Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway joined with leaders of Gulf Coast Carnival, the Mardi Gras Museum, Biloxi Public Schools and the Biloxi Bay Chamber on Tuesday to recognize a group of elementary students that Holloway said will be the Mardi Gras organizers and leaders of the future: the 2010 Mardi Gras Shoe Box Float Contest Winners.
Holloway honored more than two dozen students from Biloxi elementary schools during the City Council meeting Tuesday. He and Biloxi Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Paul A. Tisdale presented students with Certificates of Achievement and cash awards of $20, $15 and $5, respectively, for first, second and third place winners.
The Mardi Gras Museum, Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce, Biloxi Public Schools and Gulf Coast Carnival Association help organize and sponsor the annual contest.
Gulf Coast Carnival also presented Mardi Gras doubloons to the students.
The winners:
— Beauvoir, Art Teacher, Ms. Bouvette: 1st Place, Jagger Bosh;
2nd Place, Andrew Cooper; and
3rd Place, Kaelynn Hudson.
— Gorenflo, Art Teachers Ms. Lawrence & Ms. Anderson:
1st Place, Aniadria Bounds;
2nd Place, Ethan Cervi; and
3rd Place, Casey Lucas.
— Jeff Davis, Art Teacher Ms. Bouvette:
1st Place, Ashlen Davis;
2nd Place, Evan Bowden; and
3rd Place, Britt Thallemer.
— Lopez, Teacher Mr. Huey:
1st Place, Matthew Taylor.
— Michel 6th grade, Art Teacher Ms. Milbrath:
1st Place, Tyus Wells; and
2nd Place, Austin Belcher.
— Nativity, Teacher Ms. Gruich:
1st Place, Alex Warner;
2nd Place, Gabbi Miller; and
3rd Place, Rebecca Fish.
— Nichols, Art Teachers Ms. Lawrence and Ms. Anderson:
1st Place, Jenny Nguyen;
2nd Place, McKenzie Jones; and
3rd Place, Ingrid Hernandez.
— North Bay, Art Teacher Ms. Sekul:
1st Place, Kyle McRaney;
2nd Place, Erika Beaupre; and
3rd Place Mason Thompson.
— Our Lady Of Fatima, Art Teacher Burgundy Hornsby:
1st Place, Richard Springer;
2nd Place, Kaylee Lawrence; and
3rd Place, Jackie Seymour.
— Popp’s Ferry, Art Teacher Ms. Cannon:
1st Place, Rachel Barajas;
2nd Place, Zachary Phillips; and
3rd Place, Annie Thibodeaux.
Online photos: To see photographs of the City Council ceremony and to see many of the winning creations, click here.
News and notes
More Marlin TV: If you missed the “Mississippi Roads” segment last Thursday night or Sunday (it was on against the Super Bowl), Mississippi Public Broadcasting has posted the nine-minute segment on YouTube. To see the HD video, click here.
Black History Month program: The city and Beau Rivage will sponsor a Black HIstory Month program lkater this month at the Biloxi Community Center. For details on the event and to print a flier, click here.