Mayor A.J. Holloway has long maintained that Biloxi needs to protect its path of future growth, and, the mayor says, a recent court ruling will protect that path, giving the city room to grow.
Holloway said he was pleased with a 133-page ruling from a specially appointed Chancery Court judge, who over several months listened to 23 days of testimony and evidence from representatives of Biloxi, D’Iberville and Harrison County before deciding the future of about 12 square miles of land north of Biloxi.
“The court went to great lengths to explain the legality and soundless of its findings,” Holloway said, “and we think it was a good decision that took all factors into account.”
To read highlights of the court’s findings, and to see the complete ruling and a color-coded map of the area, click here.
Oil spill update: Closings, openings and updated animation
The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources and the state Department of Environmental Quality on Tuesday evening announced the closing a portion of state waters. To read the release from the state agencies, click here.
Meantime, the DMR also announced the shrimping season would be opening on Thursday. To read that release, click here.
To see the animation of the spill — dating back to April 22, when the first flyovers occurred, and through today —
click here.
For more information on the spill and continuing leak, click here.
News and notes
Blessing preview: The Biloxi Blessing of the Fleet and Shrimp Festival takes place this weekend. To learn more about the event — the colorful history, photos from previous years and to see this year’s schedule and official poster — click here.
Traffic review: To see the latest on road construction work in and around the city, click here.
Cantore visit: Meteorologist Jim Cantore of The Weather Channel is scheduled to be in Biloxi next week to interview Mayor A.J. Holloway.