May is National Preservation Month, and In celebration of the numerous historic buildings that continue to stand as symbols of Biloxi’s culturally diverse development, the city is again joining with Biloxi Main Street, the Biloxi Bay Chamber and the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce to present the second annual program Thursdays in May. These history-based programs are scheduled at 5:30 p.m. on each of the four Thursday evenings in May and are free to the public.
“We’re very pleased with our 2009 lineup of Thursdays in May programs,” said Bill Raymond, executive planner and historic Administrator for the city, “as they not only feature our recently-updated historic Biloxi brochures, but showcase the diversity of people who helped shape our community.”
Beginning with “Finding Your Roots,” on May 7, the public is invited to explore resources available at the Local History and Genealogy Department of the Harrison County Library, guided by a concise “how to” presentation by the Genealogy staff. This program is being hosted in the History and Genealogy Department offices, on the third floor of the downtown post office on Main Street.
On May 14, the public is encouraged to step back in time and enjoy a guided tour, following the Historic Heart of Biloxi Walking Tour Brochure route. Costumed re-enactors, representing community leaders who helped shape downtown, will enhance the tour experience as will a mid-tour reception at the Bond-Grant House. The walking tour will begin at the Town Green promptly at 5:30 p.m.
The following Thursday, May 21, the public is invited to “Take a Trolley Through Time,” by climbing aboard a CTA trolley that will follow the East Biloxi route of the newly-updated Historic Biloxi Driving Tour Brochure. This guided tour also will begin at the Town Green; since seating is limited, please call 435-6370 by May 19 to reserve your seat.
The final Thursdays in May program, on May 28, provides another glimpse into Biloxi’s diverse history through “Biloxi Reminisces,” an exhibit featuring photographs from the 19th and 20th Century on loan from various private collections. Housed in the newly-opened Gallery 782, an artist co-op located in the historic Scherer House on the corner of Water and George E. Ohr Streets, the exhibit will be complemented by an open air reception.
“We’re hoping that the public will support this year’s celebration of preservation in Biloxi, as they did last year, by attending at least one of the Thursday programs. Last year’s programs were interesting, but this year’s are fun!” said Kay Miller, Biloxi Main Street Director.
A 2009 Preservation in May poster, featuring Biloxi downtown architecture, will be available, free of charge, at each of the Thursday programs.
For more information, please contact Bill Raymond at 435-6280 or Kay Miller at 435-6370.