City provides update on oil-spill activities

Here are comments made by Biloxi Director of Administration David Staehling at a briefing this afternoon about preparations and activities regarding the oil spill and continuing leak.

— The city continues to monitor the oil-spill trajectory, as well as work in concert and in support of our federal and state partners dealing with this issue. We also continue to take steps to keep the public informed.

— The city has been operating under a state of emergency for a week now. All of municipal employees have been on standby since before that time. The city has been documenting time and expense devoted to any aspect of preparation.

— Along those lines, the city’s Public Works crews a week ago pre-positioned barricades along key areas of U.S. 90 to have them ready to respond to any eventuality.

— The city is pleased that more than 15,200 feet of boom has been or is being deployed today along the waterfront in Biloxi, with another 13,200 feet proposed. To see boom map, click here.

— City engineering staff and Port Division leaders on are finalized an enhanced plan to add protective booms and sorbent pads for the city’s public marinas and harbors. The city initially requested booming from the Department of Homeland Security last week.

— The city has engaged an environmental engineer to consult with the city emergency task force to set up baseline data for measuring any environmental, ecological and economic damage or loss as a of result of the oil spill and continuing leak.

— Mayor Holloway has met with representatives of BP environmental contractors to make city property available to them for their expanding operations in Woolmarket, and the potential for areas on Point Cadet.

— The city has compiled information from nearly a thousand volunteers, and has kept those volunteers aware of training sessions being provided by BP, DEQ and DMR.

— The city has created a new presence on the city web site, to show questions and answers about volunteering, health issues, and we provide timely updates to our Bmail audience. Residents and those interested from across the country are encouraged to go to and sign up for Bmail news alerts.

— The city’s emergency managers also are helping gather data to gauge the economic impact of the spill and continuing leak, including the financial impact of canceled fishing tournaments, chartered fishing trips and similar interruptions. Those with input, should email their contact information to Linda Atterberry at

News and notes

Sign-in location: The Biloxi Small Craft Harbor has been announced as the sign-in location for the beach cleanup on Saturday. For background on the event,

clicking here.

Weekend preview: Glancing at this weekend’s entertainment offerings, you’ll find hypnotist Anthony Cools at the Beau, singer John Anderson at the Hard Rock, and community theater offerings at Center Staqe. To see the list, clicking here.