The current contracted deadline of Jan. 6, 2019 has come and gone on the north contract, which means the city is now assessing infrastructure contractor Oscar Renda $6,000 a day.
Says Jennifer Matranga of Oscar Renda: “There are change orders we have in the works, namely the holdup on Reynoir Street and the expansion of drainage pipes on a half-dozen other streets. The fact is, we’re down to less than seven miles of streets that need paving, and we’re working hard to get them done.”
No doubt about it, she says: The curtain is coming down on the $128 million contract, which once saw most of the 55 miles of roadway north of the CSX turned to dirt.
Adds Matranga of pending progress: “We have put down asphalt on Querens and Graham. We are completing the deepest of the storm drain on Benachi, and should be installing road base on Porter next week. We are also installing the final course of asphalt on Oak Street, Kuhn, Laurel and additional streets on the east end of the project.”
City Desk: Hear more about infrastructure
Video: See the progress and detailed maps
Clydesdales coming to town next month
Mark Feb. 6 at 5:30 p.m. on your calendar. Sandwiched amongst the calendar of Mardi Gras parades along the Coast in February, Biloxi will have a special parade: The world-famous Budweiser Clydesdales will be in town for a late-afternoon, mid-week, mini-parade downtown.
The stately team of Clydesdales will parade from the I-110 at Howard Avenue, across the bricks on the new Howard Avenue downtown, turning south on Lameuse before stopping for photos with the public in front of City Hall.
The significance of Feb. 6? “The significance of Feb. 6 is that anytime you can get the Clydesdales, you get them,” says Don Marie of Mitchell Distributing Co. “They called us, and we said YES. I think it’s been a few years, back when Keesler did its last air show that they were in town.
“This Feb. 6 event is a great time for people to come out and see them up close — all eight of them, along with the famous Dalmatian.”
Details: 228-435-6339.
Video: Becoming a Budweiser Clydesdale