The Biloxi Planning Commission will seek input this month aboiut the re-naming of two thoroughfares in the northern parts of the city — a portion of Highway 15, north of Old Highway 67, and a portion of Highway 67 north of the Woolmarket exit off I-10.
The hearings will be conducted Thursday, April 21, at 2 p.m. at the Community Development Department on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in downtown Biloxi.
The names changes are to minimize confusion caused by the new Highway 67 and new Highway 15.
Under the proposal, a quarter-mile section of Highway 15, from Old Highway 67 to Ray Wise Drive, will be changed to Reece Bergeron Road, a change that is also being considered by Harrison County.
The two-and-three-quarter-mile section of roadway from the I-10 Woolmarket exit to the northern city limits would be changed from its current designation of Highway 67, although no new name has been suggested.
To see a map showing the official notices of the hearings and the official public notices, click here.
Methods for you to comment on the two issues are in the hearing notices, or you can comment via email by clicking here.