Mayor A.J. Holloway on Tuesday will ask the City Council to approve the first construction project in the city’s long-awaited $355 million infrastructure repair and replacement initiative.
The $1.36 million federally-funded contract would involve infrastructure work in the Ancient Oaks subdivision, west of the Sunkist Country Club golf course. The project will involve removing and replacing about 7,800 feet of damaged 6-inch and 8-inch water and sewer lines, repairing storm drains, rebuilding a wastewater pump station, and repairing any part of the roadway damaged during the work.
Work is expected to begin in mid-May, after the city, program manager HNTB and the project engineer conduct a neighborhood meeting with residents to discuss the work and answer any questions. The project is expected to take 180 days to complete. Apparent low-bidder was S.H. Anthony Construction Co.
The project — designated as NOB1 for “North Biloxi 1” — is one of several that will be awarded in Biloxi’s $355 million project that will see Katrina-damaged underground infrastructure and roadways repaired or replaced throughout the city.
“In big picture, this is not a large project, but it’s an important one because it’s the first one out of the gate,” said Mayor A.J. Holloway. “This project, with the outreach we’ll be doing, will give residents citywide an idea of how we’re going to do these things — with plenty of communication and coordination.”
Holloway will request that councilmembers add the item to their agenda for Tuesday’s 1:30 meeting at City Hall. Said the mayor: “I wish we would have had it available on Thursday when we were setting the agenda, but we were doi8ng our due diligence. I could wait until the next council meeting in two weeks, but I think people have waited long enough for this construction work to move forward.”
See more online
See the map: To see the area covered in the contract before the council Tuesday, click here.
The resolution: To see the resolution the mayor will ask be added to the agenda, click here.
The agenda: To see the approved agenda for Tuesday, click here.