City contractors are expecting to have the final light pole on U.S. 90 installed this morning, after gusty winds delayed the project for the past two days.
The work, which is taking place on U.S. 90 just west of Oak Street, began about an hour ago and is expected to be finished by 11 a.m. Two of the six lanes of U.S. 90 at the worksite are closed to traffic until the installation is complete.
The work is the final phase of a multi-million-dollar initiative that is seeing street and pedestrian lighting repaired throughout the city. Earlier this week, sidewalk lighting became operational on the north side of U.S. 90 between White and Rodenberg avenues, the so-called “Holy Land,” where many streets off U.S. 90 are named after saints.
To read more about the federally funded lighting project,
click here.