Do you know a retired athlete that contributed to the betterment of athletics in Biloxi or a coach or individual who has played a supporting role for more than a decade? The City of Biloxi is asking you to nominate those individuals for the Biloxi Sports Hall of Fame.
The city’s Parks & Recreation Department is now accepting applications for the 2021 class of the Biloxi Sports Hall of Fame.
Nominees must be retired at least three years if an athlete or competitor or have completed at least 15 years of service as a coach or supporter of Biloxi athletics, must have demonstrated good citizenship both in school and after leaving school, and must have contributed to the betterment of athletics in the City of Biloxi as a player, coach, or any supporting role of superior accomplishment.
Applications may be acquired weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Parks & Recreation office, 377 Hiller Drive, or online by clicking here. Application deadline is Friday, July 2.
All supporting documentation must be submitted with a completed application.
Inductees are chosen based on, but not limited to, statistical performance, individual achievement, leadership, citizenship and community service. The number of inductees each year is solely the discretion of the selection committee.
See the nomination form
See more about Biloxi Sports Hall of Fame
News & notes: Weekly report, Dronet and Jack
The week that was: If you want to get the behind-the scenes details on last week’s activity from the Biloxi Fire, Police and Community Development departments or look over a report from the city’s Engineering Department on the status of major projects, check out the weekly review. To see the reports, click here.
City Council: During the Biloxi City Council meeting Tuesday night, Mayor Andrew “FoFo” Gilich presented retiring Fire Assistant Chief Mark Dronet with a proclamation, and Jack the Biloxi Fire Dog made his first council appearance with Chief Joe Boney to announce the Dalmatian’s second trading card and the airing of the city’s hurricane preparedness production, “R U Ready?”. To see photos from the meeting, click here.