Know how to prepare for a storm? For useful advice, click here.
Winds are already beginning to gust with intermittent rain as Potential Tropical Cyclone 3, which could become Tropical Storm Claudette, churns in the Gulf. In fact, outer edges of the storm are expected around noon today.
Winds could reach tropical storm force, which is over 40 mph, but the primary threat, forecasters say, will be the rain and potential flooding. As much as 10 inches of rain could fall through Sunday, depending on the storm’s track. Tides are expected to be 1 to 3 feet above normal.
No evacuation is planned at Biloxi’s public harbors and marinas, but boat owners are being asked to check their mooring lines and to stow anything on finger piers.
This morning, residents should secure loose items in their yards, such as lawn furniture or other items that could become projectiles in strong winds. Check the storm gutters in front of your home at the street. Make sure the grates at the storm drain are free of leaves or anything else that could compromise the city’s drainage systems.
Biloxi and the area from Louisiana to the Alabama/Florida border are under a Tropical Storm Warning and this afternoon at 1, a Coastal Flood Warning and a Flash Flood Watch both begin.
See the latest from National Hurricane Center
See real-time radar
Biloxi A to Z: Weather info, road work and osprey
Today’s Biloxi A to Z report has info on the storm and what to expect, a look at infrastructure work on Point Cadet, and a high-flying moment of zen Thursday at the Biloxi Small Craft Harbor.
Facebook: See today’s report
YouTube: See today’s report
COVID 19: By the numbers
Area rivers expected to crest Sunday
Here are the current heights and forecasts of the rivers from the Harrison County Emegency Operations Center:
– Biloxi River: 2.4 feet at 8:45 a.m. Forecast to crest at 16 feet Sunday morning; flood stage is 12 feet.
– Wolf River: 3.0 feet at 8:45 a.m. Forecast to crest at 10 feet Sunday morning; flood stage is 8 feet.
– Tchoutacabouffa River: 1.94 feet at 8:30 a.m. Forecast to crest at 13.5 feet Sunday morning; flood stage is 8 feet.
See real-team river gauges
News & notes: Juneteenth, storm prep, trash
Juneteenth: The annual Juneteenth celebration set for Saturday has been postponed because of inclement weather. The celebration will now take place on June 26 from 1 to 7 p.m. at John Henry Beck Park, 671 Division St. For more information, visit on Facebook by clicking here.
Sand bags: Self-serve sand bags (bring your own shovel) are available at these locations: Beck Park, 671 Division St.; Migues Park, 425 Parker St.; Cavalier Park, 2059 Lawrence St.; A.J. Holloway Sports Complex, 765 Wells Drive; Fire Station 8, 8479 Woolmarket Road; and Fire Station 9, 9370 Oaklawn Road.
R U Ready: The City of Biloxi wants to help you be ready for a storm and has put together a video with information and tips from difference organizations on how you can be prepared before, during and after a storm. To watch the nearly 45-minute video, click here.
Trash pick up: The Harrison County Utility Authority reports that as of this morning, all service routes will run on normal schedules today and Saturday. Safely secure garbage and recycling carts for the impending weather.