Gulf Regional Planning Commission is now seeking proposals for qualified planners to facilitate the Joint Land Use Study to review issues related to potential effects of future growth for Biloxi, Keesler and the surrounding area.
The agency, which was tasked by the City of Biloxi to oversee the 24-month process, has set Nov. 30 at 5 p.m. as the deadline for proposals to be submitted. Any questions that interested agencies have must be submitted by email to no later than Nov. 16, and all questions and responses will be posted on the Gulf Regional website.
Coincidentally, Gulf Regional is also seeking proposals for a Joint Land Use Study for the Naval Construction Battalion Center in Gulfport. To see how you can obtain a copy of the Request for Proposals, click here.
Sen. Thad Cochran, chairman of the Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, announced the award of quarter-million-dollar land-use study for Keesler on Oct. 22. The study is funded by $214,000 in Department of Defense funds and $23,000 in funds from the Mississippi Development Authority.
The Biloxi study will consider issues such as height, density, encroachment, noise abatement and other factors. The city has tasked Gulf Regional Planning Commission to oversee the study and to involve the City of D’Iberville and Harrison County.
“This Joint Land Use Study is important to the future of Biloxi and Keesler Air Force Base, and we applaud Senator Cochran for his vision in making it happen,” said Biloxi Mayor Andrew “FoFo” Gilich.
Joint Land Use Studies are used by the Department of Defense to involve local stakeholders, such as local governments, in finding compatible development patterns that complement the mission of a military base and its host community.
See the Gulf Regional RFP page