KaBOOM!, the national non-profit group that recently completed its 100th playground in the Katrina recovery zone, will join its partners and volunteers on Sautrday to construct a new playground at Doris Busch Park, a city park on Esters Boulevard in east Biloxi.
Residents from throughout the city are being asked to join KaBOOM! Saturday from 8:30 a.m. until mid-afternoon for the build. Also represented will be volunteers from the city, the Mississippi Hurricane Recovery Fund, the Gulf Coast Community Foundation, Fannie Mae and the Foundation for the Mid South.
The new playground’s design is based on drawings provided by children who attended a Design Day event in April.
The playspace is one of more than 15 that will be built this year by KaBOOM! with funds from the Mississippi Hurricane Recovery Fund, the Gulf Coast Community Foundation, Fannie Mae and the Foundation for the Mid South. The park is one of more than 225 KaBOOM! will lead across the country in an effort to provide a great place to play within walking distance of every child in America.
Doris Busch Park is at 645 Esters Blvd., a block east of Main Street and south of the CSX Railway.
Although KaBOOM! has gained attention locally in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, since 1995 the group has used its innovative community-build model to bring together business and community interests to construct more than 1,400 new playgrounds, skateparks, sports fields and ice rinks across North America. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., KaBOOM! also has offices in Chicago and San Mateo, Calif. For more background, visit www.kaboom.org.