The Mississippi Department of Transportation is at Biloxi City Hall today through 3 p.m. seeking pre- and post-Katrina photographs to help celebrate the November opening of the new Biloxi Bay Bridge.
Selected photos will be used as part of a slide show launching the bridge-opening ceremony. Images also may be used in print pieces, including a book of stories and images of the Coast’s recovery from Katrina.
“We are particularly interested in photographs of the Biloxi Bay Bridge before Katrina, as well as before and after shots of other roadways, bridges, and buildings in Biloxi and Ocean Springs,” MDOT Commissioner Wayne Brown said, “and we’d like to showcase neighborhood cleanup and rebuilding efforts that convey the resilience of the people of the Gulf Coast.”
Photos will be scanned and immediately returned to those visiting City Hall today.
Photos also will be scanned at Ocean Sprigns City Hall Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Digital files may be e-mailed before Sept. 7 to Submissions should include a few words identifying the subject of the photo and any thoughts the contributor would like to share.
Details: Carrie Adams, MDOT Outreach Division, at or (601) 359-7656.
Katrina debris by the numbers
The numbers are in regarding Katrina storm debris removed from the city of Biloxi.
According to debris-monitoring firm Neel-Schaffer, the city’s FEMA-supported debris removal effort, which ended Aug. 29 and had a price tag of more than $81.5 milion, saw 2.98 million cubic yards of debris removed from the city. That’s enough debris to cover a football field and stand 139.7 stories high.
The breakdown on the debris:
Burnable: 458,390 cubic yards.
Concrete, non-burnable: 2.488 million cubic yards.
Appliances: 33,391 cubic yards.
Electronics: 534 cubic yards.
To see more details on the debris-removal efforts in Biloxi, click here.