A marker to commemorate the civil rights wade-ins in 1960 will be installed this weekend at a site south of the Biloxi Lighthouse, on the 50th anniversary of the wade-ins.
The ceremony will be held on Saturday, June 12 at 1:30 p.m.
Among those scheduled to speak will be Pastor Eric Dickey of First Missionary Baptist Church in Biloxi, Councilmember William Stallworth, Supervisor William Martin, and Bishop James Black, pastor of Faith Tabernacle of Praise in Biloxi.
The marker itself will be unveiled by members of Sigma Pi Phi Boule, wade-in participants and witnesses.
More online: To see the program for the ceremony Sunday, click here.
You’ve got mail — a flood of mail
It’s the time of the year when the city mails mandated reports to residents:
—Flood-zone mailer: Residents who live in low-lying areas of the city have received the city’s annual Storm and Flood newsletter designed especially for them. The four-page newsletter includes information about the enhanced requirements that govern construction in a flood zone. To see the newsletter, which was sent to owners of nearly 8,400 parcels in Biloxi, click here. The annual 12-page Storm and Flood Preparedness newsletter — a compendium of maps and tips for what to do before, during and after a storm — will be arriving in mailboxes throughout the city out in a few weeks.
—Water quality report: The city’s annual water quality report should be arriving in mailboxes of city water customers in the next 10 days or so. The report shows residents the results of drinking-water tests and provides information on steps the city takes to ensure the quality of drinking water it delivers. To see this year’s report, click here.
News and notes
Lighthouse pier follow-up: Fresh on the heels of announcing a 60-day contract to restore the Ice Wharf on Back Bay comes details of the Ligthhouse Pier project. K.R. Borries has been awarded a $316,548, 120-day contract to repair the pier that had stood south of Porter Avenue before Katrina. City Engineer expects the FEMA-funded project to be completed by Oct. 26.
Lighting follow-up: Contractors are moving the new acorn-style lampposts into position on West Beach, part of a massive federally-funded right-of-way lighting project underway throughout the city. To see background, click here.
Beauvoir Road follow-up: Contractors are continuing to make progress on the project to repair sidewalks on Beauvoir Road. Next phase of the stimulus project will be to mill and overlay the roadway itself. For details on the overall work, click here.
To see the lineup of roadwork in and around Biloxi, click here.