The city’s Downtown Services office has resumed publication of its Community Calendar, a monthly compilation of community events taking place throughout the city.
The calendar is mailed to more than 500 Biloxians each month and is also posted on the city web site, accessible by clicking on the Special Events button at the bottom right of the front page.
To see the August calendar, click here.
To receive a monthly calendar vias the U.S. Mail or to submit events to be listed, e-mail information to, fax it to 228-435-6187 or mail it to Downtown Services, City of Biloxi, P.O. Box 429, Biloxi, MS 39533. Items must be submitted by the 10th of the month for the next month’s calendar.
News and notes
Finances, Part 1: The City Council this morning at 10 will hold the first of a series of budget hearings at City Hall. The city’s budget for Fiscal Year 2008 — which covers from Oct. 1, 2007 to Sept. 30, 2008 — is expected to be finalized no later than mid-September. To see the lineup of all scheduled budget hearings, click here.
Finances, Part 2 The city’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2006 is now online. You can read the document and see other city financial information by clicking here.
Thanks, CNN: Cable News Network, when notified that the Harrison County jail is not in Biloxi, voluntarily pulled the on-screen title “Biloxi Beatings” from the re-airing of an Anderson Cooper 360 segment Saturday night.