Cruisin’ the Coast takes over the downtown area Wednesday morning with the annual Downtown Biloxi Block Party, featuring three stages of live entertainment, and, of course, hundreds and hundreds of automobiles on display throughout several city blocks.
The affair will run from 8 a.m. to noon, and is free.
Among those scheduled to entertain: the Doo-Wops, Ame, Mark Schloegel, Coastal Vibrations and Richard Shropshire.
Refreshments and Cruisin’ the Coast novelty items will be available for those strolling the rows of cars.
“I think it’s going to be a great event again this year,” said city Downtown Services Manager Kay Miller. “We usually have between 800 and a thousand cars, and we’re expecting at least that many this year. We’ve actually expanded the display area slightly to accommodate as many cars as we can, and we expect the weather to cooperate nicely.”
A number of awards also will be presented to Cruisin’ the Coast car owners, including Biloxi Police Chief Bruce Dunagan’s annual “the car I’d most like to chase” honor.
To see a map of the downtown Cruisin’ layout and read more about the event, click here.
Cemetery ceremony is Thursday night
The city and Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce will re-dedicate one of the oldest landmarks in the city, the Biloxi City Cemetery, on Thursday evening with a ceremony that will feature actors portraying legendary figures interred in the cemetery, guided tours, refreshments and a blessing of the site.
The cemetery is located on U.S. 90 a couple blocks west of the Biloxi Lighthouse. Those attending the event are advised to park in the lot behind the Biloxi Elks Lodge, which is immediately west of the cemetery.
The ceremony will begin at 6 p.m. at the cemetery’s beachfront section, a 40,000 square-foot area that represents the oldest and most storm-ravaged part of the burial grounds.
For details on the ceremony, click here.
News and notes
Future stars: The city will host the NFL Pepsi Punt, Pass and Kick competition on Saturday, Oct. 13. For details on how to enter the free contest, click here.
Planning agenda: The agenda for Thursday’s Planning Commission meeting is now online. To read it,
click here.
Permit info: Biloxi has now issued more than $540 million in commercial building permits and more than $373 million in residential construction permits since Hurricane Katrina. You can read the latest report from the Community Development Department, issued today, by clicking here. A more-detailed breakdown is also in the works.