The Biloxi City Council, in a rare Monday meeting, will face an agenda of 39 measures, including a third re-visiting of the issue on whether to expand the city’s northern boundaries by 12.2-square miles.
The council is meeting on Monday at 1:30 because several council members will be out of town Tuesday, their regular meeting day.
The ordinance to re-consider annexation, proposed by Councilman Mike Fitzpatrick, would reverse the council’s August vote to proceed with the annexation, and could possibly negate a 5-2 vote several weeks ago to ask the state Public Service Commission for permission to provide municipal water and sewer service to a large portion of the area. For background on the annexation issue, click here.
Also on the agenda: a request for variances involving a proposed seven-story, 142-room Hilton Garden Inn at 1708 Beach Blvd.; a measure involving an RV park on West Oaklawn Road; and consideration of a conditional use and variances that would allow a self-service gas station and convenience store to locate south of U.S. 90 at Veterans Avenue.
To read the entire agenda and available resolutions, click here.
Weekend preview: Mayor’s Cup, concerts, hockey and more
Among the events taking place this weekend are the Mayor’s Cup Run in downtown Biloxi; a Camellia Society show; Sea Wolves games; performances by entertainers Kenny G and Charlie Daniels, and appearances by gardener Felder Rushing and author Daisy Karam-Read.
To read details on these events and others, courtesy of listings from the Mississippi Gulf Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau, click here.
News and notes
Youth dance: Biloxi public schools students ages 6 to 12 can kick off their weeklong Thanksgiving break with a city-sponsored dance tonight from 6 to 8 at the Donal M. Snyder Community Center. For details on the affair, click here.
MDOT reminder: The Mississippi Department Transportation reminds east Biloxi motorists of continuing work on Beach Boulevard. Motorists are advised that the eastbound right lane may be closed between Myrtle and Main streets. To see the lineup of road work taking place throughout the city, click here.
Webcasting: Biloxi-D’Iberville Press Editor Gene Coleman reviews the issues du jour in this week’s City Desk webcast. To listen to the program, click here.