The Biloxi Small Craft Harbor and adjoining commercial harbor are now operating at full capacity, according to Port Division Manager Larry Sablich, but storm debris still litters harbor and marina roadways and walkways in the two publicly-owned facilities.
However, the issues at Point Cadet Marina and the Sherman L. Canaan Back Bay commercial dock are more problematic. The waters inside the marina are still strewn with floating debris. Power also has yet to be restored at the Point Cadet facility and the extent of repairs remains unknown. Electricity was temporarily restored at the Back Bay docks only to blow a fuse. Shrimp trawlers have returned to the Canaan docks, nonetheless.
On front beach, all commercial vessels have returned to the commercial dock and about half of the boaters at the small craft harbor have returned. The tenants — about 100 or so vessels in all — were required to sign a waiver relieving the city of any storm-related damage they might sustain.
Sablich was looking to relocate some vessels from Point Cadet to the small craft harbor and commercial dock while power remained out at Point Cadet.
“Side-scan sonar by a private contractor hired by the city showed that there was a piece of debris submerged near the entrance to the Biloxi Small Craft Harbor,” Sablich said, “but it was four feet below the surface and has not been an issue.”
Sonar scans have not been completed at Point Cadet because of the amount of debris remaining the marina.
Point Cadet Marina is scheduled to host the Southern Kingfish Association tournament at the end of the month, Sablich said. “In the past we’ve had as many as 200 boats from throughout the Southeast,” he added, “but given the storms this year in Florida and Texas I think they’re shooting for at least 100 boats. And, of course, we’re going to be working to resolve all our issues by then.
“Right now, we’re working on the quick-and-easy, inexpensive stuff first with an eye to the major repairs as well.”
Coming up Thursday: The status of the city’s public parks and recreational facilities.
News and note: The video edition
Knuckling up: Biloxi Public Works crews were working neighborhood streets throughout the day using a knuckle boom truck to pick up Hurricane Nate debris from roadsides. To see a video clip of the action, click here.
Meanwhile on U.S. 90: Harrison County Sand Beach Department crews today were making progress on U.S. 9o medians and moving beach debris into piles for pickup. To see a video clip of the work, click here.
And finally: Visitors to the parking area south of the Biloxi Lighthouse found today’s weather really is for the birds. To see the video explanation, click here.