Polling places citywide will be open until 7 this evening for residents to cast their ballots for the municipal party primaries in Biloxi.
Ward 6 residents are reminded that the Ward 6 polling place is the Margaret Sherry Library. A number of Ward 6 residents attempted to vote this morning at the Gulf Coast Business Technology Center, which is the Ward 7A polling place for city elections.
The complete list of city polling places and their addresses:
1A — Biloxi Community Center, 591 Howard Ave.
1B — Lopez-Quave Public Safety Center, 170 Porter Ave.
2A — Carl Ohr Fire Station, 784 Elder St.
2B — Saenger Theater, 416 Reynoir St.
3 — Masonic Lodge No. 630, 166 Veterans Ave.
4A — West Biloxi Branch Library, 2047 Pass Road
4B — Sunkist Country Club, 2381 Sunkist Country Club Road
5 — Donal Snyder Community Center, 2520 Pass Road
6 — Margaret Sherry Library & Fire Station, 2141 Popp’s
Ferry Road
7A — Business Technology Center, 1636 Popp’s
Ferry Road
7B — Fire Station No. 8 Woolmarket, 8479
Woolmarket Road
More info online
You can find a list of candidates, ward maps and other key dates for the 2009 election cycle in the voter information area of the city web site. To go there, click here.