Two more would-be candidates have filed with Municipal Clerk their intentions to be candidates for mayor of Biloxi in the upcoming April 28 special election: W.S. “Windy” Swetman III and Felix O. Gines.
Swetman filed his Qualifying Statement of Intent and Candidate Petition on Monday afternoon, and Gines filed his paperwork this morning.
The two join “FoFo” Gilich, who filed paperwork last week.
Under the state-required process for the special election, would-be candidates must file a Qualifying Statement of Intent, along with 50 signatures of registered Biloxi voters, with the Municipal Clerk. Candidates have until April 8 at 5 p.m. to file the required paperwork. Once the April 8 deadline has passed, signatures will be verified, and, upon verification, the Biloxi Municipal Election Commission would certify the candidates.
Would-be voters, meantime, have until Saturday, March 28 at noon to register. Those who have not already registered or have moved are required to register at the Harrison County Courthouse through Friday, or Saturday at Biloxi City Hall, between 8 a.m. and noon.
See more Voter Information