Older residents can receive free health screenings and wellness information on Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Donal M. Snyder Sr. Community Center as part of the 2011 Senior Health & Wellness Expo.
The event, which is being held as part of Older Americans Month, is being sponsored by the city and IP Casino Resort Spa. Free refreshments will be served.
The Snyder center is at 2520 Pass Road, in west Biloxi.
Details: Cheryl Bell or Gwen Johnson, 388-7170 or email seniors@biloxi.ms.us.
News and notes
Scholarships and awards: Biloxi High’s graduating class, which received diplomas on Sunday at the Coast Coliseum, was offered more than $6.4 million in scholarships this year. To see the names of the honorees from this year’s Senior Awards Program, chosen from a class of 301, click here.
FaƧade grants: Biloxi Main Street is now accepting applications from downtown businesses for a faƧade grade program. Main Street plans to award at least five faƧade grants valued up to $5,000 each. Applications will be accepted through June 15. Details: Kay Miller, at kmiller@biloxi.ms.us or 435-6339.