federally-funded contract has a 360-day timeline, with work expected to be completed Feb. 7, 2013. Included in the scope of work is repairing 22 of the 25 storm-damaged water wells throughout the city, elevating those in flood zones to protect electrical panels and other equipment. For more information about the city’s public water systems, click here.
Grand opening: Mayor A.J. Holloway this morning welcomed the latest business to downtown Biloxi, French Kiss Pastries. French Kiss, at the corner of Reynoir and Vieux Marche, offers Chocolate Croissants, Strawberry Cream Cheese Bavarian, Belgium Chocolate Mousse, Doberge Cake and seasonal offerings such as Frenchy and traditional King Cakes. You’ll also find plenty of freshly brewed coffee.
Live, from Biloxi: The first of two live national radio broadcasts from Biloxi takes place this weekend when travel authority Peter Greenberg brings his radio show to town. The Saturday morning program, lured to the Mississippi Gulf Coast by the Mississippi Gulf Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau, will feature a host of local tourism notables. For details, click here.
Council meeting: Reminder: The Biloxi City Council meets this afternoon at 1:30 at City Hall. To see the agenda and supporting documents, click here.