Surveying work to begin on Popp’s Ferry extension

It’s going to be a few years before drivers are able to take Popp’s Ferry Road all the way down to U.S. 90, but the city continues to take steps to make the new roadway happen.

Now that a route west of the Coliseum parking garage and straddling Oakmont Place have been chosen, the city will begin surveying land in the area between Pass Road and U.S. 90 to identify existing utilities.

In fact, the city is mailing letters to about two dozen property owners to notifying them that surveyors will be in the area over the next several weeks measuring elevations and locating underground utilities. The surveying work is expected to be completed in December.

“Then,” says Director of Engineering Christy LeBatard, “we expect to begin design and concurrently begin the process of right-of-way acquisition, which could be a time-consuming process.”

Design is scheduled to be submitted to MDOT for approval in early fall 2017.

Added LeBatard: “If ROW goes without an issue and we get MDOT approval of the design without any major revisions, we would like to see this project out for bid no later than March 2018.

“The construction, which would cost from $8 million to $10 million, would run for 14 to 18 months once it begins.

“We are not yet comfortable in giving a date on when people would be driving on a Popp’s Ferry Road extension because of the variables involved, but you can surmise where we are from the process.
See the Popp’s Ferry route
See the surveying notice


Reminder: I-110 highrise to close late tonight

The I-110 highrise will close to traffic beginning at 11 tonight so that MDOT crews can perform maintenance on the bridge.

Barricades will be set up at 1-110 and U.S. 90 and at on-ramps at Division Street and Bayview Avenue.  Police officers will also be in the area to assist with traffic during the repairs.

Work is expected to be completed about 1 a.m., MDOT says.
See traffic advisory


News and notes: the visual edition

Patio 44:  To see a slideshow of construction progress at the site of Patio 44, a restaurant on Main Street, a block off U.S. 90, click here.

Woody’s:  To see a slideshow of construction progress at the site of Woody’s, a restaurant on west beach, click here.

Churchill Avenue, Day 1: Workers with city contractor Lane Construction began the initial phase today of what will be a 15-foot deep trench to repair sewer lines and a manhole at Churchill and Bay Vista in west Biloxi. Churchill will remain closed until the work is completed, expected on Friday. To see photos, click here.