City releases list of Christmas events

The City of Biloxi, just like Santa, is making a list, but this one is not who’s naughty or nice; it’s a compendium of city-sponsored holiday events.

You’ll find the city’s traditional fare, such as the Christmas lighting of the Biloxi Lighthouse and Town Green and Christmas on the Water, but you’ll also find a few new events, such as the Spirit of Christmas at Hiller Park.

The events begin Dec. 3 with the seasonal lighting of the Biloxi Lighthouse and carry on through Dec. 20, with a Santa Claus appearance at the West End Hose Co. No. 3 Fire Museum. Additions to the list will be made frequently over the next several weeks.
See the complete list as of today


Old Highway 67 work begins Monday after Thanksgiving

Good news, Woolmarket motorists: The Woolmarket Plantation sewer installation work that’s going to close parts of Old Highway 67 for a month has been pushed back until after the Thanksgiving holiday.

The section of Old Highway 67 from near the Woolmarket Road intersection to Wren Place will be closed to traffic for a month beginning Monday at 9 a.m. The closure will allow city contractors to install the final sewer lines in a year-long $4.8 million project. Work had orginally been scheduled to begin earlier this week.

This last phase of construction covers three-quarters of a mile and is expected to be completed Dec. 30.

Motorists should use Woolmarket Road and Shriners Boulevard as detour routes. Detour signs will mark the routes, residents who live immediately near the work area will have access to their homes.

Workers will be installing eight-inch sewer lines 10 to 12 feet below the roadway. When completed next month, this phase of sewer work in Woolmarket, known as Woolmarket Plantation sewer project, will have seen 27,000 feet of sewer lines installed.
See the detour map and details


City Council meets twice on Tuesday

The Biloxi City Council has called a special meeting for Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. to discuss issues involving infrastructure work in east Biloxi, and the council will have its regularly scheduled meeting at 6 p.m. Both meetings will be at City Hall and are open to the public.

The 4:30 meeting will be in an informational workshop setting, meaning no policy votes will be conducted. Mayor Andrew “FoFo” Gilich and councilmembers will discuss progress and challenges with the city’s infrastructure work north of the CSX railway in east Biloxi, as well as progress on the plans to begin infrastructure work south of the CSX railway in east Biloxi.

The 6 p.m. meeting will include the first of two readings of the proposed short-term rental ordinance, which allows short-term rentals in east Biloxi but restricts their establishment in west Biloxi. Councilmembers will vote on the proposed ordinance at a subsequent meeting. Also on the agenda for Tuesday evening: Cedar Lake sewer improvements, repairs to the Popp’s Ferry bridge fender system and other issues.
See the agendas and supporting documents for both meetings


News and notes

Thanksgiving holidays: Non-emergency municipal offices in Biloxi will be closed Thursday and Friday in observance of Thanksgiving.  Regular schedules will resume Monday.

Spring swimming lessons: The Parks and Recreation Department’s Aquatic Division will hold registration for its spring classes on Tuesday, Dec. 1 at the Biloxi Natatorium.  Registration must be in person from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.  and will continue weekdays from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. until classes are full.  The evening lessons are available for ages five to adult. For a complete listing of classes and fees, click here.