Downtown roads to begin closing shortly

Biloxi Police will be closing streets and reducing traffic shortly in preparation for the Gulf Coast Carnival Association parade, which begins at 1 p.m.

Here’s the traffic plan:

— At noon, U.S. 90 will be reduced to two lanes from Bellman Street to Gill Avenue and I-110 south of Division is closed.

— At 12:30 p.m., the parade route closes to vehicles.

— At 1 p.m., the parade begins.

— About 4 p.m. all lanes of U.S. 90 should be re-opened, along with I-110 south of Division Street.
See the GCCA parade route


One final word: Patience

Best advice for paradegoers planning to attend the Gulf Coast Carnival Association parade on Tuesday: “Arrive early, absolutely,” says Police Chief John Miller. “Don’t think you’re going to be able to drive in in 30 minutes or even an hour before the parade begins. Expect to stay late and be patient. Take your time. If you have young children, please write their name and phone number on a card and stick it in their pocket.  Tell them to approach the nearest police officer if you become separated.”
Mardi Gras Central: Safety tips and more