The Fourth annual Old Biloxi Cemetery Tour will take place Tuesday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
This year’s tour, titled “Biloxi’s Melting Pot,” will focus on the ethnic diversity of Biloxi’s immigrants. Re-enactors from the Biloxi High School Drama Department, Jefferson Davis campus of Gulf Coast Community College, and Biloxi Little Theatre will portray Biloxi citizens who immigrated to Biloxi from such nations as France, Spain, Germany, England, Ireland, Mexico and Croatia.
Among the nine individuals portrayed will be Salvadorre Navarro, a Mexican emigre who tutored Biloxi artist Joe Moran and made a name for himself by painting the legendary frescos in the home of Lazarro Lopez and the ceiling in Nativity Cathedral. He also designed the first Mardi Gras floats in Biloxi.
Another individual will be St Cyr Zamor (Seymour), grandson of French-Canadian voyager Jean-Baptist Baudrau dit Graveline who came to the Gulf Coast with Pierre Lemoyne Sierre d’Iberville.
Specialists from the Local History & Genealogy Department of the Biloxi Library will be on hand with family trees and other information to help you find out.
Refreshments will be provided by Beau Rivage Resort & Casino. Although the event is free to the public, donations for repair of graves will be accepted.
Parking is available at the Biloxi Elks Lodge, just west of the cemetery.
To see photos from last year’s tour, click here.